Press J to jump to the feed. Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have similar analytical features on the creator-side of their projects but Kickstarter creators can utilize Kicktraq—a Chrome extension plugin that provides predictions for how a Kickstarter project will ultimately end. Kicktraq. Check out my Kicktraq chart. ... We’re launching an Indiegogo campaign for our product, the Arc Hub. But don’t take my word for it. Kickstarter has added a “Live” feature which is similar to Facebook Live videos but I don’t think they are very helpful for indie authors’ campaigns who are relying on readers from outside of the platform itself. Do a search for backlinks of companies raising funds on crowdfunding platforms. At /r/Kickstarter we aim to promote a healthy space for project creators and backers to talk. Requirements. Please check it out and if you can't support it just give us a shout out. This anonymous feature may result in more backers but it also makes it impossible to properly thank your Aunt Mary for generously contributing to your campaign. Grab those emails and enter them into your newsletter provider like Mailerlite or MailChimp if you want to hang onto them. You really need to head over to the Writing and Publishing category and poke around to see what the average funding levels are for books in your genre. The number of RPG-related projects available jumped from prior weeks to twenty including ten Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition-related RPGs as well as two RPG news-related campaigns.As you’ll see in the charts, the numbers continue to be steady for many projects. Here’s more information on their referral program. Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have similar analytical features on the creator-side of their projects but Kickstarter creators can utilize Kicktraq—a Chrome extension plugin that provides predictions for how a Kickstarter project will ultimately end. Don’t forget to use Kicktraq to look at other successful campaigns that are similar to yours and see the number of backers they attracted and the total funds raised. Rewards on Kickstarter are listed in ascending value (cheapest reward is listed first) which means that more backers are going to select the first thing they see unless they scroll down. See their statistics for publishing projects here: IndieGoGo’s backend analytics are pretty cool but they won’t show you how your campaign is trending into the future—only past contribution levels. You'll need a PC, laptop or mobile phone to access the course. Yesterday, the crowdfunding platform announced its new dashboard would give campaigners access to data, marking which Web sites were driving the most campaign traffic and attracting the most contributions. Pro tip: Don’t lose your emails! Thanks, that doesn't seem to be clear how you get your project on their unlike kicktraq with it's tools for project owners. And who wants to scroll down?!? While Goralski considered hosting his project on Indiegogo, he opted for Kickstarter because he feels it is more established, has raised more money, and reaches more backers. Those books were not successfully funded on IGG. September 15, 2019 Micke contribution in arabic, contribution in hindi, contribution meaning in english, contributions, contributions synonym, how to pronounce contribution, Kicktraq, kicktraq aquabats, kicktraq confrontation, kicktraq critical role, kicktraq etherfields, kicktraq for indiegogo, kicktraq hate, kicktraq overturn, kicktraq trudvang, synonyms for the word contributions 0 comment June 2017. When My Super Science Heroesfound amazing success on IndieGoGo and I got to see firsthand how the email capture, Featured reward, and referral options worked, shockingly, I discovered that I preferred IndieGoGo’s features over Kickstarter’s. Pro tip: Set your featured reward to the average pledge you’d like to have for your campaign. Learn how to become a staff pick and get featured on crowdfunding sites. Either way, when you’re on IGG doing research on books in your genre, be sure to look out for books that were actually acquired through this program. Crowdfunding platform Indiegogo has added a slew of new features to its service, giving campaigners a new dashboard with data and analytics for their campaigns.. Sexy superheroine art, comix and cosplay photos by DC/Marvel/Vampirella/Penthouse Comix artist Mark Beachum. How to use web scrapers to spy on your crowdfunding competitors. Creators on Kickstarter will need to collect emails using a separate lead generator or on their own websites. IndieGoGo wins over Kickstarter in this category. Here’s more information on their referral program. You can successfully crowdfund books on either Kickstarter and IndieGoGo platforms. US Senate passes $1.9tn Covid-19 relief plan. For this episode of Art of the Kickstart, we talked to Adam Clark of Kicktraq, a site that offers analytics and other tools for Kickstarter project creators and backers.Tune in to learn more about how Kicktraq measures campaign metrics, and how their tools can help you make your campaign a success or find a cool new project to back. In doing so, Kickstarter backers (usually a distant relative who has never backed a campaign before) thinks that they are getting emails from Kickstarter itself and not you directly. It’s a 7-in-1 USB-C hub for the Macbook. Kicktraq Kicktraq is primarily an advertising platform for crowdfunding projects. This is just a screenshot—don’t enter your email here , Not only will they help you collect emails but they feature your landing page on their website under “Launching Soon.”. They really don’t care if it’s on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo because it’s all foreign to them anyway. A lot of people mistakenly think that the general population has heard of a Kickstarter more often than an IndieGoGo campaign and therefore, they are better off launching on Kickstarter. Kicktraq 6) Kicktraq. thank you. CrowdLogs does Indiegogo, Kickstarter, Subbable and Patreon. His crowdfunding strategies have brought in over $50 million on various crowdfunding platforms including Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Kicktraq: The Crowdfunding Analytics & Discovery Platform! For the most part, it would be used to get a campaign highlighted. Any fan of 90s animation is sure to remember Cornelius, Chester, Clifford, Angus and Maxwell, the failed rock band which found magical stones to gain super powers and protect their kingdom from the evil Zok. I have to thank Mat Walker for tipping me off about this cool project tracking tool for Kickstarter projects. According to Indiegogo, Monday or Tuesday are good days to launch especially since backers are more engaged with their email early in the week.You can play it safe and launch on popular days or you can identify truly what works for you depending on the target audience and region. Follow Indiegogo reports: The easy way is to go by Indiegogo reports. Which platform you choose is really up to your personal preference. Kicktraq provides a lot of data for its users—you can see how quickly crowdfunding campaigns have raised their money and how much they are forecasted to raise given their momentum. Don’t set your reward value too low and lose out on awesome conversion opportunities. So take note of these in your spreadsheet, campaign dates, target, total funding and title. September 15, 2019 Micke contribution in arabic, contribution in hindi, contribution meaning in english, contributions, contributions synonym, how to pronounce contribution, Kicktraq, kicktraq aquabats, kicktraq confrontation, kicktraq critical role, kicktraq etherfields, kicktraq for indiegogo, kicktraq hate, kicktraq overturn, kicktraq trudvang, synonyms for the word contributions Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Crowdfunding tips. Also the current projects I've searched for don't seem to be there. Log in sign up. Kicktraq shows funding goals and the trends towards that goal. mark beachum is raising funds for supergurLz v2 artbook on Kickstarter! IndieGoGo provides a landing page where you can collect emails from people who are interested in your book. You can also look at pledging levels per day, average pledges and how many people have supported the project. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Kicktraq : Des infos en temps réel sur les projets Kickstarter 13 avril 2015 Adrien Marketing , Réseaux sociaux , Web 0 Vous êtes fans des sites de crowfunding tels que Indiegogo ou Kickstarter, vous devriez aimer cette petite découverte que j’ai faite il y a quelques jours ! 4. Here’s their comparison chart between IGG and Kickstarter. Here we can see the stats on kicktraq for the Oomph Coffee Maker. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In this article, I will make suggestions to help you decide which one is best for you and your book. I really do like the low and high projections Kicktraq gives you. Choose the platform that feels right for you since you’re going to be directing your audience to that page anyway.Winner: Draw. I have no idea how many Writing and Publishing projects have been launched on IndieGoGo because they haven’t published category-specific statistics and many of their campaigns are acquired through their InDemand program (described below). It offers little else in the way of services related to crowdfunding, but highlights popular campaigns across a range of platforms (Kickstarter, Indiegogo etc.). Top Stories. Kicktraq. Salvador Briggman shares how to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign using cutting-edge tactics, techniques, and strategies. My site ( currently tracks Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Patreon and Subbable projects. It’s more of a tool that tracks data, issues forecasts and showcases the most popular campaigns. Such work. “The Three Phase One E-Bike” another successful Indiegogo scam. Kickstarter doesn’t have this feature built into the platform so you’ll have to do it using another referral program. You’ll be contacted by IGG to feature your campaign as part of their InDemand Program. “I looked closely at what kind of campaigns they take,” he says, adding he also spoke with creators of past successful projects. Setting rewards too low is a common mistake that indie authors make. IndieGoGo creators need to grab those emails before your campaign goes live because that same page turns into your campaign page and those emails disappear. In this interview, you’ll learn what Clark believes is most important in building a successful crowdfunding campaign as well as the benefits of advertising on Kicktraq, the one place you’re sure to reach your target audience: crowdfunders. User account menu. Now this is ONLY FOR KICKSTARTER, for Indiegogo it’s a little more hardwork, there is no kicktraq type site we are aware of. I … Here’s how one Kickstarter creator incentivized shares via a referral contest. Here’s how one Kickstarter creator incentivized shares via a referral contest, Enroll in my FREE mini course on Crowdfunding Your Book here, Lessons Learned from Launching 7 Kickstarter Campaigns, Discover the Magic and Chaos of Motherhood on Kickstarter, Fully Funded in 24 hours: Love Lottery Success on Kickstarter, Bringing The Fairy Who Sings to Life on Crowdfunder, A Tree Could Be—Gina Stevens Raises $9700 in 3 Weeks on Kickstarter. One has to know exactly where to look to “stumble upon” those projects whereas Kickstarter makes it very easy to navigate from the homepage. The InDemand program allows you to redirect backers who missed your original campaign to order your books through their website. How to drive a … These guys didn’t even try to hide their photoshop work. Kickstarter has launched 42k projects in the Publishing category with a success rate of 31%. If you launch on Kickstarter your Kickstarter page will no longer accept backers once the campaign ends. This amazing tools list will help you through your crowdfunding journey making things smooth and easy. *. They slapped their name on a cheap e-bike, made a slick video and erased the actual name of the product – one that has been sold around the world for years. How to create the entire campaign from beginning to end. Learn how the Kickstarter/Indiegogo ranking algorithms work. Kicktraq is like Google Analytics for Kickstarter campaigns. Kickstarter Advice r/ KickstarterAdvice. Unfortunately, Kickstarter holds your backers’ emails hostage during your campaign and only allows creators to communicate using the Kickstarter platform itself. It won’t really hurt you to do this, but I’d rather direct folks to buy my book directly from me using PayPal or Stripe and pay those fees (~6%) rather than the IndieGoGo platform fees plus payment processing fees. I often get frustrated with IndieGoGo because they bury their Writing and Publishing projects on the front page of the website. When I launched my second book on Kickstarter, I was wholly convinced that it was the platform for me. Kicktraq : Des infos en temps réel sur les projets Kickstarter 13 avril 2015 Adrien 0 Vous êtes fans des sites de crowfunding tels que Indiegogo ou Kickstarter, vous devriez aimer cette petite découverte que j’ai faite il y a quelques jours ! Indiegogo. Gabriel Bestard-Ribas, whose Goji smart lock raised more than $300,000 on Indiegogo, did just that. At an initial glance, all the software tools seem to be decently accurate. "I got advice from people who had run successful campaigns, asking for … IndieGoGo is much less transparent about their stats and requires a bit more digging. IndieGoGo campaigns have a neat “Featured Reward” designation that pins whatever reward you want to the top of your campaign so people are more likely to select that reward. They generally ignore these emails and wonder why you’re not communicating with them (insert eye roll emoji here). Funding efforts for Frontiers, an exploration and survival game from indie developer Lars Simkins, relaunched via Kickstarter following developer dissatisfaction with the game's IndieGoGo … The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Here’s what it looks like—you have to hover over the question mark icon to get the truth about where that author found success. Petoi is raising funds for Petoi Bittle: A Palm-sized Robot Dog for STEM and Fun on Kickstarter! Address PO Box 185 184 22 Åkersberga Sweden, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Lisa Ferland is a crowdfunding consultant for authors, a Kickstarter superbacker/addict, and an indie-publisher who is dedicated to helping others DIY their way to a professional, high-quality book that doesn’t break the bank. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Your email address will not be published. The Indiegogo campaign started in May and has raised more than $200,000 from 963 backers as of late August. Templates & Trello board. 6 years ago. let me check it out and see if they can help me understand indiegogo projects better, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the kickstarter community. Unlike kicktraq, crowdlogs also tracks perks. IndieGoGo wisely sees this as an opportunity to swoop in and acquire successful projects to their platform. Be sure to read the “About us” part from both websites bearing in mind that they are giving you the FAQs with a natural bias to promote their platform. If you're not using Kicktraq check it out & submit your Kickstarter project! Part II of my exclusive interview with Adam Clark of Kicktraq is where we get into the really good stuff. Please check out our self-promotion sticky before posting your project. Rob Liefeld Launches New BRIGADE IndieGoGo Despite Never Fulfilling Previous Kickstarter Written by Tim Midura on Thursday, November 01 2018 and posted in News with Benefits If you are on Kickstarter, use Kicktraq to get a glimpse of what happened in the course of the project. Hop over to both websites, back a few projects, and decide for yourself. Most people who you will want to support your campaign have zero clue what crowdfunding is and will need a step-by-step explanation. MOST UP TO DATE - A step-by-step approach to growth hack your crowdfunding campaign. Bring down the technical and cost barriers of dynamic quadruped robot to an open-source pet Your email address will not be published. Crowdlogs. IndieGoGo gives you backers’ emails as the pledges come in, which is great for adding them to your newsletter provider and communicating with them directly. Currency conversions are estimated and should be used for informational purposes only. IndieGoGo has a great feature that automatically makes every backer into a referrer if they share the project link when they are logged in. Kicktraq. CrowdLogs does Indiegogo, Kickstarter, Subbable and Patreon. When setting your funding goal, make sure to account for production and manufacturing costs, employee salaries, company overheads such as rent, and packaging and shipping costs. Kickstarter also has a new “anonymous backer” option which allows backers to hide their identities from creators. Kickstarter does a great job of making their statistics on successful and failed projects easy to find. Julia Miles Inserro Takes Creative Control, This week I look at crowdfunding projects from Kickstarter, GameOnTabletop, and IndieGoGo that end by June 4th. However, Kicktraq sets them trending towards $3 million on the first screen and $1.8-$2.4 million on the second … No new books out in the stores today (don't worry we have a slew com... ing in the next weeks so be on the look out)...we just launched our Gold Digger COLOR BRICK 8 Kickstarter this is the same campaign as on Indiegogo but we know some like Indiegogo and some like Kickstarter so now you have options. ... Indiegogo is the pioneer in reward-based crowdfunding sector and has its own great page of top-funded crowdfunding campaigns. Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects welcome! Communicating with your backers is a huge part of engaging and encouraging your backers to share the campaign. According to Indiegogo, most backers are most active and engaged on a Monday.
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