Just got my Oce-expansion and can’t wait to play it this evening! I’m going to shuffle all mine together and rotate the trays between games then do a big shuffle all together. (metropolitan France). In Italian? Or, if you’re like me, all of them. Retour sur les 7 principales nouveautés contenue dans cette généreuse boîte. Retrouvez les règles du jeu de Wingspan - Extension "Set d'Oiseaux d'Amérique du Nord (Deluxe)", et d'autres liens intéressants. And it matters where you spend it? Anyway these ideas may already be in there, or may be rubbish. The European Expansion components can fit tightly into the original box. First of all, I’m late to the party here, but good on you for helping with the rescue effort! Maybe I just need to get more games under the belt and get more used to how the nectar plays. :) Please keep us posted! :). They’re such an iconic bird over here. Find the best board games in Canada at The Dice Owl. Unit price / by (In stock) Delivery rates calculated at checkout. As mentioned at the Champion signup page, all Champions get $10 off their order. Hi, Jamey. Thank you! The classic question that accompanies any expansion reveal is, “Does the expansion fit into the core game box?” The answer is, “Not really.” If you don’t sleeve the cards and you have the European expansion, you’ll have enough room between the 2 card trays (core game and European) for all the cards. The Kakapo is in the wrong area on its map? If the food cost of the bird contains an insect (caterpillar worm thingy) or a rodent tuck it beneath the Brown Falcon. I continue to be amazed and impressed by the abilities that designer Elizabeth Hargrave thinks of and how they’re tied to the nature of each bird, and I continue to adore and appreciate the art that Natalia and Ana spend hundreds of hours crafting by hand for each expansion. We don’t have all the birds memorized, but I promise all your questions will be answered when the rules are released next week. Thanks Jamey. Im confused about shipping. And New Zealand…no desert. L’essentiel apport de cette extension est l’Européanisation des oiseaux. What do I need to do? I agree with you. Not happy about it, but you are the official adjudicator and so now the game must go on! ), so I have put my name on the list and donated separately. Some of my favorite birds in the expansion, including these, got new yellow powers that only activate at the end of the game. You tuck 2 cards regardless of what the other player is able to obtain. Imagine someone in love with your original board and who will play all your next extensions on it and without the Nectars and Nectar birds: I suppose the % on the Bonus card will be wrong then right? I had a lot of trouble choosing a fact to go on the bottom of this card. Good luck! Thanks Peter! Ik ben benieuwd :) Can I place two separate pre-orders for qty 1 each — for the reason that I intend on sending a copy to a friend? The original mats have considerably less iconology on them, making them more welcoming for new players. Plu was an auto correct from plover, sorry. It seems like that may make the board feel crowded or cluttered? I think you’re likely to see Meeplesource, Top Shelf Gamer, Board Game Geek, and other creators make their own versions of nectar soon. That would have been a bit evil. For this we slander them with derogatory names, like bin chicken and jerk bird. OK thanks. It helps that you only ever need to focus on the leftmost exposed space in each habitat. :) I know there exist fan-made ones, but I would still love if the game came with an official list that we could lay on the table for players to look at. You and your company are truly special. We have swapped two of the Oceania dice for the standard dice, and find that creates a nice balance! Because of all this, if enough people are interested, we wouldn’t plan on making more units of the original neoprene playmat. I just purchase another game of hers which I’m looking forward to playing. Wingspan est un jeu multi-récompensé (Tric Trac, Golden Geek, Spiel des Jahres) qui vous invite à observer les plus beaux oiseaux du monde. To be clear, we did not know Oceania would include an alternate player mat until long after the neoprene mats were printed, and I think it’s worth noting that Wingspan fans repeatedly requested the neoprene mats from us. I keep putting in my email to get notification for preorder bc i keep forgetting i already put it in >:-), […] Para todos esos fans de este juego, estén atentos al siguiente vínculo para el momento que se abra la preorden del juego, ya que seguramenta van a volar, como todos los juegos de esta compañía.https://stonemaiergames.com/games/wingspan/wingspan-oceania-expansion/ […]. Hi. Please consider allowing the app to traverse borders to Canada so we can play virtually. This product has been added to your cart : Some of us are necessary for the proper functioning of the site; Others can be used to personalize your experience, distribute personalized commercial offers or carry out analyzes to optimize our offer. We’re taking things one step at a time, and it will be quite a while until we have an expansion for all the continents (and Oceania isn’t even done yet!). Are the original player mats now useless? Love the game, have been telling all our friends to get it, and has been truly wonderful during the pandemic. Thx The first arose from a post wondering if Wingspan could be played cooperatively against Automa, so the family could include their younger child who was just shy of being able to play it competitively. “Does this mean you could not trade a nectar and a worm to equal a fish? Unlike the original mats, they now appear in the first column. He argues that more sugar is available to birds in Australia than in other parts of the world. I love your game and the EE but really dislike the new OE board and food mechanism so: 1) Can I play the core game + EE + OE with nectar (so new dice) but without the new board?–or- I’m sorry, but that’s not something we provide. Kiwis are mostly nocturnal, and have whiskers to help them forage at night. This is how we play the game in my group and it seems like the point breakdown is roughly the same. And the new naming of the co-op mode (Automarazzi) is just genius. Oceania expansion released at 1.30am Eastern Australian time! Hi Tim! […] rules for the new expansion are available to download on the Stonemaier Games […]. I also hope for other flightless birds kiwis and emus. I signed up for the SM Champions (I was going to do this anyway) and then from there I could access the game and then bought it, but you could just got to: https://stonemaier-games.myshopify.com/. In the rule book it says: Am asking this because shipping costs. This game is recommended by 3 of our Bloggers. I was playing a game yesterday and we were saying how there should be a bin chicken, who’s power lets you draw cards from the discard pile. The magpie-lark would have to be aggressive and tenacious.” And now I’ve just found this!! Do any of these birds give you ideas for combos you’d like to build? But I want it to be hard. Is this why the magic number is 5 and 26? Car en fin de partie : on pourra gagner des points supplémentaires par ligne selon notre classement d’utilisateur de nectar. Thanks for asking, Eric, but COVID hasn’t impacted the production of Wingspan Oceania at all. It may seem difficult at first, but it’s a challenging game, which is why I like it so much. I have yet to reach 15 though. I believe there are a few birds from that area, yes! All of our expansions require at least some components from the core game (action tokens, eggs, bonus cards, goal tiles and board, etc). Quantity. Compose as many lists as you want and put games aside for later. Bonne extension du jeu Wingspan: J'ai adoré le jeu de base et la première extension, je crois que je vais vraiment adorer cette suite. looking forward to next expansion…. It’s super important to be strategic with what you play in the first round. Hi! I know he's telling me fairy tales to avoid admitting his mistakes. Awesome! Hooray! Will this be shipped from an eu warehouse for us non us folk. Africa, Asia, South America, and? I’m asking because shuffling 261 birds takes a lot of effort. This question is from my dad who absolutely loves the incorporation of New Zealand birds as he grew up over there. Seems wierd to me making that a choice as it aint no decision at all…. Hi Brandon! I just realized when playing on Steam that the round end ties have not been calculated the way it seems they are described. Hello, I have a question about spent nectar. At the end of the game your average score (or in a more advanced version, lowest score) is compared against Automarazzi’s to decide who triumphs. (For the uninitiated, there is a juvenile sitting on the back of the adult, and their beaks are pointing in different directions! Thanks! Will zebra finches be included in the expansion? sorry, in the first question I meant “can ONE nectar be used to play base game’s Mourning Dove (cost 1 grain)?”, Sorry, on the first question I meant “can *ONE* nectar be used to play base game’s Mourning Dove (cost 1 grain)?”. Wingspan was my favorite game in 2019. Very happy to hear the news! It is now 10:43 and I still don’t see the button to pre-order! Will the expansion effect the probability of cards displayed on bonus cards(the percentage of card with body parts in their names for example)? Also, even if you decide to play just the core game, you would not need to switch back to the original bonus cards. Not sure if that was kept consistent with this expansion. It makes achieving it all the sweeter. However, we are currently working on a big box solution with a built-in organizer designed to hold all Wingspan content (past, present, and future); it should be ready sometime in 2021. deck. Here’s Elizabeth: “Perhaps the most delightful surprises as I went through the birds of Oceania were the fairywrens and the Gouldian Finches (aka Gould’s Finch, which I used here for clarity with the Historian bonus). Kudos to the designer (and the design team) for keeping the game relevant and making me and my wife coming back for more. No, it’s just saying that the “any food” icon includes nectar among the other foods from which you can choose to pay for an “any food” cost. Cheers! If you don’t play with nectar, you can play with either version of the player mats, the original food dice, and any birds (except the 17 birds in Oceania that have nectar in their costs/abilities). Hi Matt! I might say up all night tomorrow just to make sure I get a copy! Small changes like this pop up from time to time, but your rulebook is completely correct. Changement à la mise en place Le seul changement à la mise en place d’une partie de Wingspan est de placer la tuile de référence près du plateau Objectifs. :-). Designed by Elizabeth Hargrave | Art by Natalia Rojas, Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo, and Beth Sobel. The rules just sit there—doing nothing—until you decide to use a brown power that involves other players. Hi there! Will this expansion include new player interaction similar to what the European expansion did (or same as European)? Any word on when this is hitting retail in the U.S.? Thank you for including a link to my Bin Chicken clip. – Activate this bird’s row If you leave your email in a comment I can send you pictures of how I keep mine organized. I also added a bird nest for the eggs which also fits. Question; do you need the European expansion to play with this one or can you buy just the base game and the Oceania expansion? Cool stuff Jamey, very chuffed to see a game featuring NZ birds! Your game looks great – so well made! The “2 any -> any graphic” is next to the Play a Bird section because it only applies to that action (you can’t do it during any other action). Rank: 20 Fans: 3352. You’ve made my Sunday. I often sleeve cards for games, mostly if I am worried about the cards getting damaged in play. It’s absolutely pointing straight forward. It’s probably bring me to tears haha. Is this something you already considered in the original playtesting and it was a no-go? 2) Can I play the core game + EE + OE without nectar (so base dice and without the 17 birds in Oceania that have nectar in their costs/abilities) and still without the new board? I’m going to shuffle all my cards together into one giant deck, though. In my experience, puffins are very difficult to photograph well in flight, perhaps one of the most difficult I’ve encountered. In particular the Pukeko. The percentages changed for the German version of the game, at least for some bonus cards. Thank a lot, games like these makes the evenings a bit more fun even though we’re living in rough times :-), Thanks, Justus! Nous vous conseillons de le retirer du jeu lorsque vous utilisez cette extension. We’re in Melbourne, and really looking forward to dealing out some birds from home. We have different quantities for each fulfillment center, so it’s not like US customers can buy out the Australia quantities. Thanks for explaining ‘nectar is wild’ concept in the commen, but I’m just wondering why this is not reflected anyhow on the new player mats? I feel like it would be much simpler just to divide the bonus in half and round up without adding the points for the other places. I’m excited about the birds there. The Roadrunner can eat the Cassowary. The solution I came up with is to make flightless birds wild any time you’re looking at wingspans. Yes they will. ), Sandy. My friends and I have been playing it a lot recently and spent nectar for birds can only be placed in your habitat if that bird specifically has nectar as a cost. Yes, the Laughing Kookaburra has a predator action. I’m curious why the asterisk couldn’t have been placed after the number, so we still got the bird data. 999 heeft de eerste teaser al gegeven en gaan ‘m ook uitbrengen! But I am colour blind so it could be darker than it appears to me. From the eu warehouse. I go around my card table and play for each player with no bias! Will there be a virtual queue on the day of launch? Is there any update on this? That said a bag may seem overkill for something that is only used in the setup. I know these are extremely minor questions but I am excited for this goal tile! And so on. It’s important to remember that you don’t actually trade one nectar for one of any food; you spend nectar in place of a food. Nectar is powerful, but it’s also transient, as it disappears from each player’s supply at the end of the round. Hi, nom. I live in France so I hope I have got the time correct, but is the pre-order open in 27 minutes? I have a supply of drawstring bags that I use for miscellaneous components for games, and have goal tiles for my copy of Wingspan in one of those. An easy test for player interaction is to ask yourself, “Could all actions be taken simultaneously, scaled to any player count?” If the answer is no, there’s at least some player interaction in the game. On last comment, there were rumours this would take it to 6 players is that still a thing? How has COVID-19 affected the production of this expansion? Once I clicked it I was able to see it in the shop area of the website, add it to my cart, and complete checkout. Will you be offering neoprene versions of the new Oceania player mat? You mean the 5 dealt cards at the beginning of the game? They’re our “bin chickens”. Do you know when Rebel would publish Polish edition? De même, si Océanie propose soudain une manière de renouveler aisément ce que Wingspan comporte de plus aléatoire (le marché d’oiseaux et les dés), ce n’est pas tant pour simplifier les parties que pour accroître un contrôle qui pouvait effectivement manquer au point de frustrer dans le jeu de base. I am so excited about this. I look forward to buying Oceania and every other expansion this game releases. Having the EE tray fits all of the cards, but both trays do not fit in the box. Instead, I’m going to go find a place where I can donate those dollars myself! Thank you, Jamey. Les cartes avec les pouvoirs de fin de partie (fond jaune) sont une idée bienvenue car elle permet une stratégie de long terme, même si au vu de la masse de cartes désormais présentes, ces cartes arrivent assez peu souvent. The long flat big makes me wonder if there are going to be alternate player mats. The Oceania Expansion is not playable alone, but all you need is the Wingspan base game to play with the new birds (you don’t need any other expansions). I look forward to hearing your thoughts and stories about nectar when you get Oceania to the table! Which flightless bird are you eager to add to your habitat? Is it possible to buy playmats through an eu warehouse so we don’t have to pay vat and postal handling fees which doubles the prices of most products. :). I know the description is very brief, but focussing on Australia and New Zealand seems a mistake. On adore le jeu Wingspan dans mon entourage depuis le jeu de base, l’extension Europe et maintenant l’extension Océanie. I had a few questions on the rules regarding nectar. But you still can trade a fish and a worm to equal a nectar?” One thing that I really hope (and I have a fair bit of trust that you will get this right) is that the names of the NZ birds are given in Te Reo Maori. Love the game, is there consideration of moving to a card stock that is more durable for card shufflers etc. We played 3 games of Wingspan last night and I don’t think I will ever tire of it. We can’t wait to hear what you think! Looking forward to this expansion! You are doing a great job. Sleeved cards are a tight fit on the current mats and I’m wondering if they will now have a little more room to “spread their wings.”. During this pandemic, I have played Wingspan over and over with 3 of my ghost family members. As you mention in the rulebook that the bonus card percentages will still be right when including the EE, couldn’t you just play with the birds from this expansion, without using the base game birds (I know we’ll need the base game for the other components)? Then, starting with first player, we each get to eliminate 2 tiles starting with the bottom row.. Bottommost tiles for each round get placed on the board for the game. Feels like the original ones are useless now and will stay in the box forever :( The various mixes are balanced (including bonus card percentages, within a percentage point or so). So it is possible to simply remove those 17 birds and play with the rest without using nectar tokens, the expansion player mats, or the Oceania food dice. Does this mean that if I am the last player, my pink won’t activate until I have had a turn? $ 27 95 $ 27.95. Different language versions deal with some of the “name-related” bonus cards differently, so those particular percentages may be different if playing without the base game. No luck getting the page to come up until now (10:25 CDT). We’re still aiming for October 28, but we’re waiting on an accurate arrival date for the freight shipments. You’ll click on a button on this page that says “Preorder from Stonemaier”. :). Not sure what the issue is but the people from Sydney are a problem too…. Wingspan is a competitive, medium-weight, card-driven, engine-building board game from Stonemaier Games. Thanks Michael! Awesome! I am planning on pre ordering the Oceania Expansion and was wondering if I will also be able to add some expansions for Scythe as well to the overall order? I play the game with an ornithologist and he insists it counts as a large bird and not a passerine. I’m just wondering because the images on the last expansion game and the original were always part of the bird card too. I have been trying to reach the site for over an hour, https://stonemaier-games.myshopify.com/products/wingspan-oceania-expansion?mc_cid=a05d8f8d98&mc_eid=c356ca9448. It’s on this page: https://stonemaier-games.myshopify.com/, It’s available now in the Shop ;) https://stonemaier-games.myshopify.com/, Still no button to pre order. While a bag themed to the game would be nice, it’s not too hard to get something that will do the job. Hi Jamey, probably the best board game my wife Elena and I have played to date, close to Viticulture-Tuscanny . For future readers: Stonemaier’s Joe Aubrey answered me elsewhere and explained: “The real answer is the bird eats invertebrates or nectar in real life, and within the context of the expansion’s mechanics, leaving off nectar would misrepresent what the bird eats in real life. We always keep the percentages the same, so that isn’t an issue. What’s different about these mats? What if you have two bonus cards, one that is for greater than X wingspan and one for less than X wingspan. Nectar is wild, so hummingbirds can already eat it. Wow I can’t wait for this expansion. It is almost impossible to get Wingspan at the moment in South Africa. Officially, only the words on the list count! Well done on charity and design!!! The “no goal” tile means that there’s no goal at all that round, so players don’t place an action token on the goal mat…meaning that they keep that action token. Great service and awesome prices in Montreal. Stonemaier Games - Wingspan 2nd Edition - Board Game. This is just normal with expansions: I don’t know any board game geek who loves all the expansions of his favorite game lol! It seeks to provide a relaxed way to play together for times when you want to try something a bit different. Thanks to the authors for this amazing game! :). Though we have included a list in the rulebook of birds whose beaks are neither pointing left or right, and it’s filled with owls (including the Great Horned Owl). Wingspan : Extension Océanie, plus de complexité et réflexion pour un de nos jeux favoris. My username is Lausdower. If its wingspan is [size here] tuck it behind this bird and cache a [mouse] from the But we worked at it and thanks to a cadre of awesome playtesters, I hope we’ve struck that nice balance of simple and fun. You should see it there. Avec cette première extension de Wingspan, continuez votre apprentissage du monde de l’ornithologie. Sydney also has a problem with cockies (Sulphur-crested cockatoos) opening kerbside bins that are waiting for collection which doesn’t happen anywhere else. is the pre order only in US $? The wife was right, as usual :D, Jamey is correct, though I’ll add one thing. Looking forward to receiving it. By no means do I wish to be rude but ostriches are native to Africa, however the emu or one of the cassowaries are more likely since they are native to Oceania. 0, and Her sister played with us recently and loved it !! First, for those who have already purchased neoprene mats from us, if we make new mats as described below, we’ll make sure that you have a special discount. It was too much fun to omit, so we made it work. So there will always be 5 bird cards to choose from. Is it developing mechanics? Then there was this single end-of-round goal we had to grapple with, as its fate was decided. So excited! We discussed the possibility of some sort of giant egg miniatures for emus, but we couldn’t think of a gameplay reason for them, so these are the size of the other eggs in the game. Jeux de Société. I hope there is pink powers (between turn trigger) in Oceania. Perhaps the most delightful surprises as I went through the birds of Oceania were the fairywrens and the Gouldian Finches (aka Gould’s Finch, which I used here for clarity with the Historian bonus). Imagine if they did that! Otherwise we would have probably already have emptied the score pad already. My wife and I start each game by randomly placing three rows of goal tiles above the round numbers. And luckily the added words are usually recognizable without a list. I love the idea of new food source. Our fulfillment centers are shipping as fast as possible, and you will receive your order soon. Changement à la mise en place Le seul changement à la mise en place d’une partie de Wingspan est de placer la tuile de référence près du plateau Objectifs. Also, another habitat would be interesting. Obviously with the new expansion you are allowed to do so as there’s no other way to gain wheat from the birdfeeder. I can’t wait to feed my Lorikeet, and other honeyeaters! I emailed the shop and they said it would be available separately. We don’t know for sure, though we would never require anyone to have Oceania for an independent expansion. You could still play the bird. Speaking as an Australian, if you include the Australian white ibis, please can the fun fact be that we call them ‘bin chickens’. Thanks for your kind reply. This expansion includes new game mats and a new type of food, allowing players to explore different strategies in this new environment. Charterstone. 1) Nest predators. birds OVER 65 cm, unlike most predators.”. Guys, you’ve posted the first part of the design diary in the FAQ section, and the Design Diary still says “to come”. is this expansion will come together with based game? I love those green owl parrots so much!! Woop! We are lucky to have a copy, but we would really like to get the Europe and then Oceania expansions when it is released, but they are nowhere to be found here. This content is not authorized for posting on Steam. Good luck! – Activate any three brown powers Yes you can. I’m so glad Australia was your 3rd continent. So I hope you will forgive my very respectful question: I love Oceania and its new game board but a number of us regret the overabundance of nectar, also resulting in the scarcity of poor fruits and the strengthening of the already very strong ravens (which we want to continue playing) . Thanks Jamey, the shipping cost will be remained the same regardless of how many copies I bought right? If so, do you have an indication of when it should be released? I know your rulebook lays it out relatively well, but we’ve had a discussion/debate after our first round of playing oceania. I might house rule them or be stubborn and only use nectar for humming birds. Right, you could use Oceania and European or Oceania and core game or European and core game. Marc: Just to clarify, there are nearly 40 birds with brown powers in the European expansion (not “no brown powers,” as your comment suggests). Oceania provided plenty for Team Automa to think about. une extension que j'attendais et plein d'oiseaux nouveaux, Quel matériel, cela rend le jeu avec encore plus de rejouabilite et un peu plus stratégique, J'adore le thème, j'adore le matériel, nous entrons vraiment dans une gamme de jeu à part vu le thème. Would there ever be a NSFW version that would allow for Bust, Nut, Tit, Cock, and Pecker? Anyway, this is shaping to be an expansion that really shakes up gameplay, which I appreciate a lot. By clicking on subscribe, you agree to receive our Philibert newsletters. Please, don’t make this game a mean game.
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