[40], In 1961, NASA popularized the variant "A-OK" during the launch of Alan Shepard's Mercury mission.[53]. As an adjective, OK principally means "adequate" or "acceptable" as a contrast to "bad" ("The boss approved this, so it is OK to send out"); it can also mean "mediocre" when used in contrast with "good" ("The french fries were great, but the burger was just OK"). The general fad is speculated to have existed in spoken or informal written U.S. English for a decade or more before its appearance in newspapers. Three major American reference works (Webster's, New Century, Funk & Wagnalls) cited this etymology as the probable origin until as late as 1961. Roger Thomas is correct in that OK is short for oll korrect, but it is not of military origin. Les amis Bruxellois qui me lisen... », « Je réitère donc : un oui, franc et massif, vaut tous les OK du monde, dans notre pays de bonne chère et de bon vin. The OK button can probably be traced to user interface research done for the Apple Lisa. ", "Duden | o. k. | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft". Through his courtesy we were able to examine this manuscript carefully, to make greatly enlarged photographs of it, and to become convinced (as is Richardson) that, whatever the marks in the manuscript are, they are not OK.[28], Similarly, H. L. Mencken, who originally considered it "very clear that 'o. In Taiwan, OK is frequently used in various sentences, popular among but not limited to younger generations. La preuve sur cette page... ». On peut donc certainement laisser tomber les origines françaises de ces expressions.A moins que considérées comme des abréviations et non des mots, OK et KO n’aient pas été appréciés à leur juste valeur. For example, it was claimed that the phrase appeared in a 1790 court record from Sumner County, Tennessee, discovered in 1859 by a Tennessee historian named Albigence Waldo Putnam, in which Andrew Jackson apparently said "proved a bill of sale from Hugh McGary to Gasper Mansker, for an uncalled good, which was O.K.". C’est sûr, nous en sommes bien d’accord, notre merrrveilleux site est FRANCOPHONE : exact, c’est exact ? Origine et définition . In Germany, OK is spelled as o.k. This includes the aforementioned "OK了" (Okay le), "OK嗎" (Okay ma), meaning "Is it okay?" One predecessor of OK was OW, "oll wright."[13]. In Brazil, it may be also pronounced as "ô-kei". [24][25] For the three decades prior to the Boston abbreviation fad, the Choctaw had been in extensive negotiation with the US government,[26] after having fought alongside them at the Battle of New Orleans. Scottish "auch aye", meaning "ah yes." He dreamed of an all-Indian state with power held by the United States Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Papers from the Sixth Regional Meeting [of the] Chicago Linguistic Society, 1970. or O.K. ", often not regarded politely, for example, "I want this job done, OK?" Several Unicode characters are related to visual renderings of OK: Several terms redirect here. OK is used to label buttons in modal dialog boxes such as error messages or print dialogs, indicating that the user must press the button to accept the contents of the dialog box and continue. for "know yuse"). Satisfactory or agreeable; acceptable: Was everything OK with your stay? In the Philippines, "okay lang" is a common expression that literally means "it's okay" or "it's fine". In Hong Kong, movies or dramas set in modern times use the term okay as part of the sprinkling of English included in otherwise Cantonese dialog. Obscene, to be used with extreme moderation! OK definition: 1. used to show that you agree with something or agree to do something: 2. used to check that…. He also documented controversy surrounding OK and the history of its folk etymologies, both of which are intertwined with the history of the word itself. Some examples are: Allen Walker Read identifies the earliest known use of O.K. or "OK啦" (Okay la), a strong, persuading affirmative, as well as the somewhat tongue-in-cheek explicit yes/no construction "O不OK?" (O bù OK? Principe d'où une chose provient. The great lawyer who successfully argued many Indian rights claims,[clarification needed (Who?)] Chirstian, pour information, l’expression KO vient de l’anglais "knock out", littéralement "frappé dehors". See more. En cas d'erreur, signalez-les nous dans le formulaire de contact. H. L. Mencken, in The American Language, lists serious candidates and "a few of the more picturesque or preposterous". ", "Is that OK?"). In India, it is often used after a sentence to mean "did you get it? Seven instances were accompanied with glosses that were variations on "all correct" such as "oll korrect" or "ole kurreck", but five appeared with no accompanying explanation, suggesting that the word was expected to be well known to readers and possibly in common colloquial use at the time. There have been numerous attempts to explain the emergence of this expression, which seems to have swept into popular use in the US during the mid-19th century. La première chose à savoir sur l'expression "O.K." Dictionaries and style guides such as The Chicago Manual of Style and The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage provide no consensus. In France and Belgium, OK is used to communicate agreement, and is generally followed by a French phrase (e.g. In one particular line, he said “o.k. (computing) To confirm by activating a button marked OK. 2001, Mike Collins, Pro Tools: Practical Recording, Editing and Mixing for Music Production: Type a suitable name for your Marker and OK the dialogue box. U.S. President Martin Van Buren's nickname "Old Kinderhook" -- OK for short. Get great PC and Mac games on Origin. In Singapore, OK is often used with suffixes used in "Singlish" such as OK lor, OK lah, OK meh, OK leh, which are used in different occasions. In Korean, 오케이 (literally "okay") can be used colloquially in place of 네 (ne, "yes") when expressing approval or acknowledgment. Extraction d'une personne, d'une famille Read's etymology gained immediate acceptance, and is now offered without reservation in most dictionaries. In Indonesia, OK is also used as a slogan of national television station RCTI since the year 1994. Le deuxième n'est pas conforme aux règles phonotactiques habituelles de l'anglais, ce qui pourrait corroborer la thèse d'une origin… Définitions. One example from 1941 is the apparent notation "we arrived ok" in the hand-written diary of William Richardson going from Boston to New Orleans in 1815, about a month after the Battle of New Orleans. It is used in Japan and Korea in a somewhat restricted sense, fairly equivalent to "all right". David Dalby first made the claim that the particle OK could have African origins in the 1969 Hans Wolff Memorial Lecture. Likewise, OK is commonly transformed into "OK了" (OK le) when communicating with foreigners or with fellow Cantonese speaking people in at least Hong Kong and possibly to an extent other regions of China. According to the article, celebrated etymologist Dr. Allen Walker Read (1906-2002) argued that OK first appeared as an abbreviation for "Oll Korrect" in a satirical piece on grammar that was published in the Boston Morning Post in 1839. Les anglicismes sont l’objet de fréquentes critiques, en raison de leur nombre jugé excessif et de leur origine. The spelling ‘okay’ developed some time later. A quick look at Google’s Ngram Viewer suggests that ‘OK’ had at least a 100-year head start on ‘okay’, but that for most of the past 100 years the two have been neck and neck. Abbreviations: OK (for use with zip code), Okla. See more. In Turkey, the OK sign is considered offensive, as the sign was once—and still is—used as a salute by the far-right, ultra-nationalist terrorist organisation, the Grey Wolves. In Flanders and the Netherlands, OK has become part of the everyday Dutch language. Il suffit de demander ! During period after surrender of Japan in WW2, U.S. sailors or forces would meet one another at local intersection of two streets with names simular to however you are spelling okie dokie, I can not remember actual street names, perhaps there was or is an okie street that crosses dokie. a judge will have to OK the search warrant OK (spelling variations include okay, O.K., and ok) is an English word (originally American English) denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, acknowledgment, or a sign of indifference. [54] Other usages of OK such as "I am OK" can be translated as 我还好; wǒ hái hǎo. Choctaw word for 'it is so' (see above). : 8. The "了" indicates a change of state; in this case it indicates the achievement of consensus. The origins of the word are disputed. – all correct -“, which does look a bit strange, given that all doesn’t begin with “o” and correct doesn’t start with “k”. ainsi que des exemples d'expressions ou phrases employant le mot. Mr Read treated such doubting calmly. [citation needed] These missionaries ended many sentences in their translation of the Bible with the particle "okeh", meaning "it is so",[citation needed] which was listed as an alternative spelling in the 1913 Webster's. Mais que vient donc faire ici ce OK très perfide qui prétend nous faire pérorer tout un jour autour de son "mystère" ? OK's original presentation as "all correct" was later varied with spellings such as "Oll Korrect" or even "Ole Kurreck". Vérification faite : pas de OK dans mon dernier achat. The Origin of OK. Que c’est une bonne question, qui peut encore faire gloser pendant des millénaires ! Je n'en suis pas certain, mais elle m'est tellement souventes fois demandée que je l'ajoute quand même ici. A verifiable early written attestation of the particle 'kay' is from transcription by Smyth (1784) of a North Carolina slave not wanting to be flogged by a European visiting America: Kay, massa, you just leave me, me sit here, great fish jump up into da canoe, here he be, massa, fine fish, massa; me den very grad; den me sit very still, until another great fish jump into de canoe; ...[27]. Some are attracted to the claim that it is of American-Indian origin. The Choctaw language was one of the languages spoken at this time in the Southeastern United States by a tribe with significant contact with African slaves. In Spain it's much less common than in Latin American countries (words such as "vale" or "de acuerdo" are preferred) but it may still be heard. 3. Get great PC and Mac games on Origin. Personal interview by Nu Alpha Pi. OK is frequently used as a loanword in other languages. "On getting a word in edgewise," page 568. His argument was reprinted in various newspaper articles between 1969 and 1971. [17], The earliest written evidence for the Choctaw origin is provided in work by the Christian missionaries Cyrus Byington and Alfred Wright in 1825. or at the end of a conversation (mostly on the phone) followed by "bye" as in "OK, bye.". Okay ? Peut-on considérer OK comme une expression ? Try before you buy demos and trials and score totally free games! In Mandarin Chinese it is also somewhat humorously used in the "spelling" of the word for karaoke, "卡拉OK", pronounced "kah-lah-oh-kei" (Mandarin does not natively have a syllable with the pronunciation "kei"). Read argues that, at the time of the expression's first appearance in print, a broader fad existed in the United States of "comical misspellings" and of forming and employing acronyms, themselves based on colloquial speech patterns: The abbreviation fad began in Boston in the summer of 1838 ... and used expressions like OFM, "our first men," NG, "no go," GT, "gone to Texas," and SP, "small potatoes." It is pronounced the same way. [16] However, Read's landmark 1963–1964 papers silenced most of the skepticism. Noun We need her OK on this before we place the order. It can mean "assent" when it is used as a noun ("the boss gave her the OK to the purchase") or, more colloquially, as a verb ("the boss OKed the purchase"). Commencement. In Pakistan, OK has become a part of Urdu and Punjabi languages. Le dessous des mots La tonnelle sous le canal. Définition origine dans le dictionnaire de définitions Reverso, synonymes, voir aussi 'originer',à l'origine',d'origine',dès l'origine', expressions, conjugaison, exemples Yngve, Victor. In Portugal, it is used with its Portuguese pronunciation and sounds something like "ókâi" (similar to the English pronunciation but with the "ó" sounding like the "o" in "lost" or "top"), or even as 'oh-kapa', from the letters O ('ó') and K ('capa'). Mencken (following Read) described the diary entry as a misreading of the author's self-correction, and stated it was in reality the first two letters of the words a h[andsome] before noticing the phrase had been used in the previous line and changing his mind.[38]. "ekosi"). https://www.lalanguefrancaise.com/expressions/ok-definition-et-origine "): 7. OK is an editorial joke run wild . A West African (Mande and/or Bantu) etymology has been argued in scholarly sources, tracing the word back to the Wolof and Bantu word waw-kay or the Mande (aka "Mandinke" or "Mandingo") phrase o ke.
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