Community See All. See more of Podium Concrete on Facebook. wood construction over a concrete podium separated by a three-hour fire resistance-rated horizontal assembly. The behaviour of these hybrid structural systems were analysed when subject to various actions including seismic effects and loss … Provided by Dodge Data & analytics. Forgot account? Podium slabs are special type of floor system that transfers loads from a steel or wood frame structure above the slab to walls and columns below. We have been performing quality construction work in Morgantown and the surrounding area for over 20 years. We are committed to devoting the same level of meticulous attention to detail on all of our concrete work projects, and consistently exceed customer expectations while staying under budget. The development consists of 360 apartments, commercial space and associated amenities. The framing members above the podium are often not coincident with the framing below. Podium slab construction methods - The podium slabs are built up with the construction procedures given below : ⢠Post-tensions cast in place construction method⢠Precast hollow core; this construction method is mostly recognized as it offers rapid safe working platform and outstanding construction speed. The project runs from November 2016 to April 2018 and is valued at £15M. 487 people follow this. It is common knowledge that precast, prestressed hollow-core slabs have been a reliable and frequently-chosen construction material since the early 1960’s. Multi-Family Podium Construction Fact Sheet. Generally, this type of slab constructed and placed at gro… | Sitemap | Privacy Policy, 2655 Molly Pitcher Hwy | Chambersburg, PA 17202. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Normally, this type of slab is built up and arranged at ground level parking with 3-4 levels of traditional residential construction over. The popularity of podium construction has exploded in recent years. Podium slabs are concrete transfer slabs supporting multiple levels of wood or steel framed superstructures above. Nationwide, there has been an increase in the demand for multi-story mixed-use and multi-residential structures. This design is increasingly becoming a common practice among architects and developers. Podium’s place... See More. Podium’s place... See More. Because the International Building Code (IBC) treats podium-style buildings as two separate structures built one on top of the other, this design boosts the number of potential stories you can build. Waterproofing of roofs is one of the most important structural requirements of any building. One of the fastest growing segments of multi-family housing today is the use of podium structures. NiCore™ Plank – The Preferred Choice For Podium Structures. Page Transparency See More. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Podium slab construction methods - The podium slabs are built up with the construction procedures given below : • Post-tensions cast in place construction method • Precast hollow core; this construction method is mostly recognized as it offers rapid safe working platform and outstanding construction speed. The purpose of these types of slabs is to transmit the loads from a steel or wood frame structure over the slab to walls and columns underneath. 5. Podium Concrete. Usually these slabs are situated above parking levels and as such require higher fire ratings and reduced sound transmission. While podiums are an efficient solution for these types of structures, they present some challenges for which 16” NiCore™ Plank are well-suited: 16” NiCore™ Plank with a 2”-3” thick cast-in-place composite concrete topping are capable of supporting a superimposed load of 390 psf with up to a 3-hour fire resistance rating on a 29’-0” span! Podium buildings are generally wood construction sitting atop concrete parking or mixed-use. Concrete Contractor. Next, once all the floors are reviewed, areas of the building are defined for non-typical (Podium and basement) and typical. per day, these modular components are not subject to the limits imposed by custom forming and weather restrictions inherent with cast-in-place concrete construction. Various load bearing components like walls and columns of superstructure over the podium slab may not adapt to substructure load bearing components underneath. Community See All. ⢠Forms uncovered two to three days as soon as the post tensioning is applied.⢠This type of slab is very reasonable in cost.⢠It offers large open spaces at or under grade; as for instance parking and retail.⢠In single family and multi-family residential structures, podium slab offers superior fire rating, degenerated sound transmission and floor vibration. The purpose of this tech note is to discuss issues and common questions relating to the modeling and design of this system using these programs. Designers, contractors, and owners are well aware of its high-performance benefits such as year-round construction, fast-track site erection, low maintenance, and long-term durability. 471 people like this. This popular framing system can be analyzed and designed using RAM Structural System and RAM Concept. Rehab Podium Concrete Deck Phase 7 construction project in ALBANY, NY 12222. It is common knowledge that precast, prestressed hollow-core slabs have been a reliable and frequently-chosen construction material since the early 1960’s. Concrete Contractor . Page Transparency See More. Now that you know the benefits of building with a post-tensioned concrete podium, you may want to know how to go about. Podium structures have become common in the United States as the demand has increased for dense, mixed use spaces and multi-unit residences. Once again Nitterhouse Concrete Products, Inc. has raised the standard with its use of 16” NiCore™ Plank to construct the podium. KTGY has a long history in this typology and has designed podium buildings from coast-to-coast. Podium slabs belong to special type of floor system. © 2006–2021 | Nitterhouse Concrete Products. ⢠It offers strong partition among parking areas and living spaces and accordingly provides resistance against sound and fire.⢠The use of post-tensioned two-way podium slab can reduce the overall density of the frame. Log In. The first step in estimating a high-rise concrete building is to start by understanding the overall shape and height for each floor and create a matrix with this information, also known as a story pole. Analyses of modular systems on a steel-framed podium In the recently completed European Commission Framework 7 project called MODCONS, the Steel Construction Institute worked with modular manufacturer, Futureform and partners from Spain, Portugal and Finland. And when combined with precast columns and precast/prestressed beams the podium structure is further enhanced by the same benefits they provide. 496 people follow this. As such, the podium also serves as a transfer slab to pick up conventional bearing walls above and distribute them to the supporting beams below. ⢠It functions as a structural floor and transmit slab for loads from the above superstructure to the walls and columns underneath.⢠Like a horizontal separation, podium slab operates as a fire separation among several building occupancy types. All site content copyright, Site Developed by Global Associates, Placement of lap in column as per IS Code 13920, Guidelines to work out the dry volume of mortar, Construction Method Of Concrete Slab On Grade, Cutting length of chair bar in slab & footings, Calculation of shuttering area for beam, column and slab, The stirrups commonly found in column design, How to measure quantity of Sand in Truck and HYVA, Definitions of trade and non-trade cement, Tips for providing cement plaster on wall surface, Determine the length of a transition curve, How to get rid of common errors in concrete floor slab construction, Some vital guidelines to build up a raft foundation. Podium Concrete - part of the Conset Group is a specialist in the concrete industry. The uppermost construction level of the concrete level that supports the light-framed superstructure is referred to as podium slab. In multifamily residential structures, a concrete Podium Slab typically acts as both a structural floor and as a transfer slab for wood and light gauge steel framed construction above. Concrete Contractor. Podium construction—also known as pedestal or platform construction—typically includes multiple stories of light wood framing over a single- or multi-story podium of another construction style, which may include retail as well as above- or below-grade parking levels. The distinguishing feature of this slab compared to the typical residential or office floor slabs is the following: The load on a podium slab is much higher than the common floors . Our custom concrete work team always starts with a full evaluation of your project, and can help you select the perfect design, color, and texture for your custom concrete work features. In multifamily residential structures, a concrete Podium Slab typically acts as both a structural floor and as a transfer slab for wood and light gauge steel framed construction above. or. The lateral load-resisting system consists of wood-frame shear walls for the upper stories and concrete shear walls for the lower story. The podium slab carries the load of several floors it supports. Single Family. We partner with developers and architects that run the gamut in terms of experience - from seasoned post-tensioned concrete podium slab builders to newcomers in the field. Cast indoors in a factory-controlled environment and erected quickly at a rate often exceeding 40 units or 4,500 s.f. While all engineering firms have their own processes we’ve outlined our standard procedure to … Podium Construction, LLC has worked on jobs of all sizes, and gathered a significant portfolio that includes both residential and commercial concrete work. Countless millions of square feet of 8” hollow-core slabs have been the “go-to choice” for floor and roof construction in hotels, apartments, schools, prisons, and a multitude of commercial buildings for over fifty years. Podium designs are one way to maximize the number of stories, increase unit density, and lower construction costs. NiCore ™ Plank – The Preferred Choice For Podium Structures . Common configurations include up to five stories of residential use over retail, commercial, office, and parking occupancies, similar in configuration to the building shown in Figure 1. It will lead to the lessening of excavation since the parking is below grade.⢠There is no requirement for extra safety against fire for flat soffit on the condition that sufficient cover for rebars and post tensioning are arranged. Podium construction works best for 5- to 7-story hotels where it is typically more economical and faster to build than block and plank construction. Not Now. While complicated technically, this mid-rise solution (up to 85 feet) provides a cost effective alternative to more expensive concrete and steel buildings. Load bearing elements such as walls and columns of superstructure above the podium slab may not align with substructure load bearing elements below. Podium design consists of a 1- or 2-story concrete (reinforced or post tension) podium that allows several stories of light-frame wood framing above it. 474 people like this . Typically, the superstructure built from wood, metal studs or structural steel. Furthermore, the flat soffit allows for superior lighting, electrical, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. 5 out of 5 stars. Usually these slabs are situated above parking levels and as such require higher fire ratings and reduced sound transmission. About See All +64 800 476 3486. This is a current project that entails the construction of 5 reinforced concrete frames, 3 of which are constructed from a podium transfer slab, spanning a single storey basement car park. These structures are often designed as wood frame superstructures over concrete podiums, combining the economy and sustainability of wood construction with the height advantage and fire resistance provided by concrete. Page Transparency See More. 494 people follow this. But with the ground floor being double height a 500 mm-thick concrete podium slab has been installed using standard table forms in the South and … Concrete Contractor. 465 people like this. Single Family. Give us a call at 717-267-4505 or visit our website at for information on more quality precast, prestressed products to meet your design and construction needs. The code-prescribed fire resistance rating is typically 2-hours or 3-hours. The upper slab of the concrete podium typically acts as both a fire separation and structural transfer slab for the framing above. All Rights Reserved. Generally, the superstructure is constructed from wood, metal studs or structural steel. One Kingdom Street has a steel frame, on a typical 12m x 10.5m grid, comprising fabricated cellular steel beams supporting a lightweight concrete slab on a profiled steel deck. Multi-Family Podium Construction Fact Sheet. In multifamily residential structures, a concrete Podium Slab typically acts as both a structural floor and as a transfer slab for wood and light gauge steel framed construction above. We handle all aspects of construction ; Icf foundations, decks, additions, remodeling, etc. Podium buildings are comprised of multiple stories of light-frame wood construction over one, or in some cases, two levels of concrete podium construction. Podium Concrete - part of the Conset Group is a specialist in the concrete industry. Typically, these are comprised of ground level parking with 3-4 levels of conventional residential construction above, deriving their name from the “podium” that separates the two occupancies. The western half of the building is partly constructed on a podium transfer structure enclosing future works access for Crossrail. Create New Account. construction over a one-story concrete podium slab and is assigned to Seismic Design Category D. The gravity load framing system consists of wood-frame bearing walls for the upper stories and concrete bearing walls for the lower story. Community See All. About See All +64 800 476 3486. Podium Construction, LLC is the concrete contractor you can depend on to handle all of your custom concrete work needs, from design through to the final touches. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. The flat surface of the bottom soffit provides a workable substrate for rigid insulation, if so required. About See All +64 800 476 3486. Estimating Types | Estimating Info | Estimating Process | BIM Estimating | HVAC | Architectural | News. Podium Structures. Long span steel construction at the podium level provides more flexible use of space below, which depends on the function of the building: The lightweight nature of the steel structure of the upper residential levels minimises the loads on the podium level and therefore saves on the cost of the podium structure Types of residential buildings. Usually these slabs are situated above parking levels and as such require higher fire ratings and reduced sound transmission. Concrete podiums are the most common, though steel podiums also exist. Global AssociatesCall : 866-493-4944Mail:, All right reserved. Our mission is to provide a quality construction and Hvac air duct cleaning service that is reliable, committed to excellence, and affordable. Architects, city planners, and authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) are embracing the benefits of safe structures that can incorporate multiple purposes, mixed types of construction, and less-expensive building materials. A watertight roof performs a vital function in protecting employees, visitors and physical assets. So whether the podium is required to support multi-level conventional residential construction or a green roof with outdoor amenities, embarking on the design must begin with selecting 16” NiCore™ Plank from Nitterhouse Concrete Products, Inc. in Chambersburg, PA, a family-owned company serving the construction industry for over 90 years. Assuming normal vehicular parking spaces at 9’-0” wide a module of 29’-0” permits the use of three (3) spaces ganged together with no interference from the columns. Podium Construction llc.
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