Either is possible depending on the vowels, which are not in the original. Hij verbood de verdervende invloed om allen te verderven: Hij behield een overblijfsel naar de verkiezing van de genade, waaruit nog een nieuw geslacht, als erfgenaam van de belofte van de eerste wereld, verrijzen kon. Consequences of the Spirit's ceasing to strive with men: (1) a confirmed hardness of heart; (2) a seared conscience; (3) certain damnation. The infidel, the drunkard, the whoremonger, the thief, the covetous man, the profane swearer, what slaves do they become to their respective habits! yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years—It is probable that the corruption of the world, which had now reached its height, had been long and gradually increasing, and this idea receives support from the long respite granted. But most of the ancient versions, as well as the Targums, render, my spirit shall not abide, or dwell among men; and understand the words to threaten that the spirit breathed into man at his creation shall no more dwell on the earth, now that man has become brutalized with fleshly lusts. ].” With us also does he strive, both by the ministry of his word, and by his own immediate agency on the hearts of men. It is useless to speculate on the nature of this union. We know that his motions may be resisted, till they are altogether “quenche [Note: 1 Thessalonians 5:19. ‘Abide’ is found in the versions, which might suggest they read (or changed it to) yathor or yalun. Yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.] It "bloweth where it listeth," and will not be at your whistle. (Comp. Is there one who is not persuaded in his mind, that he would have been a far happier man, if he had obeyed the voice of the Lord, and followed, instead of resisting, the dictates of his conscience? 3 Then the Lord said, âMy Spirit will not contend with # 6:3 Or My spirit will not remain in humans forever, for they are mortal # 6:3 Or corrupt; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.â In the first place, some of the Hebrews derive the word which Moses uses from the root (260) נדן (nadan) which signifies a scabbard. defended the shortening of life view. Certain it is, that the Spirit of God does strive with unregenerate men—, [He strove with the whole antediluvian world, by the ministry of Noah: for “by the Spirit did that holy man preach, during the whole period whilst the ark was preparing, even to the spirits which for their disobedience were condemned, and shut up in the prison” reserved for all impenitent transgressors [Note: 1 Peter 3:19-20.]. Genesis 6:3 King James Version (KJV). Een uitstel is nog geen kwijtschelding, hoewel God lang verdraagt, zal Hij toch niet altijd verdragen. III. Shall not the declaration in my text affect you? 1 Then the people began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born to them. yet his days = yet Adam"s days. The former narrative refers to the godly portion of mankind; this to the ungodly remnant. Commentary on Genesis 6:1-7 (Read Genesis 6:1-7) The most remarkable thing concerning the old world, is the destroying of it by the deluge, or flood. Man, then, is “also” flesh, that is, his body is of the same nature as those of the animals, and in spite of his noble gifts and precedence, he must submit to a life of the same moderate duration as that allotted them. Nor are such transpositions, says Poole, uncommon in scripture, without any diminution of its authority. And this mode of speaking, which takes into account the beginning of a period, as well as its end, is very common. And the Lord said, âMy Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.â "And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his ⦠De Geest des Heeren getergd zijnde door hun weerstaan van Zijn bewegingen, liet af van met hen te twisten, en toen ging weldra alle Godsdienst onder hen verloren. ], and when all God’s offered mercies shall be for ever withheld. hundred and twenty years: this fixes the date A. M. 930-120-810. www.easyenglish.bible. Hiervoor waarschuwt Hij hen van tevoren, opdat zij Zijn Geest niet langer smart zouden aandoen, maar Hem door hun gebeden zouden bewegen om met hen te blijven. and take not thy Holy Spirit from me [Note: Psalms 51:11.] Hij ook, dat is: allen, de een, zowel als de ander, allen zijn in het slijk van het vlees verzonken. Dr. v. Ronkel vertaalt op het voetspoor van anderen: "ook hun zondig omdwalen is vlees." Adam had become like the others. Deuteronomy 15:17, &c.). Op Gods besluit om niet altijd door Zijn Geest met de mens te twisten. A word list at the end explains words with a ⦠(263). a. The Spirit of God strives in many ways. (St. Jerome, 9. But now by the fall the flesh has gained the upper hand, and the spirit is in the bondage of corruption. For that he also is flesh. ?” “We know not the Lord; neither will we obey his voice [Note: Exodus 5:2. “In that he also is flesh” or ‘in their going astray’. There is a limit to the Spirit's efforts in the case of each sinner; at some uncertain, awful point he will reach and pass it. Genesis 6:3. 3 Then the Lord said, âMy Spirit will not put up with # 6:3 Greek version reads will not remain in. His very first-born became a murderer. менением”. The reason is added why there is no advantage to be expected from further contention. (8-11) Noah warned of the flood, The directions respecting the ark. 3.My Spirit shall not always strive. Marie Wetherill and Keith Simons. Flesh and spirit were originally made in happy, harmonious adjustment; but now all is flesh. We are told of the abounding iniquity of that wicked world: God's just wrath, and his holy resolution to punish it. Introductions to the Bible. 2. Harmony of the Gospels. Westermann, Claus. (12-21) Noah's faith and obedience. What, then, is the significance of these verses to the beliefs of the 1 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. The meaning of the passage therefore is, that it is in vain for the Spirit of God to dispute with the flesh, which is incapable of reason. He is speaking of fleshly mankind here, not angels. Wells, Bible Echoes, p. 217; J. Natt, Posthumous Sermons, p. 328; J. Keble, Sermons for the Christian Year, vol. For there is greater weight in the declaration when pronounced by Godâs own mouth, that the wickedness of men was too deplorable to leave any apparent hope of remedy, and that therefore there was no reason why he should spare them. It shall be so long ere I destroy. The Chaldee has it, a period of an hundred and twenty years shall be given them, wherein to repent. the man Adam also, as well as the others. He resolved to punish them severely in this world, that he might shew mercy to some of them hereafter. II. Literally, then, it signifies that the Divine gift of life shall not rule in man “for ever;” that is, for a period so protracted as was antediluvian life. Genesis 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. It is an energy of God applied to the mind of man, setting truth before his mind, reasoning, convincing, and persuading. But it is supposed that the words which follow are a traditional fragment of Enoch's prophecies (Jude 1:14-15). ].” Oh, terrible judgment!—and the more terrible, because they who are subjected to it have no conception that they are lying under it: but it will be the assured portion of all with whom the Spirit of God has ceased to strive. is flesh. See 1 Peter 3:20 2 Peter 2:5. making provision for the flesh to fulfil its lusts, And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always, abide in … in their going astray they are flesh, in the most ancient portions of Scripture", Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Those who through grace have obeyed his blessed will—, [Truly this is of the Lord, who alone has “made you willing [Note: Psalms 110:3. ], [To the power of their own lusts will they be given up, so that Satan shall lead them captive at his will. The children of God, among whom the true religion was at first preserved, corrupt it by forming matrimonial connections with irreligious women, Genesis 6:1, Genesis 6:2.God, displeased with these connections and their consequences, limits the continuance of the old world to one hundred and twenty years, Genesis 6:3.The issue of those improper connections termed giants, Genesis 6:4. So God through a theophany warns man of the danger of His judgment to come, and yet gives the suggestion that mercy is yet available. !” Yet this must be the fate of all who constrain the Holy Spirit to depart from them. ÐÑмеÑÑÑе: вÑÐµÐ¼Ñ ÐожÑего ÑеÑÐ¿ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ долгоÑеÑÐ¿ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ðº гÑеÑникам иногда бÑÐ²Ð°ÐµÑ Ð´Ð»Ð¸ÑелÑнÑм, но оно вÑегда огÑаниÑено. And to these delusions God will give them up; as he has said: “They have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations: I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them [Note: Isaiah 66:3-4. These shew us the very truth that I am insisting on; and declare, with one voice, that the Ethiopian may as well change his skin or the leopard his spots, as they renounce the habits to which they have been given over by their God. Hebrew. The breath of life (, "The attempt by man to become more than he is results in his becoming less. De Heere God spreekt hier hetzelfde uit als wat ook de Apostel Paulus zegt; de natuurlijke mens begrijpt niet de dingen, die des Geestes Gods zijn, hij kan ze niet verstaan, want ze zijn hem een dwaasheid. his days, i.e. Heb.) That the Spirit of God, if long resisted, will cease to strive with us. The doctrine of the carnal mind in the Epistle to the Romans Rom. What is the state of a soul thus abandoned by the Lord. With man.âHeb., with the adam: spoken with especial reference to the Sethites. See App-24. Literally, then, it signifies that the Divine gift of life shall not rule in man âfor ever;â that is, for a period so protracted as was antediluvian life. [No: we are assured he will not. (3) And the Lord said.âAs the Sethites are now the fallen race, it is their covenant Jehovah who determines to reduce the extreme duration of human life to that which, under the most favourable sanitary influences, might still be its normal length. 3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Encyclopedias / Dictionaries. 3. ], "The judgment is that God will not endlessly and forever permit his life-giving spirit to enliven those who disorder his world. The term "flesh" is used in the sense which it commonly bears in the New Testament-the nature of man as corrupted and dreaded by the predominance of debasing lusts and unbridled passions (John 3:6; Romans 8:5-7; Romans 13:14). Such a period had actually arrived to the Jewish nation, when they crucified the Lord of glory. The fact that he is flesh also as well as spirit, has therefore come out into sad prominence. Download a Three Year Torah Reading Schedule Three Year Torah Reading Cycle Commentary on Genesis Commentary on Exodus Commentary on Leviticus Commentary on Numbers Commentary on Deuteronomy Purchase a Hardcopy! [Numbers 14:34]. 1-2 refer to humans trying to become more than normal human âfleshâ and live âforever.â Humans were going along with the intermarriage with spirit beings in the quest for immortality. In Genesis 6:3, God says, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh." Genesis 6:1-22. Let any one only look back upon his past life; and he shall find that there have been some periods when he has felt a conviction upon his mind that it was his duty, and would be his happiness, to seek after God, and obtain, whilst yet he might, the remission of his sins. (St. Augustine) --- Those who suppose, that he foretold this event 20 years later, think with St. Jerome, that God retrenched 20 years from the time first assigned for penance. ].”], 2. But the very enormity of the sin leads a merciful God to resolve on blotting out the race, to stop the ever-increasing flood of wretchedness that flows from increasing wickedness. This is according to the now well-known method of Scripture, when it has two lines of events to carry on. In context the one hundred and twenty years refers to the length of time until God sends the flood. I answer, this promise, though mentioned after what we read in ch.
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