The first human was a “black head” and called ADAMU (the earthling) to be exact. Most agree that the Sumerians were the VERY first to take the stage as the first Civilisation and then the Assyrians, Babylonians and other followed suite. Instead of being biased based on your or someone else’s ethnicity, look at facts and then use those fact to prove your point. My perspective is that we have yet to develop a civilization. The oldest ever existed crafted gold was made by them too, which was found in Varna, Bulgaria (Europe), and which is that old. Kemet (Land of the black) is the name of the land now known as Egypt. Here’s someone who knows what is talking about. Actually the Mesopotamians were the first civilisation ( not because I’m Iraqi ) since all of the other countries have been stealing their inventions . Archaeology however indicate that at Cuddie Springs NSW Australia, that Aboriginal people were making bread about 30 000 years ago. Comments are more informative than the article. Civilization existed with astronomy, science, trade, irrigation throughout human existence but most were destroyed through war in making another conquering nation superior. Huge artificially cut stones! They believed the Serpent Rainbow created everything, and everything belonged to everyone. Wouldn’t it be foolhardy to postulate that The first humans evolved in such and such a place? So the bottomline is – Western Civilization is an immature but arrogant kid who kept on claiming that they did it first, when all they did was copy what someone else had done. Stating the Persian empire was only a couple hundred years old? Local governments remained in place and were forced to pay varying amounts of tribute to the Triple Alliance. The imperial house recognizes 125 monarchs beginning with the legendary Tennō Heika Jimmu (traditionally dated to 11 February 660 BC) and continuing up to the current Tennō Heika Akihito. Information about the Protodynastic Period is derived from a few monuments and other objects bearing royal names, the most important being the Narmer Palette. It is my understanding from schooling (at university level) and further study, that man came out of Africa and spread across the globe as it was (whenever that was â witness the division of opinion here, just on that question alone). Yes, The oldest civilization was in Zagros mountain, which is located in current Iran and Iraq in Persian Plateau, Not Arabian Plateau. So from Harrappa to long after Vedic Period, It was all Hindu. However, according to Swedish legends, there are several mythical kings who ruled the land before Eric the Victorious and the earliest written records of a Swedish King date back to around 100AD. A great man, Zecharia Sitchin (decesed), started publishing these translation in 1976 with very controversial claims. An ill advised clergyman decided that the world couldn’t be more that roughly 5,000 years old. It is not species found in dwarka but bones of human being. Which raises another question regarding how you describe the terms, advanced culture, well-bred and refined. Yeah, early literature aboyt trading activities, coinage, mega temples (one of which still exist) well planned roads, buildings etc doesnt count. Having regard to the number of foods the whole world appear to rely on and take for granted ;which emanated from the Americas , i do wonder whether they have had the longest civilisation in the world. Well, if so either Arun… you got to fire your English teacher or your keyboard is fried! Between Ramayana epic and beginning of Mahabratha, it is recorded (by name) of Rama’s predecessors leading up to Rama’s birth and then (about twenty Solar Dynasty Kings as they were known) lineage down to Kuru Dynasty which lead to birth of Pandavas and Kauravas, It is too long or I could list it down. I find this all very interesting. I was wondering at what time man began his struggle to control his world and those around him. Why is it that almost always the term “neolithic” is applied to Eurasia, but not to Africa- where the terms early, middle, late stone age are used? Try saying that after a … We are likely- today to think of the Chinese as a “backward” people who are less civilized than we are, and it is true that in what we carelessly speak of as civilization—mechanization and the fruits of scientific discovery—they have, in the last hundred years, lagged behind the procession and are only beginning to catch up. You have made an interesting point that may be linked to the people who lived before the great flood, and those who did survive it, and propagated the human race thereafter. The Kingdom of Norway traditionally dates its monarchy back to 885AD, after the Battle of Hafrsfjord when Harald Fairhair merged several smaller kingdoms. The entire continent of Africa sits on the African plate and Arabia, sits on its own plate called the Arabian plate. Pythagoras, Archimedes, Socrates, Euclid, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great⦠the history books are full of these names whose inventions, theories, beliefs, and heroics have had a significant impact on subsequent civilizations. The man made water reservoirs net work that covered up the part of the island was a first in the world. You describe the Romans, Greeks, and everything in the Americas while not mentioning the Levant. On an idealistic note, I hope the present world can become as border-less as it was during the ancient civilizations. I’m not sure how radical Islam would be if we didn’t take a house for an eye. Itâs also believed the Vishnuâs fish incarnation has performed in this city. They are one of the most famous dynasties frrom history. In 2012 of these counts ended and a new one started. God KRiSHNA : Holy Gita Science is based on many human lives one needs to attain salvation of freedom of no life. That makes it the oldest “civilization” (as opposed primitive humans making cave drawings). Dear Adikari, Its interesting. It is true that there are many civilizations that we know nothing about at all. From this point, Rome was referred to as the Roman Republic. They are so ancient that the Greeks and the Romans considered them their ancient ancestors. Gobekli Teppi is the oldest discovered civilization now. But unfortunately both got destroyed for similar reasons out Civilizations might be at an end today. In a short, I highly find it suspect by anyone else’s word for them to be an older civilization the them. Creating cities depends on the environmental factors. Starting with DNA this article points to the work that finds like many other works that Indigenous Australians represent one of the oldest continuing human cultures and civilisations. And by the way, the article has son many inaccuracies that I have decided to ignore it altogether. The Gandhara Civilization (1500 BCE to 500 CE), The Phoenicians (1500 BCE to 300 BCE), the Celts (1400 BCE to 4 CE), The Olmec (1200 BCE to 400 BCE), The Vikings (1,100 BCE to 1066 CE), The Kushnite (1069 BCE to 350 CE), The Kingdom of Judah (934 BCE to 586 BCE), and Carthage (800 BCE to 146 BCE) all existed before the founding of the CITY of Rome in 753 BCE. Trade, Diplomacy, government, currency, religion, arts, science/tech, laws, public works, schools, military, medicine, etc. What positive or negative impact have you made to those around you? So, summary here is that there were older civilization before the Armenians in Sardinia, Asia and several other regions who produced the group of people you call the Armenians and this “gene pool” stopped pouring in after the end of the Bronze Age 1200 BC. Now, wouldnât that be something ï. Last but not the least, just imagine what we all can able to do if a huge meteor strikes our mother Earth and costs all the lives. My point is that your list is super inaccurate. Further, Sitchinâs claim of a 12th planet. First Monarch: Emperor Jimmu Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Dating in the Border Caves in South Africa put origins at 40 000 years ago. The timeline of ancient Mesopotamia is usually held to be from around 3300 BC to 750 BC. I could of read this in a public school AP class. In time it will fade. People need to stop making things up. May be they all hated societies and continued bagpacking throughout their lives until someone sacrificed them for ‘religious purpose’. The high-production beer factory dates back to 3,000 B.C. I am pashtun. Something is unclear. First Monarch: Alfred the Great or William the Conqueror To set us apart from most other animals, we are talking about humanoid-made cities, and evidence of RAPIDLY increasing technology. Tamil and Sanskrit are entirely different. You know, the oldest ruling dynasty is the House Of Saxe Coburg Gotha, now repackaged and marketed as the wonderful House of Windsor of course. I believe in God, Heaven and Hell. Track Walker. Stil writing in ADVANSED SANSKRIT is close to painting :). Ancient Chinese civilization one of the oldest in the world and certainly the longest continuous civilization with plethora of technological advances that went from China to the west. why haven’t India excavated 1 ancient city yet? Civilization Name: Roman civilization Period: 550 BCâ465 AD Original Location: Village of the Latini Current Location: Rome Major Highlights: Most powerful ancient civilization. At the time they were a tribe of people like any else. All those great cities and civilizations! 1 decade ago. From what I understand they describe “people” coming from the sky. Civilization Name: Mesopotamian civilization Period: 3500 BCâ500 BC Original Location: Northeast by the Zagros mountains, southeast by the Arabian plateau Current Location: Iraq, Syria, and Turkey Meaning: Land between rivers (ancient Greek) Major Highlights: First civilization in the world. They have SOCIAL HIERARCHY! What about the Khoisan (foraging San/ Pastoral Khoi) of the Kalahari? The King of Morocco has a wide array of executive and legislative power, particularly over the military, foreign policy, and religious affairs. It just might surprise you! yes what you said is true, even blue whales the only available ancient species come to the shore of the Sri Lanka to breed, long long back Sri Lanka might have been on the top of earth but it might have gradually come down. Or did we foregt to mention to you that in Hinduism our actual holy book never talk about one God over head, and the other gods of hinduism are merely representstion of nature, we still belive in one God. Religion has certainly been used to control, and is now the major tool being fought over. what about the African civilization? Will looking at it somehow tell you when it was built ? Mayan ,German , Peru, Turkish, Bonesia, Indus Valley , Ganges , Nile River , the Yellow River, the Tamil civilizations . I am from Afghanistan and our Bamian buth (Idol) is approx 5000 years old. Current Monarch: Carl XVI Gustaf Civilization Name: Indus Valley civilization Period: 3300 BCâ1900 BC Original Location: Around the basin of the Indus river Current Location: Northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India Major Highlights: One of the most widespread civilizations, covering 1.25 million km. Whatever might be the arguments regarding oldest civilisations, race, religion or any sort of divisions that we have with in us. Egypt history is twisted after the collapse of the kush Kingdom. Who else will be left out to make quarrels? India is full of different kinds of old civilizations. What about Carthage in located in present day Tunisia is one of the most Advanced civilization rival to Ancient Rome and came long into existence before Ancient Rome, history has it that the founders of Ancient Rome visited Ancient Carthage while escaping from just destroyed Ancient Troy by the Greeks which lies right in the heart of Africa before heading for Italy to establish Ancient Rome. We can understand easy old sanskrit, its like removing some nowday gramer from my mother language. You gonna look really silly in 2nd place when they find an ancient city under Antarctica ok.. There has been more then a hint of evidence there may well have been civilizations on earth well over 40,000 year ago; however, as their existence would seem to belie that which the mainstream wants you to believe and which they will go to (and already have) great lengths to dispute or make light of as unlikely, at the least, or totally crazy. Among other things, the Greeks invented the ancient Olympics, and formed the concept of democracy and the Senate. Around the 1200s and early 1300s, the people in present-day Mexico lived in three big rival cities â Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan. Also Iâd like to point out that the present world is formed after many tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions over thousands of years. Galileo was best friends with the pope and a devote Christian, so why was he persecuted? Like monuments or big structures or stone things. Who were they trading with? I’m all for reading interesting articles but don’t try to put anyone down to make yourself look and feel superior. If you can backup your claims of africa being the first civilization then what is that african civilization that is OLDER AND GREATER than the Mesopotamia? I carry the same ideals. Just feel the need to say to address common points. not to mention the vayu yaan using mercury. I came from country, where we speak what you call SANSKRIT, but Sanskrit is our old alfabet only, and not a language. Also bear in mind the destruction of the Alexandria library that housed thousands and thousands of literature of African civilisation. yay! (3)And Aryan invasion theory is found fake it was a product of british colonialisms (4) the Indian texts have been conciderd as myths but now there are proof that they are facts(like the bramastra in Vedas Ramayana and mahabaratha is same as described as nukes and even after effects of nclear explosions like loss of nail hair etc are described perfectly (5) even many resurch organization’s are researching on vimanashastra(6)Russian korien languages resemble Sanskrit and Tamil also wors like mathr become mother and brother and bhratr etc, Jiroft in iran is the oldest ancient civilization in the world .aratta kingdom, Completely agree with Bob Shaw. It probably will be under this domain name: and be a slow progression explaining the way I and a few “experts” see our human history! During the pre-Roman era, several successive independent states (Massylii) existed before the king Masinissa unified the people of Numidia. There is hard proof that aboriginal australians are originally from south asia along with some other small islands and regions. It was very informative yet concise. I would like to know what or whom is the oldest civilization ever discovered. The Sphinx of Giza is older than 3000BC, the Olmecs the God Father of all ancient civilizations of the Americas were omitted, Greece and Rome were the least homogenous of all civilizations; they invented the word “cut, copy, & paste” , the contributions of the Moors to Europe is omitted. They are only created by mankind to suppress mankind and not to favour you. Some of the most ancient (‘primitive’) cultures still in existence have no concept of ‘godhead’, let alone ‘holy scripture’ or Theology. Hi. But we all know fact can never be hide. We can discuss only upto now but I am waiting for new discoveries which will be never gonna end. The twenty-fifth dynasty Please go Wikipedia and search for kushit umpire The ancient Egypt (Nubian being 20%) the 80% of modern Egyptian are d the escendant of roman and Arabs invaders they’ve nothing to do with Egyptian history. Now, how long does it take to figure out the phases of the moon and the sun? Let’s see Iran better … “Sadeq”, Okay….working the night shift and it’s a ghost town…I read pretty much all of these comments and even replied to a few! I do not think 8000 years ago or even 10,000 years ago was the first homids. We are all God’s children, whether you are from India, Africa, Europe, North/South America, etc, and we will all pass on some day. It has been generally accepted form many years that Egypt was the site of the first monarchy. There may be many more civilizations that may be lying buried under several layers under the surface of the earth. And in fact we have recently deciphered their language in the past like 2 years. The only evidence us humans have of him is ourselves and our surroundings. Very funny that you never mentioned the most ancient ones from Africa, fir example (The Kingdom of Kerma) that existed between 2500 BC and 1500 BC, located in what is today the northern part of Sudan. what about carthage civilization 814 BC ( Tunisia , Malta ,Sicilia , palma, sardinia, corsica,Balearic Islands,south spain ,north coast morocco and algeria ). yet it is these myths and folklores have been passed down through oration or carved in stone by humans who had advanced knowledge. Before that there were only timbers back to 4200 BC , they are being excavated. 2nd all south indian languages has come from tamil is like all indian languages has emerged from hindi.
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