report. To be clear, this doesn’t only benefit us for combats. Rusviet has a bit more luxury on this end being able to move every turn if we want. Introduction to Scythe Board Game Factions Comparison. Nobody's really explained it to me (and I'm too dumb to have stumbled on it myself). The only reason to go longer is if Objectives aren’t possible to complete. 8 comments. Truly, to counter them at all you have to start the game saying “I am going to make things difficult for Rusviet”. The Rusviet mech, with its war scythes, is a formidable figure on the battlefield. If you can steal some food in the process that is rad as well. The Rusviet Tsardom, or simply Rusviet, is a nation and faction in the world of 1920+. We have Township! Rusviet Industrial. This thread is archived. We won’t have much difficulty getting to a Farm territory either while playing Rusviet, just need a Riverwalk Mech and the decisiveness to pick which one of the two adjacent Farms we like more to the north of us. Okay! Each player begins the game with different resources (strength, victory points, movement capabilities, and popularity), their choice of several faction-specific abilities, and a hidden goal. Turn 6: pay 1 money to bolster 2 power (3 total). Das Steampunk Setting begeisterte mich von Anfang an. btw I win rare vs 4 hard AI with different combination) The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Beautiful game created by Jakub Rozalski and Jamey Stegmaier is loved by millions of players all over the world. turn 1-3 keep producing, turn 3 speed mech, turn 3 max worker = 1 star turn 4 move to redistrubte workers on steel and oil, as well as get leader to event (take popularity) then you just alternate between produce/deploy and bolster/upgrade. The one located on the Tundra in the starting zone, and the one on the Farm just north of Rusviet’s home base. But depending on the situation you may need to spread out, go for easy combats, stall, or get objective. 8. In your opinion do you think Rusviet is “overpowered” to an unfair extent? Everyone?! Bolster, Deploy (any) **Mech star** **Power Star** Using a turn to get an extra move action is usually worth it for me while also making our mechs cost less since that’s the real coin-maker for us. Maybe not to an unfair extent, because there is still an element of player experience that goes into making Rusviet strategies work smoothly. Deploying a mech will open up one of it’s abilities to all deployed mechs and our Heroine / Tiger – Olga and Changa. share. So sollte etwa dem Spieler von Rusviet nicht gestattet werden, mit dem Industrial Spielertableau zu spielen. If you can’t get your objective then you need to win 2 combats. It’s true that you’re not permanently killing units, though in any game it’s tough to kill an inanimate plastic token (maybe melt it?). Produce (1 metal, 2 workers) This week on The Mill I walk through the thought process of my first few turns with the Patriotic Rusviet combination of faction and player mat. Hey Gary! There’s a Tundra in our base hexes too! Relentless: You may choose the same section on your player mat as the previous turn. Given the author’s history I was confident it would be an enjoyable game, but what really drew me in were the evocative illustrations of Jakub Rozalski, which perfectly convey the alternative-1920s theme of farmers and industrial mechs, agriculture and war. This thread is archived. Auf der Spielmesse in Essen im selben Jahr gab es dann einen Prototypen zu sehen, wenig später startete die Kampagne zur Finanzierung bei Kickstarter. Suddenly, our single mech with a worker sitting on a Tunnel hex is not as attractive as any other faction’s unit in the same situation. Bonjour nous trouvons que le départ n'est pas forcement équilibré. I just tried this on the digital edition, and it takes four turns (10 through 13) to max out both Upgrades and Power. Industrial – Coming Soon! And on the flip side, getting to play Rusviet is not particularly fun. Im also aware that upgrading oil and iron first gives you some bonus points at the end of the game. Also, in 2-3 player games (where each player is likely to get more encounters), the Rusviet player cannot use their faction ability to place their player token on their Factory card on sequential turns. 88% Upvoted. *If you still didn’t get that last metal, then you can try moving your character to the last encounter after taking this action. Starting with a worker on a Village and a Mountain territory couldn’t be better. country * Which country did you win with? If so, we recommend that the Rusviet faction ability of sequential turns with repeated actions cannot be used on a Factory card (particularly in 2-3 player games where the encounter-per-player ratio is higher). If you do that, nobody is gonna want to play it again. 25:41. Our household has mitigated the pain of losing by instituting the rule that the winner has to put away the game. Militant – Coming Soon! techniques to your won blog. Yeah, exactly. I’m a very new player, and still learning the game. Use workers to our advantage defensively and offensively (People’s Army, remember?). This is not even to mention how much benefit comes from the Move action being done consecutively. Note: Aside from the fact that the story of Iron Harvest as well as the story of Scythe take place in the World of 1920+ by Jakub Różalski, these two games are entirely independent.Scythe is an engine-building, asymmetric, competitive board game set in an alternate-history 1920s period. In Iron Harvest, Rusviet instead went to war with the Factory in 1905 instead, but still lost. If you get 2 combats and an objective, then you don’t need the power star and can likely win the game earlier! Such was the way with Scythe, successfully Kickstarted for over 1.8 million dollars by Jamey Stegmeier of Stonemaier Games. Turn 10, 11, 12, bolster and upgrade until you max both stars. Yes please. Wiki Page Rusviet is huge, powerful, and has unmatched industrial and population potential. It’s also true that Scythe … - The Mill - Duration: 25:41. Don’t pick options on encounters that cost popularity, do … Lo recomendable es no usarlas, o en todo caso dárselas a un jugador novato por temas de hándicap. Nov 4, 2019 - For Christmas I decided I would paint our copy of the Scythe board game and Invaders from Afar expansion for my husband. What’s more, our opponents still lose Popularity if they win a combat where we have a worker. Updated Scythe Tier List 8/2020. So, let’s look at our unique mechs and see what kind of fun can be had with their abilities. Erwähnen sollte man auf jeden Fall noch den guten Solo-Modus „Automa“, für den es eigene Regeln und Karten gibt, die den Automa steuern. Also, in 2-3 player games (where each player is likely to get more encounters), the Rusviet player cannot use their faction ability to place their player token on their Factory card on sequential turns. Industrial – BANNED (but we’ll post a strategy soon anyway! Being completely transparent here, “Rusviet strategy” seems a little unnecessary because typically Rusviet has all the advantages at their disposal. Gobbling up the entire map? You can actually take Move/Deploy on the first upgrade (instead of Bolster) since you don’t Bolster again until much later. ScytheKick is your sidekick for Scythe, the award winning board game from Stonemaier games. So, unless our Hero can grab another as part of a Move action for spreading out or combats, we don’t need to waste our turns hopping about the board for them. Starting positions are specially calibrated to contribute to each faction’s uni… Produce, Enlist **Enlist & Worker Star** Jul 16, 2019 - Explore Po-Yen Chou's board "Scythe board game" on Pinterest. Each player represents a faction of Europa, a fictional version of Europe that is trying to rebuild itself after World War I.The factions consist of leaders (and their Loyal Animal Companion), workers, and four giant mechs.. King Art announced the Rusviet Revolution Campaign DLC in November of 2020. Spend 3 oil. Grandioses Artwork und opulentes Spielmaterial in der Deluxe-Ausgabe machten Lust auf das Spiel. Build a 3rd mech and get 2 coins. To put this in a numbers perspective, in any general combat with a single unit we max out at 12 total Power. So now, for peak efficiency, Crimea has to figure out how to get resources for their other bottom row actions. People are frustrated, and the power of Tsar Nikolaj weakens. hide. 12. It also becomes more powerful in combat when accompanied by workers. The four mech types are: Riverwalk and Speed are the typical mechs every base faction has, and they’re pretty self explanatory. Meaning, if we have enough Combat Cards to go around, we have a severe advantage in any fight. Then next two turn you just hunt with your max power and all your mechs for 2 combat stars. Produce, Enlist Patriotic – Coming Soon! People are frustrated, and the power of Tsar Nikolaj weakens. scythe * Required. Rusviet. Unless you get some really easy objectives or combats you will likely be placing a star for upgrades as well. How many games have we all been in where someone’s about to get their 6th Star and we’re trying desperately to spread our workers to hexes and get a last combat? Soon skirmishes began and some Polanian engineers were killed close to the factory by Rusviet militia. This is a companion app for the Scythe boardgame. It’s 100% worth whatever you spend on it! It's a fairly widespread opinion that Crimea/patriotic is even more overpowered. This in and of itself is a sizable boon as we basically get to choose when it’s a good time to hit the Factory. Suddenly, our reach as Rusviet goes far and wide. Unlike other factions, we get to do the same thing consecutively turn after turn. Take a faction like Crimea in the same situation and they have to figure out what they’re doing between their Produce turns, since they can’t do them consecutively. With proper distribution of workers and good build order with the upgrades, you can get both power star and mech star by around turn 12 give or take a turn. Dec 20th 2020 at 7:09:15 AM. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. save. Los únicos elementos de azar, aparte de la carta secreta individual de cada jugador son las cartas de Encuentro, que los jugadores dibujan para interactuar con los ciudadanos de las tierras recién exploradas. Why is this combination bad? Produce (1 metal, 1 worker) Most commonly we’ll be focusing on Deploying and Enlisting bottom row actions. Rusviet i Krym radzą sobie świetnie na każdej macie. Rusviet Variant: In 2-3 player games (where each player is likely to get more encounters), the Rusviet player cannot use their faction ability to place their player token on the their Factory card on sequential turns. Scythe is already a big hit and Stonemaier Games, with its attention to detail and friendly customer service, deserves all the success they will get with this one. You’re a ripped-from-alt-history power like Polania or Rusviet vying for control in the fictional region of Eastern Europa at the end of a great war. 7. Enlistments are the bottom row action that I most commonly don’t place a star for. Rusviet Industrial. Scythe: Digital Edition. Does it really matter in what order you upgrade iron/oil costs? This seems to emulate the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, but possibly at a different date. However, the country is tired and worn out by the Great War, famine, and internal unrest. Erster Sieger (oder Spieler $100+) mit passiver Luftschiff-Eigenschaft. At that point you got massive gold from your bottom row actions. 10. Let’s talk about Rusviet’s faction ability, because this is the main reason Rusviet seems overpowered to players. 2. Out of all the factions, they start off with a difficult game, as highlighted recently when we played with a full suite of players. If nothing else, go enlist first so all future enlists you get a CC. Innovative; Mechanical – Coming Soon! Why is this combination bad? Turn 8: pay 1 money to bolster 3 power (5 power now), pay 2 oil to get 3 coins and upgrade a 3rd move cube to... either enlist or build at that point. Scythe is a 2016 board game published by Stonemaier Games, designed by Jamey Stegmaier and with art by Jakub Rozalski. Look no further! 09.11.2018 Kampagne 1 Episode 1 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6; Rusviet: Nordic: Crimea: Polania: Albion: Saxony: innovative: militant: mechanical: patriotic: industrial: agricultural So, now we carry a worker everywhere we go with our mechs and all combats whether we’re attacking or defending gives us the bonus of using an additional Combat Card. Rasputin, his advisor claimed to have seen the accused and returned later with a body and a letter showing the seal of the Republic of Polania. Produce, Enlist This gives an already rush oriented faction a good chance at an early game economy boost. The full version of the game has a number of improvements, including a Hard difficulty setting for the game’s AI. The generally regarded power picks of Rusviet Industrial and Crimea Patriotic were absent, but in the heats Rusviet Patriotic and Polania Mechanical (along with Nordic Engineering) had performed in the top-5. “Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”. I also burn a couple actions to trade for oil that really help. No it's actually cause in the official fb group there was a discussion about why it's so powerful and no one believed me you can win in 15 turns, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, For all things related to the 2015 tabletop GOTY, by Stonemaier Games, Press J to jump to the feed. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Scythe: Digital Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details. The Rusviet Union have quite an interesting backstory in the world of Scythe as it is one of the most human stories in the game. But sometimes, and in most other factions, it isn’t wise to get all 8 workers out in the early game. Trade (2 metal) I have been trying to use Rusviet/Industrial but it doesn't seem obvious. A great summary. I’m going to teach you how to win Scythe, so everyone can hate you. Our Scythes, Slashers and Hooks range includes a vast range of products. *It doesn’t matter the order in which you enlist. After putting tons of emotional and mental effort as well as 90+ minutes of time into building an economy, the potency of emotions inherent in either winning or losing a game of Scythe is staggering. The Nordic Kingdoms are a faction and nation in the 1920+ universe. Thanks! save. So I started with the Rusviet Union, which is Red and the characters are Olga Romanova & Changa the Tiger. 6. Olga was born into aristocracy before her family fell from grace. Ending the game with a move also let you set up for max board space. Sort by . Wholesalers of Scythes, Slashers, Hooks and Choppers. Each player represents a faction of Europa, a fictional version of Europe that is trying to rebuild itself after World War I.The factions consist of leaders (and their Loyal Animal Companion), workers, and four giant mechs.. Lol this guy is about to destroy his friends and then ban the combo. By default, Rusviet/Industrial is not allowed, but you can manually select that if you want. FROST01. That being said, in tournament play, many players opt into using a bidding system for the faction and mat combos where you bid coin that gets subtracted from your end game score, which seriously balances the benefits Rusviet has over some of the other factions. Once we start spreading out, we’ll be on the hunt for combats to win and sealing off access to our territories. While typing this, I noticed that instead of getting the power star, I tried to fulfill my secret objective by moving to the factory, which lead to an early fight, although the automa did not get his power star, either. Rusviet i Crimea z planszą Innovative lub Militant są nie do zatrzymania w rękach doświadczonego gracza, który z takimi kombinacjami kończy grę w 12 rund. share. Mysterious Grigori Rasputin has become an extraordinarily powerful man and revolution is in the air. Saxony. It's not just a fast win, it's a incredibly high coin gain fast win that's is not really possible to interrupt unless you are not paying attention. You should have plenty of coins, 2-3 stars, 2nd-tier pop, and close to the power star. Archived. Posted by 2 years ago. Check out what we have below: If you need some additional Scythe tips, check out our Quick Tips strategy posting! So lets expect Scythe 2.0 in 2-6 years PS: There are rumours of two very strong combinations surrounding the 2 extra mats that yet are to be proved OP - Militant Saxony and Innovative Rusviet. The bones of tabletop Scythe are here in full. It’s the farthest away from our starting zone, and is located on a Tunnel. So imagine the possibilities this allows for just a second with me. (Note – Rusviet-Industrial and Crimea-Patriotic are banned combinations because they give that player an advantage, apparently) Rusviet (red) Agricultural board: I moved all my workers to the village, got them up to five, then spread out and produced as much oil and iron as I could. I would be great to get your thoughts on how to counter them though. Discover (and save!) Scythe: Digital Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details. Pretty sweet right? 6. *At this point you only have 3 metal again. Move wherever it makes sense. If you don’t own the game, check it out at Stonemaier Games or find the Digital Edition on Steam. To clarify, we should always aim to get our Worker Star by spitting out all 8 of our workers in a game. En línea Hamurai. Auction each pair of mats, with players bidding coins to be deducted from their end-game score (e.g., if I bid $10 to claim a certain pair, at the end of the game, instead of scoring $80, I would score $70). Rusviet’s starting zone is as good as it gets, barely edging out Crimea’s starting zone in my opinion. Trade (2 oil) Close. your own Pins on Pinterest You can swipe left and right to cycle through the player list. *You want metal, cheap mech, upgrades, or power (in that order). And if you aren’t aware of the rules of the game, mechs pick up and drop off workers as part of their action. The Mill 4,968 views. They are arguably, what can be described as, the politicians in the Scythe world, and that creates a really weird dynamic within the game. The good news is we basically never need to go with buildings in a Rusviet strategy. Also, in 2-3 player games (where each player is likely to get more encounters), the Rusviet player cannot use their faction ability to place their player token on their Factory card on sequential turns. But with those exceptions, once we start our Produce action for workers, we aren’t stopping until we have all 8. You are right, when played properly they have a high win %. *I find that most games I need to really spread out as much as possible while also taking a combat. Turn 13 on. Look at your neighbors and try to catch as many enlist rewards as possible. The benefit to this strategy can be a faster game, but the drawback is getting stuck … So it’s not just getting finished faster, it’s getting things done more efficiently and because of such raking in higher rewards. Is it really OP? For the most part, I recommend focusing on mechs, upgrades, and enlistments when playing as Saxony. Because our starting zone has pretty much all the hexes we need within a single move action (provided we have Speed and/or Riverwalk Mechs out), it’s of a huge benefit for us to get all our workers out immediately and get them to a desired hex for maximum production turns. Generally speaking, most experienced players see Rusviet as overpowered. I find that if someone has them who knows what they are doing, they are almost always likely to win – although that can be a toss-up with Crimea if also present and being played well. In 1910 the tsar of the Rusviet nation narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. I go 5 workers until I get 3 enlists so I don’t end up overpaying for my enlist star. I played vs 4 hard AI and won easily with large score advantage. That means that you have to upgrade the upgrade action within the first 3 upgrades. Bolster, Deploy (any)* He gifted her Changa, a cub he had come across whilst on patrol. Get an overview of the game, understand the goals and gameplay in just a few a couple of minutes. So that's 3 stars by turn 12, hopefully you have a not completely garbage objective to complete at that point or soon with a move action. Show of hands? There are five different factions available in Scythe – we’re talking only about the base game for now (I cover the expansion in a separate article): Nordic Kingdom, Rusviet Union, Polania Republic, Saxony Empire, and Crimean Khanate. With just a single worker, you essentially double your Combat Card power. hide. Which makes sense, since Crimea is the 2nd head of the two-headed Rusviet-Crimea titan which rules the Scythe board with an iron fist. 6. As you can see I started with a white prime on these guys and… Here’s my guide for it, I hope it helps some folks out there really crush with this feared faction. Exterminate: In Scythe, players can use mechs and characters attack other players and eliminate opposing units from territories. Move character to event, take +1 popularity option. Scythe: Digital Edition. Turn 7: pay 1 money, 1 pop (1 pop left), 1 power (2 power left), produce 5 oil and 3 metal. We need to line up top and bottom row actions as often as possible. Rusviet differs here on most of their player mat combination strategies. Try to bully someone early on to get an easy combat victory. ... By default, Rusviet/Industrial is not allowed, but you can manually select that if you want. I have no idea why Rusviet/industrial is the only combo that has an option to ban. But don’t worry. You should be able to spread, combat, get objectives, and end the game within two turns max with 80+ coins. Estrategia: Scythe ofrece a los jugadores un control casi completo sobre su destino. Oh look! Don’t pay popularity or more than 3 coins. Produce, Enlist It is good to be aggressive with Crimea, Crimea Industrial is no exception. – Norman. 4. Well, certainly. Encounters? Why wouldn’t we? Go get the freaking Factory before the end game! That could be another opportunity to get that objective. Upgrade power from Bolster down to lower oil cost and gain 3 money. You need all your mechs so you can attack in force, you won’t be looking to win fair fights as Saxony. As such, in this guide we’ll delve more into the concepts of how to best utilize the advantages of playing them and some of the pitfalls to avoid. Co ciekawe to nie Rusviet/Industrial i Crimea/Patriotic są najbardziej przegiętymi (overpowered) kombinacjami. I usually spread out as much as possible (keeping a worker with your mech at all times) and go for objectives if I haven’t already gotten it. Turn 2: produce 2 workers 1 steel Turn 3: pay 1 power (2 left) to produce 3 workers 1 steel, deploy Speed mech on village (worker star). 16. For example, if we have the Patriotic Player Mat, the Produce action is above the Enlist action. The Polania Republic have a really interesting time in Scythe. It is huge, powerful, and has unmatched industrial and population potential. The available faction pairings for the final table were Saxony Industrial, Polonia Mechanical, Nordic Agricultural, Rusviet Patriotic, and Crimean Engineering. 8 workers (almost) every time, then Produce like madmen. For the most part, Scythe is an incredibly balanced game. Upgrade (move/deploy) Move 4 workers and character to farm/encounter*, Upgrade (bolster/deploy) Close. After getting the first mech and moving him, you need 3+3+3 iron which you always get when producing, and you need 6 times 3 oil and get 3 times 5. Scythe (Dudas) « anterior próximo ... Pero las combinaciones Rusviet/Industrial y Crimea/Patriotic están oficialmente baneadas, por esa misma razón. So we all heard of the infamous rusviet industrial op combination and the 14 turn win, however I can’t find the start detailed, anyone care to enlighten me? What this means is if you have units on Rusviet’s base Village and units on, say, Saxony’s base Village (clear across the board), in a single move, you can move a unit from one to the other. Turn 1: produce 1 worker 1 steel. *You need to get your mechs cheaper and this sets you up well for your power star. The Scythe is #8 boardgame according to the rating. It is a time of farming and war, broken hearts and rusted gears, innovation and valor. If you get into a rhythm of playing with a core group of people, you'll start to realize the few imbalances it has *cough* Industrial Rusviet *cough* and learn to play around them. Lastly, Rusviet has easy access to two encounters that are pretty commonly uncontested for them. If needed you can also finish upgrade star which isn't bad either. And even if that works for them, it’s still 7 turns compared to Rusviet’s 4 before they get all their enlistment bonuses and Enlist Star. Nov 5, 2018 @ 12:08pm Patriotic Polania imba It is very easy to win as patriotic Polania. But that’s not all (ahem, creepy salesman voice initiate), with this beauty you also get the added benefit of transporting units from any two Village hexes you control and/or the Factory. to: * FourXFourX: ** X-plore is played lightly since the map is known from the start, even when random. Not to mention, a veritable army on every occupied hex. Now, this may not seem like that great of a benefit, but when we put it in some applications, there starts to be a pattern that lends itself to top notch efficiency. We have the ability to start producing more workers to get our economy rolling and get some mechs out to move them around right out of the gate. Player Mat Order Variant What should I focus on for stars? Faction/Player Mat Selection: Faction mats and player mats should be randomly paired for each game, just like any game of Scythe (if Rusviet/Industrial is randomly paired, reshuffle). Im mostly writing this to get told that my "math" is wrong. I’m beginning to think that outside of a system in which bidding is employed, Rusviet should just be banned altogether. Now, Rusviet has some run of the mill mechs just like every base faction, but they have two very unique mechs as well. Uhhh, we’ll try. *If your character is threatened, you might want to move it. be different. Your email address will not be published. You all know how annoying it is to put away Scythe: with our rule, the loser gets to walk away … As Rusviet, we take 3 workers to a Farm hex and Produce / Enlist for the next 4 turns to earn all our enlistment bonuses and our Enlist Star. Doesn’t matter if we have maxed Power and dozens of Combat Cards, 12 total bidding Power is our max for combats. 14. I see that your Rusviet Patriotic is “coming soon”. Township is a lot of fun, mainly because it gives us immediate transit to the Factory, provided we’re going from a Village hex. And it actually didn’t take too long to crack it’s code on how to get That being said, you really need the enlis… In addition, the benefits of enlisting quickly and early in comparison to your neighboring factions is that the first player to Enlist each bottom row action gets the most benefit. It has access to a secret network leading from villages to the Factory. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The FAQ for the game includes this as the only recommended Varient: Rusviet Variants: Do not allow Rusviet to use the Industrial player mat. Turn 5: pay 1 money, 1 pop (2 pop left) and 1 power (1 power left) to produce 5 oil and 3 steel. We have the ability to start producing more workers to get our economy rolling and get some mechs out to move them around right out of the gate. Saxony Industrial Strategy Step by Step – The “Rush” Along the same lines as the more economic strategy, we want to focus on the same Stars. Funchoza. Build 1 mech + 2 money. Radhil. Exploit: In Scythe, players gather and use resources (food, metal, oil, and wood) and improve the efficiency of that usage through upgrades, building, and enlisting. Also, the Rusviet faction should never be paired with the Industrial player mat. Today we are going to go over another favorite game. Bolster, Deploy on village (Riverwalk) See more ideas about board games, tabletop games, games. Stars from: Worker/Enlist/Mech/Power/Objective/Combat(2) You want them both? A proud nation of hardy and stubborn people, they have a long history of seafaring and conquest. 9. Has anyone of you managed to end the game in 15 turns or even 20 with other factions? This allows you to move your character on turn 11 to the tundra encounter instead of leaving it exposed . *At this point you only have 3 metal if you didn’t get any from the encounter. Not that Produce should always be our first action, sometimes it’s better to start rolling out Upgrades to make the rest of the game even easier. Turn 4: move mech 2 spaces, dropping 2 workers off at the first space (steel), and carrying the other 5 workers to oil. I’m noticing this too–in every single game I’ve played with moderately experienced players, if there’s a Rusviet, they win. We typically won’t Build and only use Upgrades as needed. Be smart with your combats, try to spend as little as possible by picking on weak people. Go To. Having trouble understanding a certain player mat’s beneficial synergy with Rusviet? Also, do not allow Rusviet to use the Industrial player mat. Rusviet Industrial. Also, the Rusviet faction should never be paired with the Industrial player mat. It’s 100% worth whatever you spend on it! I just tried it vs the very hard automa and although I ended the game after 13 or 14 turns, I lost ~45 to ~60. If you need some additional Scythe tips, check out our Quick Tips strategy posting!
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