Mon maître, mon sauveur (Quasimodo & Frollo) – My Master, My Savior 3. Le procès (Frollo & Esmeralda) – The Trial With Clopin and his people occupying Notre Dame, Frollo orders Phoebus and his men to break sanctuary and attack the cathedral to drive them out ("L’Attaque de Notre Dame"). A complete recording of the score in Italian was made, along with a single disc of highlights in Spanish from the Barcelona production. Suddenly Esmeralda appears and gives him a drink of water from her cup, an act of kindness that deeply touches the poor hunchback. She has the music on CD and enjoys listening to it a lot. That night, Phoebus is on his way to the Cabaret du Val d’Amour for his rendezvous with Esmeralda when he realizes he is being stalked by a shadowy figure. 6. Frollo, secretly spying on Esmeralda, realizes that his lust for her will destroy him, but knows that he cannot resist nor does he want to ("Tu vas me détruire"). 2002: Italian Cast, Live at the Arena di Verona Primary Artists Bruno Pelletier, Daniel Lavoie, Garou & 4 more. After the curtain call, Gringoire leads the cast in a reprise of "Le temps des cathédrales". Critical reception in Great Britain was mixed, with praise for the music and choreography, and general disdain for the English translation of the lyrics and the show's overall direction. 20. Esméralda elle, est une jeune et superbe gitane qui danse dans Paris. 44. La monture (Fleur-de-Lys) – My Heart If You Will Swear 21. Clopin and his people resist bravely but are no match for the armed soldiers, and in the first attack Clopin is fatally wounded. Libérés (Quasimodo, Clopin, Esmeralda, Gringoire & Chorus) – Free Today Esmeralda who has arrived during this, agrees to marry Gringoire (in name only) and Clopin, as King of the Outcasts, unites them and they join in the wild revelry. 51. Décidément, ce confinement apporte son lot de La torture (Frollo & Esmeralda) – Torturer 12. Les Sans-papiers (Clopin & Chorus) – The Refugees Upcoming Lyrics. Le pape des fous (Quasimodo) – The King of Fools La volupté (Phoebus & Esmeralda) – The Voluptary Musical_Lover_1980 Frollo sentences her to death by hanging, but Esmeralda still professes her love for Phoebus and Frollo is left to suffer from the emotional torment of his unrequited passion ("Être prêtre et aimer une femme"). 2001: Live At The Arena di Verona[9] Phoebus (Esmeralda) – Phoebus, If You Can Hear Me Billboard Hot 100. 49. The music was composed by Riccardo Cocciante (also known as Richard Cocciante) and the lyrics are by Luc Plamondon. The orchestra and chorus were prerecorded; the principals wore very obvious boom microphones. Benjamin Auger / Paris Match 16 Plein Ecran Hélène Ségara dans sa loge du Palais des Congrès, pour la comédie musicale « Notre Dame de Paris », en octobre 1998. They watch as Quasimodo is dragged on stage bound on The Great Wheel as sentence for his attempted kidnapping of Esmeralda ("Anarkia"). Such a beautiful song. Fleur-de-Lys tells him that he will still have her heart and love if he will swear to have Esmeralda executed ("La monture"). Les cloches (Gringoire, Frollo, Quasimodo & Chorus) – The Bells Livre VI - chapitre 1 - Coup d'œil impartial sur l'ancienne magistrature 2. 2005: Korean Tour Cast I've got a few different cast recordings. The island is on the eastern half of the Île de la Cité. The music was composed by Riccardo Cocciante (also known as Richard Cocciante) and the lyrics are by Luc Plamondon. Gringoire, who has wandered in accidentally, is seized and Clopin tells him that he will be hanged for his trespassing – unless one of the women will agree to marry him. Livre IV - chapitre 2 - Claude Frollo 3. Notre-Dame de Paris is a sung-through French musical which debuted on 16 September 1998 in Paris. Top Lyrics of 2009. Listen to music from Notre Dame de Paris. 39. In spite of her initial fear of this strange, deformed man, Esmeralda is touched by his gentleness and finds herself warming towards Quasimodo. Under its auspices are several choirs, ranging from children to adults, which appear on this release in various configurations; there is also a professional Ensemble Vocal de Notre-Dame de Paris, heard here as well. 1997: Concept Album 11 Songs. 34. Quasimodo, enfant difforme et bossu et recueillie et adopté par le jeune prêtre Frollo qui en fit le sonneur de cloche de la cathédrale de Notre-Dame de Paris. 2001: Original Italian Cast Je te laisse un sifflet (Quasimodo & Esmeralda) – This Small Whistle I Leave You Le Procès Lyrics: 8. Lune (Gringoire) – Moon Phoebus himself is under no apprehensions about what kind of man he is – he wants both women, one as a wife and one as a temporary mistress ("Déchiré"). 1. Danse mon Esmeralda reprise (Orchestra) – Dance My Esmeralda reprise He makes a date for a rendezvous with her the next night at the Cabaret du Val d'Amour. Le mot Phoebus (Esmeralda & Gringoire) – The Word Phoebus (Frollo, Gringoire & Clopin) – Where Is She? Now begins the wild and coloured Feast of Fools, presided over by Gringoire ("La fête des fous"), the climax of which is the choosing of the King of Fools from among the group of people who can make the ugliest face; the King will be crowned by Esmeralda. In June 1999, in French speaking countries alone Notre-Dame De Paris album broke the 3 million units bareer. Les Oiseaux Qu'on Met en Cage Lyrics: 10. Gringoire sings to the moon ("Lune") in which he describes Quasimodo's pain and suffering because of his love for Esméralda. 19. Notre Dame de Paris by Pietro Riparbelli, released 25 July 2009 1. notre dame de paris 1 2. notre dame de paris 2 3. notre dame de paris 3 4. notre dame de paris 4 5. organ 6. chants Notre Dame de Paris (French for Our Lady of Paris), also known as Notre Dame Cathedral, is a Gothic, Catholic cathedral on the eastern half of the Île de la Cité in the fourth arrondissement of Paris, France. Notre-Dame de Paris Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: the ost, music, songs, score, cover, reviews, preview, online listen, tracks. Entitled simply Notre-Dame, the album is a collection of sacred music from the cathedral which celebrates its rich musical history. Où est-elle? Frollo, the Archdeacon of Notre Dame, orders Phoebus, the Captain of the Royal Archers, to have his men disperse the crowd ("Intervention de Frollo"). 2008: Instrumental version of Russian Cast, Video Recordings I think it is difficult for dramatic critics who have to understand everything from Shakespeare to Harold Pinter to understand that." Notre-Dame de Paris - Livre IV by PastilleASMR, released 18 August 2018 1. Instead of arresting her, Phoebus leaves her alone. Phoebus coldbloodedly hands Esmeralda over to be executed, orders the outcasts driven out of Paris ("Déportés") and leaves with Fleur-de-Lys. À boire (Chorus, Frollo & Quasimodo) – Water, Please! Intervention de Frollo (Frollo & Phoebus) – Frollo's Intervention Esmeralda tells him about herself, her life as a gypsy, and her dreams ("Bohémienne"). Night falls on Paris with its dark and hidden secrets commented on by Gringoire ("Les portes de paris"). Ave Maria païen (Esmeralda) – Pagan Ave Maria Easy and quick download. 10. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (French: Notre-Dame de Paris, lit. 2008: Live At The Sejong Center, This article is about the French musical. L'attaque de Notre-Dame (Clopin, Frollo, Phoebus, Esmeralda, Gringoire & Chorus) – Attack of Notre-Dame 13. Phoebus introduces himself to Esmeralda. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. It is based upon the 1831 novel Notre-Dame de Paris (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame) by the French novelist Victor Hugo. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Notre Dame de Paris. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Notre Dame de Paris. Tu vas me detruire (Frollo) – Your Love Will Kill Me As part of the publicity prior to the Paris opening three songs were released as singles: "Vivre", "Le temps des cathédrales", and "Belle". La Torture Lyrics: 7. At the Court of the Miracles, the haven for all of the outcasts of Paris, Clopin presides over a wild revel, remarking that all are truly equal here no matter their race, religion, skin color or criminal background ("La cour des miracles"). Le temps des cathédrales reprise (Gringoire & Ensemble) – The Age of the Cathedrals reprise. 8. As his men are driving off the refugees, Phoebus catches sight of the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda (in later productions, the scene changes to have him see her while she is dancing before Notre Dame) and is entranced by her. Left alone, Esmeralda, who has never prayed before, prays to the Virgin Mary ("Ave Maria païen"), while Quasimodo thinks of her ("Si tu pouvais voir en moi"). Fleur-de-Lys's love for Phoebus is childish and irrational, like that of Juliet for Romeo ("Ces diamants-là"). Clopin attacks Frollo, knocking him unconscious, and releases Esméralda and they flee the prison to Notre Dame for sanctuary ("Liberes"). Listen to music from Notre Dame de Paris like Belle, Les Sans-Papiers & more. 2009: Original Highlights Russian Cast For the Disney-produced musical, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Concert | Les plus grandes chansons de Notre-Dame de Paris en concert avec sur scène 70 musiciens et 40 choristes", «Notre Dame de Paris» revient au Palais des Congrès 18 ans après, "Video - Notre-Dame de Paris in Congress Palace on Youtube", "Video - Notre-Dame de Paris at Arena di Verona on Youtube", "Video - Notre-Dame de Paris from Channel One Russia on Youtube", "ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: NOTRE DAME DE PARIS", The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Topsy Turvy Games, Disney's Animated Storybook: The Hunchback of Notre Dame,, Works based on The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Articles needing additional references from October 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2019, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz release group identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Kim Jeong-hyeon, Gwak Sun-young: Fleur-de-Lys, Przemysław Zubowicz, Maciej Podgórzak, Rafał Szatan: Phoebus. Esmeralda muses on the word as it romantically relates to the man Phoebus ("Beau comme le soleil"); she is joined on stage by Fleur-de-Lys, who also muses on Phoebus (although she seems to be more apprehensive about him), but both believe that Phoebus will love them forever. L'enfant trouvé (Quasimodo) – The Foundling Recently Added. Livre IV - chapitre 3 - Immanis pecoris custos immanior ipse 4. Director Gilles Maheu staged the show in concert style, with the principal singers standing downstage center, with non-singing dancers upstage providing visual, but not dramatic, excitement. "); Gringoire says he does not know and answers obliquely (but he tells Clopin, who has been searching for Esmeralda, that she has been imprisoned in the prison of La Sainte and that she will be hanged if Clopin doesn't save her). Danse mon Esmeralda (Quasimodo) – Dance My Esmeralda Phoebus arrives (he seems to be a regular customer here too) and meets Esmeralda in a private room ("La volupté"). 2001: Paris Cast (Live At The Théâtre Mogador) About Notre Dame de Paris: Complete Cast Production This Notre Dame de Paris: Complete Cast Production album was released in 1999 and featured titles like Belle from Daniel Lavoie. By unanimous decision, Quasimodo is chosen and crowned as the King of Fools, but he knows that for all the power he has this one day nothing can make a woman such as Esmeralda care for him ("Le pape des fous"). 'Our Lady of Paris', originally titled Notre-Dame de Paris. Phoebus Lyrics: 6. Hiding in the shadows is a monstrous figure who is dragged out into the light; it is the bell-ringer of Notre Dame, the hunchbacked and facially deformed Quasimodo. Tentative d'enlèvement (Phoebus & Esmeralda) – Kidnap Attempt Overture (Orchestra) La sorcière (Frollo & Quasimodo) – The Sorceress Frollo tells him that "Anarké" means "Fate" in Greek. Arsen Mirzoian, Zinoviy Karach - Quasimodo; This page was last edited on 26 February 2021, at 20:06. Notre-Dame de Paris - Livre VI by PastilleASMR, released 27 December 2018 1.
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