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tacitus agricola poetry in translation

Though at first Cerialis only offered him effort and risk, he later granted him his portion of glory, often allowing him a share of command to test him, sometimes increasing his allotted forces based on success. Now the gods themselves were taking pity on the Britons, with the Roman governor distant, and his army relegated to a little island; and now they themselves had taken the most difficult step, that of opening the question to debate. There were ten thousand enemy dead: on our side three hundred and sixty fell, among them Aulus Atticus, a battalion commander, whose youthful ardour and spirited steed had carried him among the enemy lines. Inexperienced as they were, they called these aspects of their subjugation, civilisation. On the battlefield the stronger force plundered its enemy, but now it was mainly unwarlike cowards who raided their homes, abducted their children, and demanded levies, as though they would face death except for their country. ‘A Roman Legion’ i. He did not live to witness the Senate encircled by armed men, the House besieged, a host of men of consular rank slaughtered, in that same reign of terror, the flight and exile of so many noble women. Thus the Germans had cast off their yoke, with only a river and not an ocean to defend them. An Introduction to the Study of Prehistoric Art - Ernest Albert Parkyn (p366, 1915) Mucianus initiated the new reign and ran affairs in Rome, Domitian being very young and simply enjoying free use of his father’s wealth. Now, the enemy, according to their nature, fled in armed groups before smaller numbers, or charged, though unarmed, of their own volition, and offered up their lives. Poetry in Translation: The Agricola and Germania, translated by A.S. Kline (2015). Whatever we have loved in Agricola, whatever we have admired, remains, and will remain, in men’s hearts, for all time, a glory to this world; for many a great name will sink to oblivion, as if unknown to fame, while Agricola, here recorded and bequeathed to posterity, shall endure. The Agricola of Tacitus. Previous battles, fought against Rome with varying success, leave the hope of salvation in our hands, for we the noblest of the Britons, dwelling in its furthest reaches, have never seen the shores of slavery, our eyes untouched by the stain of tyranny. Instead, he will cover the period from the civil wars of the Year of the Four Emperors and end with the despotism of the Flavians. For the rest, to temper his military fame, offensive to the idle, with other virtues, he drank deep of the cup of leisure and tranquillity, modest in his dress, easy in conversation, attended by only one or two friends; so that society, whose habit it is to judge great men by their ostentation, seeing and noting Agricola, questioned the extent of his reputation, comprehended by few. was merely sighted, as their orders took them only thus far, and winter was approaching. The consul (suffectus, 77AD) betrothed his daughter Julia, a girl of great promise, to me, then a mere youth, and on conclusion of his office gave her to me in marriage. So that a scattered and uneducated population, always ready on that account for war, might become accustomed through amenity to a quiet and peaceful life, he exhorted individuals and encouraged tribes to construct housing, market-places, and temples; praising the prompt, rebuking the idle, such that rivalry for compliments replaced coercion. He was retained for less than three years in Aquitania, and then recalled with hopes of an immediate consulship, to an accompanying rumour that Britain would be granted him as his province, not that he ever spoke of it, but simply because he seemed suitable. P. CORNELIVS TACITVS (c. 56 – c. 117 A.D.) ANNALES. But this was our sadness, a blow to us, that through the circumstance of our long absence he was lost to us four years before its end. So both sides separated in a state of excitement. The Britons had their country, wives, parents to fight for; the enemy fought only out of greed and a desire for luxurious living; they would retreat, as their god Julius Caesar had retreated, if Britons would emulate the courage of their forefathers. So, they say, if no clouds intervene the sun’s brightness is visible all night, not setting or rising but simply transiting. Fear and terror are sorry bonds of love: remove them, and those who cease to fear will begin to hate. Raised in her loving care he spent his boyhood and youth cultivating all the civilised accomplishments. Pietro Santi Bartoli (Italian, 1635 - 1700) Augustus, since deified, called it policy, Tiberius precedent. Their strength is on foot, though certain tribes fight from chariots, the charioteer holding the place of honour, while the retainers make war. Agricola Het eerste werk van Tacitus behoort nog niet tot de geschiedschrijving, maar tot een daarmee verwant genre. As for the games and other vanities of office, he held the mean between lavishness and thrift, far from extravagance on the one hand, closer to public opinion on the other. Een vertaling van de Agricola van Tacitus, door The Oxford Translation Revised, With Notes. In this manner they sailed round the coast of Britain, only to lose their ships on account of their lack of navigational skill. Not only in the brilliance of your life, but even in your timeliness in dying. The general public, in this otherwise preoccupied city, came often to his door, and talked of him in the market squares and in private circles. Pieter Romans (Jr.), 1832 Kline. Then the armies formed ranks, weapons gleaming, the bravest to the fore. The fourth summer (80AD) was spent securing the rapid gain in territory; and if the army’s strength and the ambitions of Rome had allowed, he would have drawn a line only at Britain’s furthest boundaries. The chances of the quaestorship brought him Asia Minor as his province (64AD), and Salvius Titianus as his pro-consul, neither of which corrupted him, though the province was rich and open to exploitation, while the proconsul was filled with greed, and ready for anything that would buy mutual silence regarding wrongdoing. Such are the Britons who were conquered some time ago; the rest remain as the Gauls once were. The soil, the climate and the character and manners of its inhabitants differ little from those of Britain, while its approaches and harbours are better known through trade and commerce. Under Agricola a Roman fleet first navigated the shore of the furthest sea (84AD), and confirmed Britain as an island, in the same voyage reaching the unexplored islands known as the Orcades (the Orkneys) and claiming them. When the final moment neared, every last breath was communicated to the palace by lines of messengers, none believing it would thus hasten any show of grief in Domitian. Their physical traits vary, and lead to speculation. L035 - Tacitus -- Dialogus, Agricola, Germania. It is honour and glory, now, to have marched so far, pierced forests, crossed estuaries, still advancing; but our prosperity of today makes for greater danger in retreat; we lack their knowledge of the terrain, their abundant supplies, but we have our sword-arms and in them we possess everything. Many indeed considered it rather a matter of self-respect than arrogance to recount their own lives, and a Rutilius Rufus or an Aemilius Scaurus could do so without scepticism or disparagement; virtue indeed being most esteemed in those ages which give birth to it most readily. If posterity wishes to know of his outward appearance, he was more handsome than imposing: there was no aggressiveness in his look: his dominant expression was benign. If posterity wishes to know of his outward appearance, he was more handsome than imposing: there was no aggressiveness in his look: his dominant expression was benign. ‘Bronze Gilt Broach. Please refer to our Privacy Policy. edited for Perseus. From Britain he returned to Rome (62AD) to take up office; wedding Domitia Decidiana, born of an illustrious line. After attacking the troops sparsely distributed among the Roman forts, and overcoming the garrisons, they invaded the colony itself (Colchester, 60/61AD), as the seat of oppression; no variant of barbarous savagery was omitted in their victorious rage. With the governor absent, and their fears banished, the Britons began to discuss the ills of servitude amongst themselves, comparing their injuries, and accentuating their grievances: they argued that nothing was achieved by submission, other than that greater demands were placed on the willing sufferers. Not having anticipated the action, Agricola lacked the presence of the fleet: yet through his resourcefulness and determination the straits were bridged. The British Library. He granted him forces for the voyage, and terror ran before them. So they sought peace, and surrendered the island, regarding Agricola as a great man, a brilliant general, who on entering the province, at the moment others spent in ostentation, courting attention, chose effort and danger. The red-haired, large-limbed inhabitants of Caledonia suggest a Germanic origin; while the dark colouration of the Silures (of South Wales), their plentiful curls, and the relative position of Spain, attests to immigrant Iberians in former times, who occupied the area; again, those nearest the Gauls are like them, whether because of the enduring power of heredity, or because the common climate of two projecting lands that face each other moulds the physique. Yet when summer came, he led his concentrated forces on many a campaign, commending discipline, coercing stragglers: he himself chose the sites for camp, he was the first to explore the estuaries and forests; and meanwhile no rest was allowed the enemy, who were no less prevented from sudden raids. turned to flight, not in groups as before, nor with any regard one for another, but scattering and taking evasive action made singly for their distant lairs. For, as the Caledonians reached the woods, knowing the ground, they rallied and began to surround the foremost of their incautious pursuers. Fired by such arguments as these, the whole nation took up arms, under the leadership of Boudicca (Boedicea), a woman of royal blood (since they recognise no distinction of gender among their rulers). Tacitus, Publius Cornelius (c.56–c.120) - The Agricola Publius Cornelius Tacitus - The Agricola - in a new freely downloadable translation Saved by Poetry in Translation Aesica, Northumberland’ To be sure we had received his wishes, his last requests to enshrine deeply in our hearts. His praestorship (68AD) followed the same even tenor; no judicial duties falling to his lot. The land is tolerant of crops, except the olive, vine and other fruit of warmer countries, and is prolific of cattle. Gnaeus Julius Agricola was born in the ancient and illustrious colony of Forum Julii (Fréjus), and his grandfathers were both Imperial procurators, a noble equestrian office. The History of Great Britain: from the First Invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Cæsar - Robert Henry, Malcolm Laing, John Adams (p531, 1789) He attributed his good fortune, as the inferior, to his leader and commander. Agricola was the first governor to make the fleet an arm of his forces, a fine sight as it followed his progress, since the war was advanced by land and sea simultaneously. Not only was the frontier of empire, the shore of the Danube, in danger, but the winter-quarters of the legions and the retention of whole provinces. A History of all Nations from the Earliest Times - John Henry Wright (p225, 1905) After him, Suetonius Paulinus (58-62AD) experienced two years of success, subduing tribes and strengthening garrisons: and based on that success advanced towards the island of Mona (Anglesey) which harboured rebel forces, leaving his rear-guard exposed to surprise attack. Yet when he had sufficiently overawed them, by sparing them he again revealed the attractions of peace. So Agricola was pushed precipitously towards the very attention he had avoided, both by his own qualities and others faults. Moreover in such matters the danger was not in being bold but in being discovered. The Rijksmuseum. Tacitus’ Annals set out to cover the history of the Roman Empire from the death of Augustus and the accession of Tiberius to the later part of Nero’s reign. Some said he was more than severe in censure: though as gracious to the deserving as he was caustic to the undeserving. It is not because they made a stand that you have come upon them, but because they have been surprised. That same summer, a battalion of the Usipii, enrolled in Germany and shipped to Britain, committed a great and memorable crime. There is nothing beyond them to fear; empty forts, veterans’ colonies, weak and quarrelsome townships of disaffected founders and unjust rulers. Agricola, fearing that from the enemy’s superiority of force he would be simultaneously attacked in front and on the flanks, widened his ranks, and though his line was likely to be too extended, and several officers advised him to bring up the legions, yet, so sanguine was he, so resolute in meeting danger, he sent away his horse and took his stand on foot before the colours. Then Agricola, fearing the enemy numbers were superior, extended his lines so as not to be attacked in front and on the flanks simultaneously, though his ranks would be stretched, and many called on him to deploy the legionaries, but he, more resolutely hopeful and firmly opposed to it, instead dismissed his mount and placed himself before the troops. Fame which even good men often covet, he never sought, neither by parading his virtues, nor by practising intrigue: incapable of fuelling rivalry with colleagues nor contending with the agents of empire, he thought it inglorious to succeed so, and sordid to be thus contaminated. : Random House, Inc. Random House, Inc. 1876. reprinted 1942. So weapons and war, virtues to the strong, are also the best refuge of the coward. He mitigated the demands for grain and other tributes by equalising the burden, curtailing such schemes for profit as were harder to tolerate than the tribute itself. What was left to him, after murdering his mother... Annals BookI-1to30: Tiberius accedes to power, Annals BookI-31to54: Germanicus at war in Germany, Annals BookI-55to81: Tiberius tightens his grip, Annals BookII-1to32: Germanicus victorious, Annals BookII-33to54: Trouble in the East, Annals BookII-55to88: The death of Germanicus, Annals BookIII-1to34: The trial of Gnaeus Piso, War in North Africa, Annals BookIII-56to76: The decline of the Senate, Annals BookIV-1to33: The rise of Sejanus, the death of Drusus, Annals BookIV-34to58: Tiberius retires from Rome, Annals BookVI-1to30: Tiberius increasingly despotic, Annals BookVI-31to51: The death of Tiberius, Caligula accedes, Annals BookXI-1to38: Claudius and Messalina, Annals BookXII-1to40: Claudius and Agrippina, campaign in Britain, Annals BookXII-41to69: The murder of Claudius, Annals BookXIII-1to33: Nero and Agrippina, Annals BookXIII-34to58: War in Armenia and Germany, Annals BookXIV-1to39: The murder of Agrippina, war in Armenia and Britain, Annals BookXIV-40to65: Nero’s grip tightens, Annals BookXV-1to32: War with Parthia over Armenia, Annals BookXV-33to47: Nero runs amok, the Great Fire, Annals BookXV-48to74: The Piso conspiracy. Be that as it may, the enemy, seeing the pursuit renewed by unbroken ranks of our troops. The question of who indeed first inhabited Britain, and whether they are indigenous or newcomers, is, as usual among barbarous nations, difficult to ascertain. Soon the Civil War was upon us; Rome’s leaders turned their weapons on the State; and even though peace came Britain was long neglected. Pride and courage, moreover, in a subject displeases their rulers: our distance from them and obscurity, even as they protect us, make us more suspect. ), such that Agricola’s caution was no less in evidence than Domitian’s quiet menace. My father-in-law often said that with one legion and a contingent of auxiliaries Ireland could be conquered and held; and that it would be useful as regards Britain also, since Roman troops would be everywhere, and the prospect of independence would fade from view. We would have lost memory itself as well as speech if to forget were as easy as to be silent. It is said he spoke in the following manner to the gathered host demanding battle: ‘When I consider the causes of this war and our present situation, my spirit rises at the thought that this very day, and the unity you show, will bring freedom to all Britain; for united here and untouched by slavery, there is no land behind and the very sea is insecure, threatened as we are by the Roman fleet. Poetry in Translation: The Agricola and Germania, translated by A.S. Kline (2015). But the Britons are spirited, not yet emasculated by years of peace. Beginning with himself and his entourage, he set his own house in order, which is as difficult a thing for most as to rule a province. The History of Great Britain: from the First Invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Cæsar - Robert Henry, Malcolm Laing, John Adams (p602, 1789) So the Caledonians’ tactic recoiled on themselves, since, at an order from our general, the front line squadrons switched to attacking the enemy from behind. Various armies in Moesia, Dacia, Germany and Pannonia were destroyed by the rashness or inattention of their generals (84-94AD) many battalions and their officers, were defeated and taken captive. Once they each had one master: now two were imposed on them – a governor to extract their blood, a procurator their possessions. Nevertheless, his anger left nothing concealed, and there was no reason to fear his silence: he considered it nobler to disconcert than to hate. Britain produces gold, silver and other metals, the prize of conquest. We use cookies for essential site functions and for social media integration. Internet Archive Book Images. Be that as it may, he was aware of the attitude of the provincials and, learning from others experience that force achieved little if injustice followed, he decided to eliminate the reasons for conflict. Furthermore the wearing of our clothing was seen as a distinction, and the toga became fashionable. Agricola was neither slapdash, in the manner of those young men who treat soldiering as a game, nor traded idly on his tribune’s role and inexperience to win leave for pleasure; rather he gained knowledge of the province, made himself known to the men, learnt from the experts, followed the best, sought nothing in ostentation, but shrank from nothing in fear, behaving as one eager but cautious. Nothing was beyond reach of their greed or lust. The deterioration of senatorial freedom and of the moral character of the aristocracy under Tiberius, whose reign starts well but ultimately descends into quasi-tyranny, is well-portrayed, and his detailed portrait of Tiberius is memorable. Nor do we have a better weapon against the stronger tribes than this lack of common purpose. agricola summary amp study guide supersummary. Theft, slaughter, rapine they misname empire, they make a desert and call it peace.’. Even now, with success, Agricola refrained from boastfulness and talk of campaigns or victories, in controlling a conquered nation; nor did he attach laurels to his despatches; yet his deprecation of his achievements, added to them, considering how great his future hopes must have been given his silence regarding so great an outcome. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama - Ebenezer Cobham Brewer (p270, 1892) Had Suetonius Paulinus not learned of the uprising in his province and rushed to the rescue, Britain would have been lost. And since warfare could not be conducted after the end of summer, he led his troops down to the territory of the Boresti. Many imagine that the soldier’s mind lacks subtlety, since his jurisdiction in camp is assured and dealings there are heavy-handed, without the need for legal skills. His third year of campaigning (79AD) uncovered new tribes, harrying them as far as Taus, as the estuary is named (Firth of Tay?). Addeddate 2007-02-15 16:40:31 Call number srlf_ucla:LAGE-3274618 Romeyn de Hooghe, 1672 Agricola was born on the 13th of June, in the third of Caligula’s consulships (AD40) and died in his fifty-fourth year on the 23rd of August, in the consulship of Collega and Priscinus (AD93). But to me, and to my wife, his daughter, besides the bitterness of losing a father is added our grief at not sitting beside his sickbed, comforting him in dying, sating our need to gaze on him and embrace him. The Rijksmuseum. A joyful night indeed of triumph and plunder for the victors: while the Caledonians dispersing, amidst the lamentations of men and women alike, dragged away their wounded, gathered those unhurt, and abandoned their dwellings, even setting fire to them in their anger. Multiple formats. The weather in Britain is foul, with dense cloud and rain; but the cold is not severe. They were treated as pirates, and some were put to death by the Suebi, others later by the Frisii. ‘A Map of Britain in the Most Perfect State of Roman Power and Government’ Multiple formats. Soon age and reason calmed him, and he preserved, as is most difficult, moderation in his studies. Copyright © 2017 A. S. Kline, All Rights Reserved Indeed we have given signal proof of our subservience; and just as former ages saw the extremes of liberty, so ours those of servitude, robbed by informants of even the ears and tongue of conversation. Knowing everything, but not pursuing everything, he showed indulgence to small sins, severity towards the greatest, content often with a show of penitence, rather than forever exacting punishment; advancing to office and position those unlikely to offend rather than condemning those who did. I doubt not that all tributes due to you, best of fathers, were more than rendered in your honour, by the fondest of wives at your bedside; yet too few still were the tears shed as you were buried, and something your eyes longed for as they last sought the light. However, once Vespasian had strengthened the empire, including Britain, with good generals and excellent troops the enemy hopes withered. ‘Two Roman Soldiers’ But in this day and age, though I set out to write the life of one already dead, I am forced to seek the indulgence which an attack upon him would not require, so savage is the spirit of these times, and hostile to virtue. Agricola had given sanctuary to a minor chieftain driven from home by faction, and held him, under the cloak of friendship, until occasion demanded. Fearing to be surrounded, since the enemy was superior in numbers and their knowledge of the terrain, he split the army into three divisions and advanced. Let those whose way it is to admire only what is rebellious, learn that great men can exist even under bad leaders, and obedience and moderation, if accompanied by industry and vigour, achieve that glory more often realised through dangerous actions, without benefit to the state, and an ostentatious end. New York. Be that as it may, in the summer in which he began his sixth year of governance (83AD) he embraced the tribes beyond the Firth of Forth in his operations, fearing a general uprising among all the communities on that side, and he explored the coastline with his navy, nervous of land routes threatened by a hostile host. Now, however, the furthest limits of Britain are thrown open, and the unknown always passes for the marvellous. Slaves born to servitude are sold once and for all, and fed by their masters free of cost: Britain pays daily for her own enslavement, and daily nourishes it. Conditions and Exceptions apply. Filled with terror, the enemy did not dare to attack our forces, though these suffered from the atrocious weather, and there was the opportunity to establish forts. Livy the most eloquent of ancient and Fabius Rusticus of modern authors respectively likened its shape to a lengthened shoulder-blade, or a double axe-head. © Copyright 2000-2021 A. S. Kline, All Rights Reserved. These are they who, furtively at night, attacked and were driven off by the noise of a single legion. As Tacitus’ final and most mature work, the Annals exhibit his strong grasp of power politics and his lucid insight into imperial psychology. Can anyone recommend the best edition/s (good English translation, notes, etc.) The legions fronted the rampart, a source of great pride in the event of victory without shedding Roman blood, as reinforcements if the army was repulsed. tacitus the agricola and germania poetry in translation. And just as, in our predecessors’ times, the age was more favourable and open to actions worth recording, so distinguished men of ability were led to produce those records of virtue, not to curry favour or from ambition, but for the reward of a good conscience. We hear the Gauls too were once warlike: later quiet brought sluggishness, and courage and liberty were lost together. So the fiercest of the Britons have already fallen, only a collection of timorous cowards remain. The year arrived, in which lots were to be drawn for the governorship of Africa, and that of Asia Minor, whose previous governor, Civica, had recently been executed (in 88AD? Julius Graecinus, his father, was a Senator noted for his pursuit of rhetoric and philosophy; the very virtues which earned for him Caligula’s anger; ordered to prosecute Marcus Silanus he refused and was put to death. I remember how he used to say himself that when young he was inclined to drink more deeply of philosophy than is acceptable for a Roman and a Senator, his mother’s prudence restraining his glowing passion. They lived in wonderful harmony, through their mutual affection and wish to put each other first, a good wife deserving greater praise the more one finds fault with a bad one. Publication date 1894 Publisher London : Methuen & Co. Collection cdl; americana Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor University of California Libraries Language English. Agricola, meanwhile, decided to confront the danger, although summer was now ending, his forces were scattered throughout the province, and his soldiers had ceased their campaigns for that year, which would hinder and delay a re-commencement, and despite the majority view which was rather for keeping an eye on the disaffected areas. Online Introduction to “Tacitus’ Germany & Agricola” Handy Literal Translations was a series of 92 books published in the early 1900’s. It is characteristic of human nature to hate those you have harmed: but in truth Domitian, though irritable by nature, and as unrelenting as he was secretive, was mollified by Agricola’s moderation and discretion, who neither invited infamy and ruin through defiance or a foolish show of independence. Therefore rather an honourable death than shameful life, and situated as we are safety and glory are one; nor would it be inglorious to die where earth and nature end.’, ‘Reliefs on the Column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome’ Agricola was born on the 13th of June, in the third of Caligula’s consulships (AD40) and died in his fifty-fourth year on the 23rd of August, in the consulship of Collega and Priscinus (AD93). National Gallery of Art | NGA Images. © Copyright 2000-2021 A. S. Kline, All Rights Reserved. He could not boast of excessive riches, but had ample wealth. Thieves of the world, lacking lands now to devastate, they rove the sea. His mother was Julia Procilla, a woman of rare rectitude. The following winter passed without disturbance, and was employed in salutary measures. So as the losses mounted, and every year witnessed death and disaster, popular voices began to demand Agricola’s recall. Mucianus sent Agricola to levy soldiers and, as he showed energy and loyalty, appointed him to Britain, to command the Twentieth Legion (Valeria Victrix), which had been slow to transfer its allegiance, his predecessor (Coelius), it was said, having behaved mutinously: indeed the fearsome legion had proved too much even for consular command, such that the praetorian commander had no power to restrain them, whether due to his or the soldiers’ character. The Agricola (Latin: De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae, lit. The Rijksmuseum. What does Tacitus mean? To refer to the honesty and restraint of such a man is almost to insult virtue itself. The extent of daylight is outside our usual measure, the nights in the far north of Britain being clear and short, so that there is only a brief time between dusk and the dawn half-light. PDF of public domain Loeb edition in Latin and English. Therefore abandon all hope of pardon, and even now take thought, as to which is dearest, safety or glory. Didius Gallus (52-57AD) who followed, maintained his predecessors’ territory, and established a few forts in remoter areas, to gain credit for expanding the province. It is common knowledge that Caligula considered invading Britain (40AD), but his fickle mind was quick to repent of it, besides his great designs in Germany were frustrated. Throughout these campaigns, on every battlefield, whether fortitude against our enemies or patience and effort against nature itself was needed, I have never regretted my faith in you, nor you in your leader. Now here, a real and notable victory, with thousands of enemies slain, was being celebrated to great acclaim. [1.1] Clārōrum virōrum facta mōrēsque posterīs trādere, antīquitus ūsitātum, nē nostrīs quidem temporibus quamquam incūriōsa suōrum aetās omīsit, quotiēns magna aliqua ac nōbilis virtūs vīcit ac supergressa est vītium parvīs magnīsque cīvitātibus commūne, ignōrantiam rēctī et invidiam. Tacitus was son-in-law to Agricola; and while filial piety breathes through his work, he never departs from the integrity of his own character.

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