The Pink Panther Drink. He eventually led a fleet of ships to the United Lands of the Poseidon Ocean, ruled by the past incarnations of Nash and Marin. Nash pursued him and the two Dueled again, with Nash winning once again. [50] This resulted in Vector obtaining the "Numbers" that Number 96 owned, among them "Number 65: Djinn Buster"[22] and "Number 96: Dark Mist"[11] itself, as well as their corresponding "Number C" forms, "Number C65: King Overfiend" and "Number C96: Dark Storm". 64 63 7. [24], Knowing they cannot engage two ocean gods, Vector then ordered a retreat and later initiated war against Nash's kingdom. There, he challenged him to a Shadow Duel, with the rules being that the more monsters that were sent to the Graveyard, the more of Nash's troops would die. [13] Following his revival, he is shown to be on good terms with the other Emperors. [11][59], Vector also has access to "Number C5: Chaos Chimera Dragon" and presumably its base form as well. Covid-19 vaccine: Five days into India's mass vaccination programme, there are some concerns over vaccine hesitancy. During his next Duel against Yuma, he focuses on milling his opponent's Deck through cards such as "Number 104: Masquerade" and "Vain Betrayer" since he knew Yuma would keep the "V" cards as their symbol of friendship. Vector uses an "Umbral Horror" Deck mostly focusing on Rank 2 and 4 Xyz Monsters. [25] Vector eventually led Nash to a secret tunnel in what would eventually become a "Number" ruin, which also featured Don Thousand's Emblem above the doorway. After Vector loses the duel to Yuma for the final time and became Don Thousand's host, Mizar would threaten him to feed him to his dragon. Upon hearing this, Vector ordered Heartland to send Chironex after Shark and mused that whenever he thinks of Shark, his chest fills with rage. When Yuma found a note on his desk, Ray popped out from under him and told Yuma it was a note of a challenge, startling Yuma in the process. Fast shipping right to your door! [22] Upon losing, Vector was overwhelmed by the souls of the people he slaughtered, dragging him to the darkest abyss as his punishment to be purged for all horrible things done in his nature. The two were enemies due to the fact that Dumon was a friend of Nash. Straight virgin led astray by, Download bokep Pantat besar latin cougar fucking young bf, Hot Ladyboy Kylie rides a big cock guy in hardcore anal sex After Marin mocked him for his combo being broken, Vector got his revenge by revealing that Nash had been captured. Heartland. He also began to make Marin suffer as he used "Number 43: Manipulator of Souls" to inflict damage to her. [10] Vector also considers himself a god due to he and Don Thousand merged as one, and as such did not care if he and the Barians were all being used by Don Thousand. The name Vector is also a reference to Hector of Greek Mythology. He also has a very unique Duel Gazer, larger than a normal Duel Gazer with a large red lens and a black head gear that wraps around his head. [4][5] He also demonstrates a tendency to break out into fits of deranged laughter. Their animosity was kept at bay only by the fact that Vector's plan often was the better course of action. He then executed his servants and everyone else in the kingdom, as they had continually urged him to stop the war (in the dub, Vector exiled them). He also used "watashi" when he possessed Dr. Faker. [23] Though very effective at the first, the gorgons were defeated with their own powers by reflecting them with mirror shields. His Decks, and strategy reflects his style to torturing, and feeling pleasure in tricking his opponents, and feed on their suffering taking pain to ensure he cannot be stopped. [14], He demonstrates an uncontrollable loathing towards Nash, claiming he "disliked him" from the moment the two met and even going as far as creating a "point system" in which Nash would score 1 point each time Nash spoke, annoyed Vector or did anything and decided to betray him after scoring the grand total of 100,000,000 points. The best selection of Royalty Free Logo Vector Art, Graphics and Stock Illustrations. Later, Ray secretly watched Yuma Duel against Carlyle Chesterton by the gym pool with a concerned look. 0H%�BMc k�9P�q��$��+��U�%�f����%��IO ��x�pZ�8���U��s�& ]�`:��8)$E����.�J�4|���bQ�� &��a� He hides his true Dueling prowess from his opponents at first, then surprises them with his traps and various strategic maneuvers later on. He also stole Nash's energy as he restored his Life Points. Before retreating, Vector warned Astral the dark stain in his heart will not disappear and will corrode his bond with Yuma until it was destroyed. For other versions of this character, see. After becoming the host for Don Thousand, Vector utilizes the "Thousand" Spell Cards to constantly gaining Life Points from "Don Thousand's Throne" which drains Nash's life force the more Life Points he gains, lockdown, and gaining an early advantage with "Contract with Don Thousand" by forcing his opponent to pay 2000 points, and ensuring spells would be a backlash rather then as an aide, though "Contract" is mostly used for baiting Nash to use "Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One" so Vector can use the "Number C" monsters of his fellow Barian Emperors for a beat down strategy, and quick burn. How to Use Layer Styles Like a Pro. "Rei" could also translate into the word "ray", (used in the English dub) which in optics is defined as the vector pointing in the direction of propagating light, which can refer to both Vector's masquerade and also type of Deck Ray uses. 77 92 10. After his "Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon" was absorbed by Number C6: Chronomaly Chaos Atlandis, Vector mocked him for losing his dragon. 295 510 24. They collaborated efficiently, but Thousand eventually betrayed Vector by absorbing him to restore his power. It is so strong that Vector mused that his heart filled with rage whenever he thought of Shark - before he knew that Shark was actually Nash. When Marin and Dumon returned to the Barian World, he told them his plans and revealed that he revived Don Thousand. However, when Nash and Marin returned to the Barian World, Dumon questioned Vector about why Earth and the Barian World fused together, knowing that only Don Thousand was capable of it. 169 260 16. In exchange, Byron would be able to take revenge on Dr. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Like the rest of his fellow Barian Emperors, Mizar doesn't like Vector very much. When Dumon lost due to the effect of his own card, Vector rejoiced.[17]. Sargasso the Different Dimension Battlefield, Super Secret Number Card Investigation Club, Rank-Up-Magic Admiration of the Thousands,,,,, Reginald "Shark" Kastle (Ryoga Kamishiro), Number 39: Utopia (Numbers 39: Hope, King of Wishes), Number 83: Galaxy Queen (Numbers 83: Galaxy Queen), Number 32: Shark Drake (Numbers 32: Marine Biting Dragon - Shark Drake), Number 94: Crystalzero (Numbers 94: Crystal Zero the Polar Ice Princess), Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon (Numbers 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon), Number 100: Numeron Dragon (Numbers 100: Numeron Dragon), Ironhammer the Giant (Iron Giant Ironhammer). [21] Around the time Yuma finished his Duel with Eliphas, he and Don Thousand had completed the devices and Vector was released from the throne. Vector denied his involvement by claiming that Mr. Heartland revived Thousand. After he was sent to Earth by Don Thousand, Vector discarded the Heartland school uniform in favor of a dark outfit consisting of a black fur-collared jacket over a purple shirt, dark purple shoes and black pants. nl�|f��rl͗�*������}=��[�/���oF6č��e����V��ך�f�س�,�k�v/������Y�A�]�����ֱe���և�D�6�B� �?�����-�3�S88N�kZSm*�7mGy�!|�l&Me���r歛332o�����6t�ZU�D/>~s��ltcG�=b 96 84 2. If the mentioned strategy fails he can use "Rank-Up-Magic Admiration of the Thousands" to use multiple "Number C" monsters with the same rank to summon "Number C5: Chaos Chimera Dragon", a monster that gains great attack power, to locking down his opponents by removing key cards from their deck, and ensuring that they can't be used by placing them on top of their deck, to repeatedly using this effect as many times as he can. When the class was electing a class president, Ray nominated Yuma, and when Yuma won, Ray voiced his congratulations. As Ray Shadows, he used the boyish "boku", which is common for young boys who are usually demure in nature. Vector was very annoyed when Don Thousand told him that he knows where the numbers' location is, but never told him until later. Fir Branch Conifer. [35], Using "Masquerade", Vector reduced Yuma's Deck further, while "Sargasso" reduced his Life Points, putting him in a desperate situation. After Vector hurts Alito, Girag was furious when he found out it was Ray who hurt him, going as far to forcing him to a Duel. When Yuma and Astral attempted to use ZEXAL, Vector questioned if Astral could really become one with Yuma right now and reminded Astral that Yuma kept secrets from him, which Astral was confused with Yuma. Vector's mill strategy resulted in the decimation of Nash's army, though Nash himself won the Duel. Heartland revealed he had the next assassin set up - Chironex, a WATER Duelist who once served as Heartland's own mentor. Vector disliked Marin because she was Nash's sister. He utilizes monsters such as "Umbral Horror Ghoul" and "Umbral Horror Ghost" to access his "Numbers" quickly, while also using "Umbral Horror Will o' the Wisp" to modulate Levels between them, along with "Umbral Horror Unform" to summon other monsters while risking himself. [51], After Yuma and Astral's last Duel, Vector was revived by the Numeron Code, joining Yuma's group to come to Astral's aid in the new crisis in the Astral World after waving off remarks on his new demeanor. They were interrupted by Caswell Francis, who had been assigned "Special Disciplinary Commander", and were shocked when he started to enforce rules upon the school. Linha de produtos X11 A X11 é referência em atrelar segurança, qualidade, design, conforto e preço justo. Vector is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! [13], Five years before the World Duel Carnival, when Dr. Faker opened the door to the Barian World, Vector appeared before him. In the past, he was a prince who had sliver sashes across his chest, a wind chime-like necklace, a red jeweled sliver necklace on his head, sliver earrings, silver bracelets on his right arm, a purple cape with a hood, purple pants with pointed shoes, and a large golden gauntlet covering his entire left arm, with a spike protruding from said gauntlet. Fuel wheels and Fuel rims for cars, trucks and suvs. Find images of Panther. [2] He also is shown to be distrustful as noted by Number 96, calling him a "second-rate villain" for using dirty tricks to manipulate Duels. Shortly after losing his last Duel to Nash, Vector claimed that he was more powerful than Don Thousand, only for the latter to show up. [21] After getting more power, he was able to hold back Don Thousand and incinerate him[12] however it is shown Don Thousand only let Vector believe he was stronger before absorbing him.[13]. The Pink Panther Drink. 63 73 1. [14], Vector shows immense hatred towards both Yuma and Astral due to his defeat at the hands of Yuma, Shark and Kite. In the past, Vector used a "Gorgonic" Deck, focused on Deck Destruction. Upon realizing that Don Thousand was going to absorb him, Vector quickly became afraid of him. Fuel wheels at wholesale prices. Fish Attractants Fishing Baits Hard Baits Fishing Jigs Fishing Spoons Fishing Rigs Fishing Lure Molds Berkley Rapala Strike King Hurricane Zoom YUM Yakima Bait BOOYAH Z-Man V.I.P. After Vector's revelation on his involvement on Nash's and Marin's disappearance, Dumon was more than disgusted and enraged at Vector's actions and even was willing to sacrifice himself in order to take Vector down with him. 141 158 20. He allowed himself to become the God's host in return for helping him search for the Mythyrian "Number" cards. ���vЁ�D�9ƣeZ�� ��u8��"~״:'dY��Z×���f��)��lh.S�?H�X��Fr�q�D96�tN#Ց�W���Ⱥ�fN?��e���3�kӡ��+A��t��k��g=B\%1~���,VR.T�l�-ϛ7Դ����J����/�� �6�ە�����GM�Z� ����g��H*=�B�)Kg^�&Z���8�����P���N�~K{#��6�a@���H��b��0R_�d��.�D�YG���XAt,�s����%�E��[��^�z4�����b�̀1��c���!#� O��x7��&f���ш��dp���q՞�����D�XLǻf��\���w~���-%�F�w3��bF���h\����ߵ8�=y����8�5ɌCp`�c�h��ྣıh��vl.��. An Emperor from Barian World [2], he manipulated Dr. Faker and Vetrix to fulfill his own ambition of destroying Astral World. [18], Sometime after Byron Arclight was cast into the Barian World, he was rescued by the Emperors, with Vector also enlisting him to collect "Numbers" and destroy the Astral World. Explore . Via the rules of the Shadow Duel, this directly affected Nash's soldiers. His actions establish him as one of the central antagonists of the series, having been the prime instigator of most of the story's events through his manipulations of Dr. Faker and Vetrix along with cooperating with Astral's nemesis, Don Thousand, and his treachery against his former colleagues. When Yuma arrived and Dueled Devon, Ray watched and cheered for Yuma. ZEXAL anime. Ray can also mean king which references his past life as a ruthless king. Psychology Mind. Once Ray found Devon, he tried to make his request, but found that he was brainwashed by the Barian World. [20] After becoming the host for Don Thousand, he was able to revive Girag and Alito from their stasis. When he and Dumon were revived as Barians, they didn't recall their memories of their past life due to their "Over-Hundred Numbers", but their relationship was only slightly better. He also has a habit of making sounds using the word "jyan" (roughly equivalent to "ta-da") when revealing actions that he has done, doing so to Yuma and Astral after revealing that he was Ray[5], and when he was Dueling Marin and Dumon. �mn��#�צ���2�6�ͷg�&�B�t皽6�Vx��(��<7�\��������M���VN���F�V^�y�єO���3�ss������BsL�^h�9u��B[{S۱4幖�,�ۏl��'Df|o��x�Y��pǮ'K���5�V���\�7�����$ۮ��A������dx�kۺ� R����h5�[���j���v��6�F83k�_��Jmp��Pc+˙� l˝;� Before becoming a Barian Emperor, Vector demonstrated the capability to play a Shadow Duel. After the Barians attacked Earth, and Nash ordered the other Emperors to find the remaining "Number" holders, Vector had his own plans to absorb his fellow Emperors to gain their powers (including Marin). His Baria Crystal is a red jeweled necklace. He vowed revenge and began his new plan almost immediately, taking the persona of Ray Shadows in an attempt to gain Yuma's trust as well as undermine his and Astral's friendship. How he was able to do so is unknown. [12] After his loss to Nash, his "Numbers" were taken by Don Thousand when the latter disposed of him.[13]. Conheça as nossas opções de jaquetas, calças, luvas e capacetes! While Yuma Dueled Alito on top of the roof, Ray went to find Tori and explained what Yuma was doing for her. As Yuma urged Shark to continue Dueling for his sister, Ray watched the rest of the Duel over Yuma's Duel Gazer and was happy Shark won in the end. Devon then Dueled Ray in the hopes of finding out where Yuma was, but Ray refused to give him any information and was brutally defeated. Faker. Vector also has a tendency to act alone, making plans on his own without any regards to his fellow Barians, even going as far as to ambush Alito[7] and siding against Girag[8][9] just to further his own twisted agenda. [4] Another example was giving Yuma the "V" cards while posing as Ray Shadows, as both a way to gain his trust and later as part of a Dueling strategy to destroy his Deck and Life Points, as well as corrode Astral's trust in Yuma and make him embrace the darkness. Vector can also create energy waves that push his enemies back. When Yuma and Astral reconciled with each other, they merged again into one as ZEXAL II and changed "Limited Barian's Force" into "Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force", defeating Vector with their new monster, "Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory". During lunch, he learned of the Super Secret Number Card Investigation Club from Yuma's friends and asked Bronk Stone for membership. While these monsters look cute and happy, a couple of them show malevolent appearances before making attacks or using effects, insinuating at the Duelist's true nature. When pretending to be a member of the "Barian Cosmic Crime Unit", he used the formal and neutral "watashi" and a deeper voice. The word "Shingetsu" can also come from the word "shining" or "enlightenment," referring to the type of Deck he uses in Duels. He then generated a portal to transfer them to "Sargasso the Different Dimension Battlefield" where he and his fellow Barians would have a Dueling advantage. Seeing the trust Yuma had placed on him, he had a change of heart and decided to sacrifice himself to ensure Yuma's safety.[13]. At this crucial moment in the fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic, two of the country’s most eminent vaccine scientists weigh in on some old and new questions. The citrus flavors join with a subtle touch of sea salt to balance the sweet flavor of malted Texas blue corn. Png Clipping Branch. [6] Even in his past life, though he took his own life to atone for his actions, he was shown to be extremely psychotic and paranoid, unlike the other Barians, due to his altered personality. While in his energy form, Vector resembles a red winged version of Astral. He helped him fuse Earth with the Barian World, and also helped him manufacture the fake "Number" cards in order to help Don Thousand's machinations. When Yuma said he was late, Ray refused to let that happen to Yuma and forcefully dragged him through rather odd "shortcuts" to make it to school. During the aforementioned Duels, Vector occasionally used "Ray's" voice to taunt his opponents. After Nash ordered the Emperors to the find the remaining "Number" holders Vector had his own plans to absorb the other Emperors and their powers, including Dumon. During Heartland Academy's festival, he wore a "Dandylion" cosplay. Officially friends, Ray then carried off Yuma while running, oblivious to Yuma's screaming.[16]. �:#fP@�WL��\!��h��4�Kj+��6���V��esi�V`:ͅ��乗��*���c�M{�ظ�}?���/_]�3�@����,�1g���_���x�eڼ����>g�)_�۫�������Vc/C�*����Ӹ LmC6D�|�`�H`In�����m|k�x��s�[o�I)����V"#HVPxVð#k����і�qm��s4x7 "�MW��kL7Q乬4�W�0�`���U�\5 H��U��7wQ�6�$��O,4GRDzi�ͤ�S��~��ݥ�T��`L�)f_Q�Qk�Z3���a� ?�$��W�h^Qo�[M3��h�s����;��0"o�t�)�5ƔGQ�Ə ��R�5���rL��� Vector taunted Yuma about not being able to fight back, and Set "Barian Explosion" to ensure Yuma's defeat. After the Duel, Ray quickly ran over to a tired Yuma to carry him to the infirmary on his back. When Vector watches Duels, he no longer uses his unique Duel Gazer; instead, the iris of his left eye turns red. After Nash ordered the Emperors to find the remaining "Number" holders, Vector made his own plans to absorb the other Emperors and their powers, including Mizar. Black Panther Leopard. Free for commercial use No attribution required High quality images. Later, Ray tagged along with Yuma and Tori Meadows to visit Rio Kastle at the hospital, bringing fruits and snacks for Rio, but Tori reminded him that Rio couldn't eat since she was unconscious at the time. A reformed Vector was revived by Astral after Yuma defeated him in their ceremonial Duel. Monochrome Dark. Like the rest of his fellow Emperors, Girag doesn't like Vector very much. One of Vector's wings was badly damaged in the process. Rei means "zero", which can relate to alter ego's "Umbral Horror" Deck as it revolves mostly around 0 ATK. [2] However, after Yuma sees Vector's real memories, he trusts that Vector is in fact kind at heart. Vector then brought out his "Number C104: Umbral Horror Masquerade", and destroyed their "DZW - Chimera Clad", rendering "Utopia Ray V" vulnerable. If Faker did not complete his task, Vector would take Hart for himself. Buy Roller Blinds online at blinds online, Australia's most trusted source for quality roller blinds. However, Mizar was the only Emperor who came close to threating Vector and he wasn't pleased when he discovered that the latter was still alive. Images Photos Vector graphics Illustrations Videos. An Emperor from Barian World 2, he manipulated Dr. Faker and Vetrix to fulfill his own ambition of destroying Astral World. Despite this, Vector has shown loyalty to Don Thousand due to the latter being their deity. Vector was shocked because he thought that he destroyed Don Thousand, only for the latter to tell him that his power was never his to begin with, and decided to absorb him. Best hd wallpapers of vector, desktop backgrounds for pc & mac, laptop, tablet, mobile phone Category: all 3D 60 Favorites Abstract Animals Anime Art Black Cars City Dark Fantasy Flowers Food Holidays Love Macro Minimalism Motorcycles Music Nature Other Smilies Space Sport Technologies Textures Vector Words Download 3.2 million+ Royalty Free Logo Vector Images. After the Duel, he disappeared, giving Faker control of his body back. After school one day, Ray was walking with Yuma and his friends when Art Stanley asked Yuma to be his model for his manga, with Ray expressing excitement for Yuma. He is also willing to take losses to maintain his clumsy public persona. [53] Vector has a habit of sitting on Nash's throne when the latter is absent. The conflict began to get worse when Vector revealed that he attempted to kill Marin and her brother, which made Marin angry and plan to defeat him, even willing to end the Duel in a draw. [11] It was then revealed that the majority of his persona was due to Don Thousand's manipulation of his memories, and that he was a truly benevolent potentate who detested the concept of war and cared for his people. During Alito's failed attempts to woo Tori, Ray accompanied Yuma through the transitions, one involving nearly drowning due to Yuma's forcing him to jump into the school's pool. After Vector's parents died, Don Thousand appeared and gave Vector "Number 104: Masquerade, causing him to be evil as a result of Don Thousand's action. 130 154 10. He got very upset at Don Thousand for this and yelled in agony. When Vector possessed Dr. Faker, Dr. Faker's appearance became demonic, changing Dr. Faker's skin red, as well as giving him horns, wings and sharper nails. It has since become the leading aftermarket radio control car option brand. Vector observed with glee as Astral's entire body turned dark and he forcefully initiated ZEXAL again with Yuma, resulting in Dark ZEXAL with Astral in control, though he did not expect this to occur. 122 162 14. He was pleased when Marin attempted to sacrifice herself to Abyss but was very annoyed when Dumon attempted to rescue her but failed. Even so, Vector mocked Dumon and Marin for their hard work. Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. When one of his men tried to talk him out of this particular conquest, Vector murdered him, then ordered his other men to throw his body into the ocean as a sacrifice to Abyss. 73 117 6. [12] When he saw how far Yuma went to rescue him even after he tried to take Yuma with him as he was about to be absorbed by Don Thousand, Vector had a change of heart, deciding to sacrifice himself while sincerely saying "Yuma-kun" one final time to Yuma. Hearts Colorful. Yu-Gi-Oh! They arrived to the roof after Yuma won against Alito, and witnessed the two form a friendship. [18][31], Alito mentioned Vector, saying he did not want to waste his time like Vector did when attempting to destroy the Astral World. However, When Vector had become Ray Shadows in his human form, the relationship was better due to the latter not knowing he was Vector at the time. Making him believing that Hart Tenjo could only be kept alive were the powers from the Barian World, Faker then agreed to collect the "Numbers" for Vector in order to destroy the Astral World. [26] Vector survived though, and limped back to his own kingdom. [30], Following his defeat at the hands of Yuma, Astral, Shark and Kite, the other Barians believed Vector to be dead. Vector has also been shown to be extremely cunning, with a tendency to make convoluted, yet effective plans; he made use of various pawns like the Tenjo and the Vetrix families, manipulating both parties and escalating their conflict in order to make them gather "Numbers" more quickly and to destroy the Astral World.
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