Even when I was frustrated, I reveled in the experience. Lieu du stage : Ce stage aura lieu en vision conférence sur la plateforme Zoom. The aims and objectives of the TT2, Advanced Level 2 course are to both deepen your own practice and learn specifically how to teach all elements of the 8-week MBSR course and experience in-depth workshops on the deeper intentions of the teaching and experiential learning, explore who you are as a teacher and cultivate the embodiment of a spacious open-hearted awareness and a sense of 'co-journeying' with a spirit of adventure that is core to this learning style. We are committed to adding value to our customers, working together to help you get the best deal in real estate. Join Facebook to connect with Nathalie Andre-Obadia and others you may know. As a professional Teacher Training School, we support the Good Practice Guidelines for teaching Mindfulness-based courses and we assess students using the Mindfulness-based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC). Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the... Jump to. Je suis fan, je me suis formée avec elle à la crusine ! The MBSR Teacher Training course. On successful completion of the training, trainees should be able to: Our Teacher Training starts from the premise that as teachers we need to embody mindfulness-based practice in our own lives before we can attempt to teach it to others. However, the underpinning experience and understanding is also valuable for those who wish to integrate mindfulness into individual therapeutic work or teach mindfulness in a different form. Ihre Aufmerksamkeit wird geschult und dadurch die Wahrnehmung für den Augenblick geschärft. A professional and accredited Teacher Training Course, in English. Cigales, lavandes, soleil et méditation. Jean Cottraux è su Facebook. Log in or create an account to … Nous contacter * * * * * Nous suivre sur Facebook Il ne dépend que de nous. Mediationszentrum. https://www.meditation-pleine-conscience-lyon.fr/qui-suis-je Stéphanie Imbert님은 Facebook 회원입니다. 32 personnes étaient ici. Enseigné dans un cadre laïque et ouvert à tous pour réduire le stress avec la méditation de pleine conscience. Please note that the Online courses will follow the same curriculum, evaluation, assessments and certification as the in-person course. Témoignage de Jean J'ai beaucoup apprécié le programme MBSR et surtout le "coaching" précis et délicat de Nathalie. By the time the course is over, if you print the instructions for each week as well each of the documents listed under "Reading" for that week, you will have created your own MBSR manual. La méditation entre à l’université avec le 1er diplôme universitaire pour les médecins, psychologues et chercheurs en neurosciences. L’un ne trahit pas l’autre. Equipe Méditation, Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon. Apprenez à méditer avec le programme MBSR. Pagine correlate. If you're wanting to learn more about mindfulness and using such a powerful tool then don't hesitate to join the TT1 course. Facile d’utilisation et … Plus de 24 000 participants MBSR aux Etats-Unis. So we are an Accredited Training Provider with the Internationally accepted Yoga Alliance Professionals, and the MBSR course is an Accredited Course. Cadre calme, chaleureux en plein cœur de Lyon, secteur Part Dieu. Jean Cottraux está en Facebook. This ensures that you are taking a quality course that has been checked and accredited by an outside training organisation. Each day you get the chance to practise leading a meditation with kind, constructive feedback in a supportive…, My experience was eye-opening, transformative and fun. Je réalise, en suivant le programme MBSR, que je suis beaucoup plus présent à mes sensations, émotions, pensées. However, they don’t have to cause so much suffering. Des chercheurs en neurosciences ont démontré que les structures du cerveau changeaient après seulement 8 semaines de pratique régulière grâce au Join Facebook to connect with Corinne Andre and others you may know. », Un site internet réalisé par Jérémy Dumaye, En savoir plus sur les recherches scientifiques autour de la méditation, Se distancier des pensées et des émotions, Se relaxer (étirements, respiration, silence…), Entraîne l’acceptation des émotions, de soi, des autres, Relève le niveau d’énergie vitale dans le corps, Apporte stabilité, calme, confiance et estime de soi, lucidité, goût à la vie. The Near and Far Enemies of Fierce Compassion, I’ve been a student of meditative techniques and contemplative traditions for a while. Centre Bouddhiste Lamrim Lyon. The programme facilitates an opportunity for sustained inner work through practice and learning alongside your peers. Our courses have been set out to exceed the industry Good Practice Guidelines and Teacher Training Pathway requirements and will offer you more experiential teaching practice than many other Mindfulness Teacher Training courses. Formatrice pour adulte, thérapeute et animatrice de stages en développement personnel, le fil conducteur a été pour moi la relation à l’autre, l’épanouissement de la personne dans toutes ses dimensions et la transmission dans les domaines du bien-être et de la conscience. Photos. La méditation est un moyen très naturel pour relaxer, calmer et apaiser l'esprit. There will also be in-depth discussion and exploration of the Official UMass CFM MBSR Curriculum of the 8-week course including group exercises contained in the course and reflection on how to teach them plus Mindful Movement, and pre/post course support, all included in the price. 32 personnes étaient ici. MBSR par visio. عرض المزيد من MBSR Lyon على فيسبوك. Non ora. After teaching my first MBSR program in Switzerland, I was able to become a member of the Swiss MBSR Association which implies that my MBSR courses can be covered by some complementary insurances and it’s a sign of quality. Then as an experienced MBSR Teacher, you have access to further development with TT3 and a … MBSR-Acht sam keits trai ning weniger als eine Minute Lesezeit Achtsamkeit heißt das neue Zauberwort gegen Stress. Apprendre à méditer ou approfondir sa pratique de la mindfulness. Stéphanie ImbertさんはFacebookを利用しています。Facebookに登録して、Stéphanie Imbertさんや他の知り合いと交流しましょう。Facebookは、人々が簡単に情報をシェアできる、オープンでつながりのある世界の構築をお手伝いします。 ... MBSR Lyon. « Le vrai bonheur ne dépend d’aucun être, d’aucun objet extérieur. Facebook에 가입하여 Stéphanie Imbert님 등 다른 친구들을 만나세요. Membre actif de l’ADM et supervisée dans ma pratique d’enseignante, l’ADM est seule garante de la formation des instructeurs MBSR en France. Their in-depth knowledge, warmth and empathy set a very conducive environment to learn and grow into more intuitive…. have a decades-long personal practice and academic degrees in both religious studies and Je me sens plus en confiance et sûr de moi. In Psychological Inquiry, 2007, 18 (No. Únete a Facebook para conectar con Stéphanie Imbert y otras personas que tal vez conozcas. If you would like to apply you can do so by filling in the online application form. "The Mindful Academy Solterreno institution gave me outstanding Teacher Training, with all the materials and supervision to teach the MBSR program. Then as an experienced MBSR Teacher, you have access to further development with TT3 and a Certified Pathway. To assist Bodhin on the course we have put together a dedicated team of experienced International Mindfulness MBSR Meditation Teachers - all of whom have graduated from the Mindful Academy - to support your Mindfulness teacher training. Did the Buddha teach us to get rid of our emotions? Mon corps et mon esprit sont mieux connectés, en congruence. I felt supported throughout the programme, with plenty of opportunity for reflection, questioning, exploring, practising and teaching. MBSR. Message spécial confinement Le racisme, la haine, la peur de la pandémie et des cataclysmes entrainant la disparition des espèces, des paysages et finalement des hommes nous bouleversent et nous amènent à agir. Passwort vergessen? Déroulement des séances du programme MBSR : Chaque séance se déroule avec une alternance de pratiques guidées ( assise, allongée, debout, en mouvement ), d’apports théoriques et d’échanges. Organizzazione no-profit. 凌 Irène Grosjean vous la connaissez ? Une journée de pratique intensive, le dimanche21 mars 2021 de 9h45 à 16h30. Great. Yoga Lyon. Bodhin and Sheena are the best ever coaches for MBSR. La méditation, la relaxation, la respiration, l’observation, sont mes outils privilégiés pour activer la circulation d’énergie, libérer les tensions, apaiser l’esprit et retrouver ainsi davantage de liberté. Our professional and accredited MBSR Teacher Training courses are run in an 8-day / 7-night retreat format, in English, with two primary modules referred to as TT1 and TT2. Our professional and accredited MBSR Teacher Training courses are run in an 8-day / 7-night retreat format, in English, with two primary modules referred to as TT1 and TT2. It is designed to be a collaborative and participatory learning experience. Masterclass - Teaching MBSR Online - March 2021, TRAUMA SENSITIVE MINDFUL MOVEMENT Training for Yoga, Mindfulness and Movement Teachers, March, 8-week Live Online MBSR course for beginners, March 2021, Masterclass - Meeting Uncertainty Together: MBSR Maps & Metaphors, 8-week Live Online MBSR course for beginners, April 2021, TRAUMA SENSITIVE MINDFUL MOVEMENT Training for Yoga, Mindfulness and Movement Teachers, May, 8-week Live Online MBSR course for beginners, May 2021, TRAUMA SENSITIVE MINDFUL MOVEMENT Training for Yoga, Mindfulness and Movement Teachers, June, Deconstructing Mindfulness: Embracing a Complex Simplicity, More Than Mindfulness: When You Have a Tiger by the Tail, Let It Eat You - paper by Eleanor Rosch, Understand the theoretical foundations of MBSR and the evidence in support of its effectiveness, Describe the MBSR curriculum and understand the reasons for the inclusion of its different elements, Conduct thorough MBSR pre-course assessments and orientation sessions, Have the necessary skills to lead mindfulness meditation practices and support participants in learning and developing their own practice, Be able to teach all aspects of the MBSR 8 week course and support participants to develop their own learning journey, Teach MBSR within a diverse range of cultural settings, Be knowledgeable about safeguarding and potential risk issues and be able to manage these issues as they come up in their own experience of teaching the course, Be cognisant of and adherent to the ethical framework of MBSR teaching, Sustain a regular personal practice and use their experience of this practice to inform their teaching and their embodiment of the Attitudes of Mindfulness, Reflect on their own learning and development needs, self-evaluate, engage regularly with supervision and set goals for ongoing Continuous Professional Development. Ciencia, tecnología e … Non ricordi più come accedere all'account? 292 Followers, 530 Following, 145 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Nathalie Bonhouvrier (@nathalie.bonhouvrier) 30 personnes étaient ici. Community See All. Je retrouve progressivement ce pays recherché, appelé « mon pays », c’est celui où je suis stable, concentrée, observatrice, celui de la présence à soi, de la sensation d’être au monde. Únete a Facebook para conectar con Christine Clerc Sophrologue y otras personas que tal vez conozcas. J’ai vécu et profondément ressenti un cadeau. Votre panier est actuellement vide. The MBSR Teacher Training courses are ideal for Meditation practitioners, Yoga and Meditation Teachers, Nurses, Teachers, Therapists, Doctors and other professionals with a mind-body focus who wish to incorporate mindfulness into their professions. MBSR Lyon, Lyon. Centre Ressource LYON. MBSR Lyon. My intention was to deepen my own practice as well as to take initial steps in learning how to pass on the possibility of the gift of mindfulness to others, and both of those intentions were met. Centre Bouddhiste Lamrim Lyon. We believe that the best way to train teachers is by allowing them to gain initial practical experience of teaching Mindfulness in a safe space supported by peers and experienced course leaders. Stéphanie Imbert ist bei Facebook. It was a great balance between…, Spent an excellent week with Bodhin and Helen and participants from all around Europe. Skilful MBSR teaching emerges from our own…, Tuesdays 18th May - 6th July in English.…, This MBSR Teacher Training level 2 starts…, 31st July - 7th August 2021, 8 days / 7 nights…, 5th October to 1st December 2021, 3h's every Tuesday…, 6th October - 2nd December 2021, 3h's every Wednesday…, MINDFULNESS-BASED TEACHING ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (MBI-TAC). Le programme MBSR (programme de réduction du stress basée sur la pleine conscience) validé … I can highly recommend Mindful Academy Solterreno’s teacher training to everyone interested in teaching Mindfulness." هل نسيت الحساب؟ MBSR Lyon. 13K likes. Log In. Páginas relacionadas. See more of MBSR Lyon on Facebook. Alex more Testimonials. Programme cycle des 8 semaines : du 9 octobre au 18 décembre 2019 CENTRE DE MÉDITATION 107, rue du 4 août 1789 69100 VILLEURBANNE 33 check-ins. „Az éber figyelemről (mindfulness) azt tartják, hogy ez a buddhista tanítás szíve. About See All. Sections of this page. Organización sin fines de lucro. For Beginners, Covering the MBSR 8 sessions: Deepening Practice with Inquiry: A poly-vagal informed MBSR? Le programme MBSR est une approche laïque de la méditation, qui révolutionne le monde de la prévention, du bien-être et de la santé en s’appuyant sur la bienveillance, l’altruisme et la compassion. Particularly enjoyed meeting the other participants, all with their own journey and their own story. Ressources partagées. Since 1977, our family-owned business has put integrity and dedicated service first whether we're selling a portable building or mobile home parts. Press alt + / to open this menu. Le programme MBSR (programme de réduction du stress basée sur la pleine conscience) validé scientifiquement pour diminuer le stress, l'anxiété, les douleurs. Nathalie Andre-Obadia is on Facebook. It was a learning experience, not just about teaching mindfulness, but also about myself. Les médecins préconisent le programme MBSR pour ces effets positifs sur le stress, à l’anxiété et les douleurs chroniques. Même si l'anglais et vous ca fait deux, je vous invite à regarder ces hommes, leurs visages et leurs yeux, à écouter leurs voix, leurs partages et leurs silences. Enseigné dans un cadre laïque et ouvert à tous pour réduire le stress avec la méditation de pleine conscience. Retrouvez sur cette page toutes les formations proposées par le MBSR Lyon. MBSR par visio. MBSR Lyon, Lyon. 1,3 k mentions J’aime. In between laughing and crying I discovered so so much about myself. Apprenez à méditer avec le programme MBSR et profitez chaque jour des bienfaits de la pleine conscience. 1,3 K J’aime. Un programme de groupe en 8 semaines pour : Un programme laïque, confirmé par plus d’un millier d’études scientifiques et validé par l’ADM (Association pour le Développement de la Mindfulness). Facebook은 활발한 정보 공유를 통해 보다 친밀하고 열린 세상을 만듭니다. La méditation est un moyen très naturel pour relaxer, calmer Etienne CharestさんはFacebookを利用しています。Facebookに登録して、Etienne Charestさんや他の知り合いと交流しましょう。Facebookは、人々が簡単に情報をシェアできる、オープンでつながりのある世界の構築をお手伝いします。 o. Crear cuenta nueva. Ver más de MBSR Lyon en Facebook. psychology. Une étude scientifique sur les effets de la méthode Vittoz conduite en partenariat avec Rébecca Shankland, Maître de conférence en psychologie à l’Université Pierre Mendes-France (Grenoble). 5 out of 5 stars. Equipe Méditation, Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon. We aim to provide for a safe learning environment and individual attention, we specialise in training small groups, preferring a small intimate apprenticeship process. Il reste encore quelques places pour le séminaire de méditation d'après le MBSR en Drôme provençale ! focuses primarily on the teaching process and curriculum of the group based 8-week Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction MBSR Course, developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre and also in the UK by the Centre for Mindfulness Practice and Research CMRP where our Senior International Trainer Bodhin Phillip Woodward trained in MBSR, Mindfulness Inquiry and Supervision. receiving. The MBSR Teacher Training course is taken in 2 primary residential retreat modules and on graduation of the course, you will have the skills and confidence to teach Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction MBSR classes, MBSR 8-week Stress Reduction courses and private MBSR classes that empower people to make a real difference to their lives. Copyright © Mindful Academy Solterreno All rights Reserved. Mr B's, Lyon, Mississippi. MBSR Lyon. Facebook gives people the power to share … Le programme MBSR (programme de réduction du stress basée sur la pleine conscience) validé … The Mindful Academy Solterreno course is also registered with the Yoga Alliance Professionals. A Lyon, dans ses environs, ou dans une nature ressourçante, ces rencontres basées sur la bienveillance sont aussi l’occasion de se retrouver ensemble pour pratiquer la présence à soi. The course offers all the contents of the MBSR both experientially as a student and from the teacher´s perspective as well as extensive training on delivering the MBSR core practices. Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Stéphanie Imbert und anderen Nutzern, die du kennst, zu vernetzen. The aims and objectives of the TT1, Foundation Level 1 course are to support your teaching development to teach the core meditation practices and develop and practice the skill of facilitating Inquiry - a key part of the group learning process. Fondé par Jon Kabat Zinn, docteur en biologie moléculaire, le Center For Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society (CFM) s’engage à promouvoir la pleine conscience au service de la santé et de l’épanouissement humain dans le monde entier. Any questions to submissions@mbsr.website, Here is a 5min video of 3 of our graduates talking about their experience of the Training:-, And here is an interview with Bodhin, Director of Training, at the International Summit for Mindfulness and Compassion at Work, Madrid 2018, Sit with Inquiry sessions are offered in 4-week blocks with 2-week breaks…. Organizzazione no-profit. 1292 ember kedveli. There are not enough words of gratitude for such a life changing 5 days. Jetzt nicht. Ce bouleversement intérieur m’a apporté beaucoup de joie et d’apaisement lors de la journée de pleine conscience. He has been practising mindfulness since 1985 and since 2005 has taught the classic 8-week course over 100 times. C’est parti ! Prochaine session de 8 semaines du programme MBSR -MBCT A partir du 6 avril au 3 juin 2021 deux groupes MBSR-MBCT sont proposés : Groupe du mardi soir : du 6 avril au premier juin 2021 18H30 -21H ( 6, 13 Que ce soit pour découvrir, raviver ou explorer la pratique méditative, ces stages s’adressent aux débutants ou aux personnes confirmées dans leur pratique de la méditation. Stéphanie Imbert è su Facebook. Très vite, le 1er cours, j’ai compris que le cadeau que je m’étais offert, allait être un cadeau précieux, bien plus que tous les présents matériels que j’ai pu recevoir ou que je me suis fait. And I have mixed feelings about the kind of attention mindfulness is currently Méditant depuis l’âge de 25 ans, c’est tout naturellement que ma recherche m’a conduite au programme MBSR. Techniques et méthodes Bénéfices sur la méditation MBSR ENTREPRISE Mindfulness en entreprise Modalités d’interventions Pour qui … 5. Apprendre à méditer ou approfondir sa pratique de la mindfulness. Adriana Orellana more Testimonials. Pour qui ? Not Now. In light of recent and evolving developments in the wider field with regard to program integrity, fidelity and standards, this intensive retreat offers the opportunity to explore current professional and ethical issues of concern to MBSR teachers. Mehr von MBSR Lyon auf Facebook anzeigen. Centre Bouddhiste Lamrim Lyon. See our clear steps to become an MBSR Teacher, Highly experienced professional teachers with a maximum of 12…. Le programme MBSR (programme de réduction du stress basée sur la pleine conscience) validé … MBSR Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training course with Mindful Academy Solterreno, at Solterreno Retreat Centre, a mountain Retreat Centre located on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. This intensive, mindfulness-based teacher training has been developed, refined and delivered since 2012 and teachers from all over the world choose to attend this programme, so it is highly international. Autour de moi l’on disait que j’avais « retrouvé ma lumière ». I can only say thank you and that I think this is one course I would not mind repeating, for myself at some point in the future and I am sure then I will again discover yet…, Truly a transformational course which leads you to be reborn, rediscover yourself, and changes your life forever!!! oder. Our Projects extend across several major localities in Bangalore including apartments, villas, luxury homes and commercial spaces. 1,347 people like this. 3 prate hjiroer. Facebook da a la gente el poder de compartir y … Le programme MBSR (programme de réduction du stress basée sur la pleine conscience) validé … Iniciar sesión ¿Olvidaste tu cuenta? 4), pp. Anmelden. Ahora no. تسجيل الدخول. Le programme MBSR (programme de réduction du stress basée sur la pleine conscience) validé scientifiquement pour diminuer le stress, l'anxiété, les douleurs. Méditation de pleine conscience / Mindfulness (séances hebdomadaires, retraites, MBSR, stages) à Lyon… Je sens que je touche une autre rive et que je suis plus solide, plus sereine, réconciliée avec moi-même, j’ai retrouvé une estime équilibrée et une confiance en moi dont je m’étais éloignée. Our intentions remain the same. Vedi altri contenuti di MBSR Lyon su Facebook. Le programme MBSR (programme de réduction du stress basée sur la pleine... Voir plus de contenu de MBSR Lyon sur Facebook Christine Clerc Sophrologue está en Facebook. Méditation pleine conscience Lyon. J’ai remarqué que j’avais moins tendance à être en pilotage automatique, j’étais plus présente et me laissais moins envahir par les pensées angoissantes et les pensées d’anticipation. Ähnliche Seiten. 26 personnes étaient ici. J’agis en conscience, une chose après l’autre. Anmelden. Accessibility help. The course is experiential, no long lectures to sit through. Iscriviti a Facebook per connetterti con Jean Cottraux e altre persone che potresti conoscere. The training primarily focuses on the teaching process and curriculum of the group-based, eight-week mindfulness-based programme (MBSR). Each of the modules is over 65 contact hours, which along with the pre and post-course materials bring the total hours of preparation to more than 300 hours. And has trained more than 250 Mindfulness Teachers from 46 countries. À 90 ans et en pleine forme, elle partage ses secrets en 20 minutes, pour rester en forme. 1,558 people follow this. This shows that my training at Solterreno and ongoing supervision meets the UK Good Practice Guidelines for Mindfulness-Based Teachers." 26 personnes étaient ici. Tutor/Teacher in Lyon, France. J’attendais peut être quelque chose de plus extérieur, c’est quelque chose de plus intérieur que j’ai découvert. The aims and objectives of the TT3, Graduate Level 3 course are designed to support experienced MBSR teachers on their teaching pathway. Mehr von MBSR Lyon auf Facebook anzeigen. The courses are taught by Bodhin Phillip Woodward, Director of Training, Senior and Certified International Mindfulness MBSR and MBCT Teacher, Breathworks Meditation Teacher and Senior Yoga Teacher who meets the requirements of the Good Practice Guidelines for Trainers of Mindfulness-based Teachers published by the UK Network of Mindfulness-based Teacher Trainers. Forgot account? 4 адам талкуулоодо. oder. It was an…. 258-264. Séance de méditation hebdomadaire Cycle 8 semaines MBSR "réduction du stress … MBSR Infrastructure Private Limited is a well-known construction and property developer in Bangalore. Neues Konto erstellen. Únete a Facebook para conectar con Jean Cottraux y otras personas que tal vez conozcas. En 1 clic, accédez à la salle de formation à distance. The practices, foundational skills and approaches you will learn are common to both MBSR and MBCT. The foundation course can also be taken as a stand-alone Continued Professional Development (CPD) also known as Continued Education Units (CEU) You do not need to make any decisions at the time of booking as the courses are booked and paid for separately. C’est une réconciliation, des retrouvailles. When I realized through your presentations and discussions that I alone caused my suffering with my overthinking, overplanning…, Silent retreat; What 3 words best describe your experience of this course The training was incredibly insightful, collaborative and really well guided. Au bout de la deuxième semaine, je me sentais déjà beaucoup moins stressée. Les réservations sont closes. MBSR Qu’est-ce que MBSR ? Stéphanie Imbert está en Facebook. Iscriviti a Facebook per connetterti con Stéphanie Imbert e altre persone che potresti conoscere. We may think—or even hope—that Buddhist practice will help us switch off unpleasant emotions so that we don’t have to experience them. Apprenez à méditer avec le programme MBSR. Én szeretek úgy gondolni a mindfulness-re, mint a tudatos élet művészetére. I Facilitated by Bodhin Phillip Woodward and Mindful Academy Solterreno Team. Méditation pleine conscience Lyon. (2, 9, 23 février – 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 mars) Pas de séance la deuxième semaine des vacances de Février Groupe du jeudi soir, du 4 février au premier avril 2021 de 18H30 à 21h. Neues Konto erstellen. Yoga Lyon. MBSR Lyon. MBSR Teacher Training TT1 course October 2020, Overall feedback or. Accedi. "Since training at Solterreno I have begun teaching the MBSR course in my local area and I have been accepted onto the UK Network for Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training Organisations. De fait, je me sens redevenir souriante naturellement, alors que je me forçais depuis quelques années. Grateful, Grounded, Supported, Overall, my experience was moving and intense. Un trait d'humour alors que je rentre du séjour débranche tout & respire" avec un super groupe :) Libres de respirer, de nager, de sentir notre corps bouger et se régénérer ... que du bonheur 殺
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