Après, comme il l'a … Download. Day 1 Editions: Amazon Is Now Crowdfunding. 1. I will likely purchase both spiral-bound and hardcover if available. Implacable: Vous pouvez choisir la même section de votre Plateau Joueur que les tours précédents. Dans cette course pour être le premier à gagner 4 trophées parmi les 8 possibles, les joueurs pourront se déplacer, rechercher ou fabriquer à … Wow! I have sent an email regarding a possible issue with the complete rulebook but have not heard back yet so just wanted to ask the question here. This would be an instant buy, when translated to German. I updated the link: https://app.box.com/s/9nsnr33sd41iztcssgec64jex0svqshb. 2. Traversée: Fermes & Villages. Scythe is designed for 1-5 players age 14 and up. I would buy TWO copies of the Spiralbound rulebook, definitely. I’m sold! Spiral bound would be my preference for the reason you mentioned regarding having it open to a particular rule, I would be happy with either/or a spiral-bound or hardcover copy. I’d like to order a physical book, but it may cost too much for too little once everything is converted and shipped. However, if I buy the spiral-bound now I probably won’t ALSO buy a hardcover later. We’re trying to offer a fair price, but I understand that exchange rates make that a better deal for some and a worse deal for others. Really good job. Spiral bound for me. Over the last few years, particularly as the number of Scythe expansions, accessories, and promos grew, a number of people asked me if I would consider printing a single book containing all of the rules. Vitesse 1. Download. :). - "SCYTHE_BINGO_RELOADED_FR_light.pdf", ce fichier contient les règles de campagne complètes. Ces nouvelles règles seront complètes et incluent toutes celles du jeu de base, ainsi que toutes […]. :-). Scythe Curie has a point when she notes that being above the law makes it very easy to abuse one's power. I chose the spiral bound but I would honestly probably purchase both of them. Yes, I’ve decided to print a hardcover version too. I would also buy both. The $20 I threw at my phone fell on the floor. It contains everything. Deux millions, joli. Like a Scythe Definitive Edition. I’d rather not miss out the spiral version if you’re not printing the hardcover, however, I’d rather not buy both. Absolutely. merci Thank you to Jamey and the Stonemaier team for making this. EXploration (sur un plateau … Info. In addition to compiling all Scythe rules in one place (including, for example, all of the mech abilities on consecutive pages, while still providing spoiler warnings when applicable, as well as all Automa content), this rulebook also includes frequently asked questions and answers on a card-by-card basis. I will be getting both, spiral for at the game table, and a hardcover for the bookshelf. In a future in which nearly all forms of natural death had been eradicated, scythes gleaned, or killed, humans to control the growing population. I’ll just stick with that, and it serves its purpose greatly. Download. cordielment . Canton: Déplacez-vous entre les Villages que vous contrôlez et l’Usine. I bought a copy of the spiral-bound book a few months back. That’s up to Matagot. bonjour a tous My response has been that it’s actually a big project if done well, and it wasn’t something I wanted to devote my graphic designer’s time to (we keep Christine very busy). Just release this already and take my money. This is great, thanks a lot for the follow up! We’re working on it now, which means more should be available in 5-6 months. I’ll take a look. Will more spiralbound Rulebooks be printed? As I have every expansion, thus all the rulebooks I’d ever need as references, I’d prefer the hardback as a collector’s item. Hardcover to keep on the shelf for reference to brush up on the rules prior to game day. I had FedEx replace the binding on my DnD books for a couple bucks and it’s the envy of every group I’ve played with since. My Little Scythe est un jeu compétitif et familial, dans lequel les joueurs vont incarner 2 petits animaux qui vont s’élancer dans une aventure au Royaume de Pomme. The Scythe Complete Rulebook measures 216x279x12mm and weighs 0.7 kg. Now I’m not interested in purchasing it, especially when the screeches of the ebay scalpers start echoing in the darkness. Jamey, will there a be a French version to that rulebook ? IT IS!!! I’ll have one of each. Cassandra Clare's series The Mortal Instruments follows young characters entering into a secret society that protects the world from demons, while Michael Scott's The Alchemist (part of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series) deals more with immortality. We’re using the premium paper we use in Wingspan, Between Two Castles, and Tapestry–it’ll hold up very well. The box is so much cleaner now. A world with no hunger, no disease, no war, no misery. Day 1 Editions: Amazon Is Now Crowdfunding. Scythe transports you to an alternate reality in 1920s Europa, one ravaged by the First World War. I was amazed by what they pulled off. Présentation; Extensions; Téléchargement; Stratèges des Cieux - Livret de Règles. This isn’t just a rulebook–it’s the internet of Scythe, all in one place. PDF. With this, Curie recognizes that the element of human nature that desires power is the one capable of destroying the Scythedom, no matter the good intentions represented by the laws. Please check back here in a few minutes. Does becoming a Stonemaier champion only benefit US residents, or does the free shipping and pre orders work for Canada as well ? I see this question was asked and answered nearly simultaneous to my post. Paul: I appreciate your interest in that. Et oui il y a 32 pages !!! 1.2. Not sure how we missed it, but the rulebook has already been printed. I plan to purchase a spiral bound version. If I do end up with both, I’d put the spiral in the box for use in play and put the hardcover on the shelf for the beauty shot. Will be the cherry on top to our completed Scythe collection. The hardcover version sounds nicer and I would opt for that in most cases, but since this is a rule book, the spiralbound version sounds more functional for during game play. In addition, I would buy a hardcover version if it’s offered in the future. Cant believe I found it in 2021! We’re looking at an August 5 preorder (along with Pendulum) for August delivery. Probably do both, the Spiral rulebook and the hard cover rulebook! Steve: That isn’t something we offer, but the revised PDF is available for download on this page. Have you published an errata sheet for the edition with errors in it please? I’ll buy the spiral option now with no indication of a hardbound, but would likely buy, and prefer, that too. Thanks for keeping things fresh in the industry :). Hi Jean-Claude! - "SCYTHE_BINGO_RELOADED_CAMPAIGN_LOG_FR.pdf". Wow, 5 to 6 MONTHS until this is back in stock? :), Well that’s an insta-buy if I ever saw one…. I would go with the spiralbound, as that would work better while playing (lay flat, flip through quickly). Il se présente comme un jeu 4X, ces X correspondant à :. Hoping more are printed soon.. If it would be available in German I would order it :), I asked Feuerland and they said that they are not planning on releasing it in German. That’s crazy. Scythe a été créé et édité par le talentueux Jamey Stegmaier (Euphoria), grâce à un financement participatif lancé en octobre 2015. I said I would buy this when the survey went out months ago and I will still buy it when the second printing comes out. My main concern is hole wear and just hope for the best paper choice to hold up to repeated use. For digital version – I don’t have copyrights to polish translation and I’m fine with english one. I voted for the spiral bound, but I would buy a hardcover as well!!!! Thank you for the follow-up email today pertaining to the issue in the newly released rule book. Cette critique sera sur cette édition-ci et pas sur la nouvelle de Matagot, prévue pour 2017. Thank you! Pouvoirs de mecha : 1.1. I voted Hardcover, but if it is not ready to purchase by the time spiral bound it I might opt to get a spiral bound to have this sooner. […] Jamey Stegmaier, son auteur et éditeur qui l’a annoncé sur son blog. He hurled himself like a fireball down the center aisle. In addition to compiling all Scythe rules in one place (including, for example, all of the mech abilities on consecutive pages, while still providing spoiler warnings when applicable, as well as all Automa content), they also included frequently asked questions and answers on a card-by-card basis. However, I have no idea if the HC will happen, so I will get the SB on the chance that the HC never happens. I’ll buy the spiral bound version if that’s the only one that comes out soon, but honestly a hardcover version would be nice and I would buy that first if I had the option. I’d prefer spiral bound so it stays open. :), Yay! I would by the hardcover version if available however if theirs not enough traction I would settle for the spiral bound version. You’ll need 1 Automa deck per Automa opponent, and they’re available from Meeplesource. Not thrilled about the spiral bound, but I would certainly get the hardcover. Will definitely buy that as soon as available! I hope this will happen soon. twitter.com GeekLette le 06/08/2020 06:39 dans Editeurs 0 1 My question is if it’s just me missing where these rules exist or is there a page missing. Though you still need the components from each expansion to actually play them. Thanks to all involved with this massive undertaking to compile everything! Jus to echo — I will get the spiral bound version (SB); that was my vote. Yes, we’ll offer a free low-res black and white PDF so people can easily search through it. Very nice. Looking forward to it! Definitely would buy a spiral bound, but probably buying both, if both are made available. I’m worried about the book deteriorating too quickly; particularly if I’m playing different expansions here and there and need to flip back and forth often. Scythe allie les choix cornéliens de la gestion avec le souffle épique d’une saga uchronique et offre une expérience de jeu complète et hautement stratégique, mêlant exploration, combat, commerce et diplomatie ! This is a tough one, but the primary answer is I’d like to buy one. I would be in for the spiral bound option! PLASTIQUE BOIS Dans Scythe, les pions qui participent aux combats sont aisément identifiables, ce sont ceux en plastique. I don’t have that insert, but I don’t think the complete rulebook will be any thicker than all the other rulebooks combined (which you can remove from the box after you replace them with the complete rulebook). I think the spiral bound version would be easier to flip the pages. As an international customer (Canada), my concerns are always shipping costs, the horrific CAD to USD conversion rates, and availability in my market. Vous connaissez le jeu, mais voulez éclaircir un point particulier (en lien avec le Plateau Joueur) évoqué dans cet article sans avoir à sortir la règle. Pour rappel, Jamey a publié sur son site de nombreuses aides de jeu et traduction pour Scythe en français :. Shop is down! Hardcovers are nice collector pieces, but it would just sit on the shelf. Spiral-bound is fine, but if hardcover were available I’d probably go for that. Scythe definition is - an implement used for mowing grass, grain, or other crops and composed of a long curving blade fastened at an angle to a long handle. Thanks! y aura t’il une version française du livre , Thanks! I plan to use the online PDF. I’m just updating some links this weekend. :). I would love to get the hardcover, however, when will we know if you intend on printing it or not? No one could get a hand on him. dans les règles. 2. I think this book will really add to the Scythe experience, but I didn’t vote in the poll above and I’ll tell you why. You may only use these files for personal use. Any chance of a PDF or Online Wiki style rule book? If we can get all our ducks in a row by then, I should be sending the email out to everyone who ordered the Scythe Complete Rulebooks on Friday. Second, a hardcover book sounds like a good idea for a collector’s item, but I think it would be very difficult to use in play unless the cover and pages lay perfectly flat. However, I do like this idea and may grab it for the future. Règles du jeu FR. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for important updates and limited offers. I will buy both of these! Explore, extend, exploit and exterminate thanks to your workers and your army of mechs. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2016. Depending on shipping costs, ~$40 CAD is just too much for a rulebook. Often called Austrian scythe blades because the very best are made in Austria, European style blades are hand hammered in a 26 stage process. I’d buy one spiral bound. The spiral bound version is just more convenient in that you can completely fold the book without damaging the pages. Thanks! The Scythe Complete Rulebook is a 136-page compilation of all Scythe rules and clarifications. No interest in hardcover for me. He was too quick. 3. Take up the role of leader by assuming command of one of 5 factions, and set out to conquer the coveted "Factory". Is it possible to preorder a copy of the spiralbound version? Tous les autres pions sont en bois afin d’indiquer qu’ils ne prennent pas part aux combats (ouvriers, ressources et bâtiments). Right, but still sold and shipped in US dollars, right? Scythe - Fiche Produit FR. I would buy it in any format, but only in German… :-). I’m interested in the French version. How about one version with spiral bound and a hard cover? We take proofreading very seriously, but a few mistakes did slip through in this rulebook, including an incorrect header (“Wind Gambit” characters instead of “Invaders from Afar”) and some mistakes in the Automa sections. Scythe is an engine-building game where players upgrade their empire, increasing the efficiency of each element. Tags: Neal Shusterman Neal Shusterman Scythe Scythe book pdf Scythe book summary Scythe e book Scythe e book download Scythe epub Scythe pdf Scythe pdf download Scythe read Scythe short summary Scythe subject Scythe summary Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. I have a custom “travel edition” of Scythe that the spiral bound would be perfect for, and it would be nice to have a high-quality flat-lay hardback for when I pull out all the painted pieces and metal mechs. :). Voici le sommaire des explications pour les pressés et des détails. Spiral to keep in box for use during gameplay. Both of these blades were made in Austria.The top blade, however is actually an American-style scythe blade.It was made in Austria, but it is not an "Austrian" style of blade. Luminous and enlightened, they were acknowledged as the very best of humanity – which is Scythe is a premium format game deserving of premium format accessories. Hi Paul! game design by Jamey Stegmaier | compilation by Matt and Brittany Griepp. A few people have even reached out to me to say they would compile the full rulebook, but then they realize how much work it is. You can download the Scythe rules here. I too will be buying both. The header on page 122 is correct. I wonder what happened that they changed their minds… Yesterday I got my copy of English version, hope polish one will be published at least half as good. As I would support and buy both. :(, PS: Great, great game! What’s the deal? We released the rulebook in English, and localization partners will follow if there’s enough demand. It is a tough position to be in, as someone who loves Scythe and this company. Thank HEAVEN there’s a black and white PDF available. How many pages is the book, and it stays open without you holding it open? Is there an ETA on the 2nd printing? Utilisez ces feuilles de scores pour suivre chaque partie et vos bonus. Just when I thought this game collection couldn’t get any better, this shows up…awesome!! Interesting. Anyone know if the spiral-bound will fit in the legendary box with the broken token organizer without box lift? The Champion Membership gives a $10 discount on international shipping cost. ... 2 livrets de règles; TU POURRAIS AUSSI AIMER. Will it be released in multiple languages or English only at first? However, please add me to the list of people that really want a color PDF copy. That’s up to Matagot, the French publisher. Hi Jamie! The point of having all of this reference material in one place is for actual play, so spiral is a practical choice that I appreciate. Scythe is one of a number of contemporary young adult novels that tackles immortality and inducting teens into powerful systems like the Scythedom. Le jeu se déroule sur une carte hexagonale de l'Europe de l'Est. this may be a silly question, apologies, but is there any chance this book will fit in the legendary box outfitted with the complete broken token inserts and all available content❓taking out the original rules to make space would be the obvious move. No hi-res full color pdf option? I’m really looking forward to picking this up along with the modular board! Contient également les succès de campagne. There are some quality options for a flat-lay hardback binding, but it might increase the cost for the hardback. The game requires composure and strategy to lead his people to victory as well as technologies, production and confrontations. About Scythe. Is the missing page confirmed? I would buy the spiral bound version, but would also like a hardbound version. You can sign up for a notification here, though: https://eepurl.com/qiMZj, I eagerly look forward to this valuable aid for my games. All spiralbound copies in circulation have the Automa errors, and per the message we sent to all spiralbound buyers a few months ago, we’re happy to send you a replacement spiralbound rulebook when the revised version is ready if you filled out the form on that message (particularly if you use Automa). Accessible from my phone at anytime, and searchable. A 136-page compilation of all Scythe rules and clarifications. Download. Just checking to be sure; does it contain the Fenris campaign missions as well? So I miss the option “yes, in a localized Version”. It says that these are currently unavailable so I am assuming I missed out.. All versions of the Scythe Complete Rulebook will only be available directly from Stonemaier Games. I would definitely buy both. I am in Manitoba. We’ve been using a fancy paper type for most rulebooks since its first appearance in Between Two Castles. Scythe. Hard bound is nice but spiral is super useful. Our UK fulfillment center serves all of Europe. Yes, we’ll only sell a corrected hardcover. Mistakes happen and this honesty and willingness to correct the error is another reason why I continue to rave about Stonemaier Games. LOVE the new complete rules (and appreciate the openness of the error and corrective actions – I am a huge fan of solo gaming). :). I would prefer the hardbound, but would definitely buy it even if only spiral bound. Thanks for considering becoming a Champion, Michael! Règles du jeu Scythe. I would prefer hardcover, but will buy spiral if that is all there is. :). Scythe est un jeu de Jamey Stegmaier édité par Stonemaier Games, sorti en 2017 dans le pays du beurre demi-sel.. De 2 à 5 joueurs s’opposent sur un plateau fait de cases hexagonales. Based on production and freight shipping (and a little time for us to fix a few errors in the Automa sections), more should be available in Q1 2021. I would buy a hardcover in addition to the spiralbound. Are there any plans to release the complete rulebook in other languages? Top Faction: Considéré comme la faction la plus forte ca… I’m definitely the minority, but I’ll for sure get both if both come out. We will fix this issue. Not that that has ever happened before… . if it will not fit in the legendary box, a folio style sleeve printed with scythe art would be an interesting option to keep the book intact during storage/downtime, transporting/moving and or sticky kid fingers playing with my scythe game…god i love my boy‼️. But I think, that it would be too expansive for Feuerland to translate. My question is in the complete rulebook between pages 108 and 109 there appears to be a page missing which starts the details around the steps in an Automa’s turn including step 2A. ... Rien que pour ça, le mode solo de Scythe est réussi selon moi ! Hardbound is fine for a picture book, but a rules compendium needs function. the hardcover books that came with Arena and Cloudspire lay flat on every page. Do you mind emailing me so I can track down your order? I voted that I would buy the spiral bound notebook, however, I would very much prefer it to come to retail so that I can support my friendly local game store. It has entered production. Rule Book = spiral Heh, bad timing on my part. For anyone interested in Polish version of Scythe Complete Rulebook, make a preorder in official SM’s partner here: Is this because the printed version will be available sooner than told? Spiral is the way to go! Hey there The variant for playing against multiple Automa opponents is here. ), but I understand the risks to your business that come with that offering. Need to check your’s other positions one day. I am also in the “want a hardcover, but will but the spiral-bound right now, just in case the hardcover doesn’t happen” crew. Will send it to you in a few minutes. Is there supposed to be a poll somewhere besides the comments? Pour 1 (!) The page does appear to be missing. After that it’ll take 4 months for production and freight shipping. you think by now either you’d get one or they’d send you one :). Any plans to translate it in French?? I would like one (Softcover), but in german ;-) Les Personnages peuvent combattre, faire des rencontres, et (une fois par The spiral bound would be great for gaming sessions and the hardback for my private collection. I’ve been in touch with Joe as I must have missed the earlier message. If you can’t remember if you filled out that form, please contact Joe at contact@stonemaiergames.com. This is amazing! It looks like there’s a lot of interest in this. Thanks for asking, Steve. Production of any product takes a minimum of 3 months, then at least 1 months for freight shipping. Le jeu est compétitif pour 1-5 joueurs. My preferred version would be high-res full-colour digital (with index! I need to order a set of the Fenris dice but am hoping to wait until this is available to purchase at the same time. Follow up question – Will the hard cover be corrected as well? That folder includes rules, quick-reference guides, achievement sheets, and card guides in many languages. Lead your mechs to war and your people to victory! (let us know at this link if we should make more). Catalogue / Jeux Expert / Scythe / Téléchargement. Scythe. Ooooh I am excited to hear this news! Nothing’s worse than that “page bubble” you get when you’re near the front or back of an open book. Pictured here are two 28 inch long scythe blades. i will get the spiral bound, but would love to see a hardcover as well. Jamey, please consider the interest in this rulebook in any format a great start, but perhaps push the idea further. I will actually buy both, but probably hardcover in English and spiral in Spanish. Black was an absence of light, and scythes were the opposite. (But I do appreciate that it will be free!). Is there a date for when the hard cover rulebook will be available? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for important updates and limited offers. https://sklep.phalanxgames.pl/scythe-wielka-ksiega-zasad,3,1225,1222, We are at 77/200 needed for a print. But I do like Matt Manger’s suggestion. It would be a GREAT way to bookend this chapter of Stonemaier Games. What’s the betting Jamie underestimates the print run and it sells out almost immediately? 1. Very excited by this, would be extremely interested! But in general I would like an updated all in one. You can send an email directly to me here: joe@stonemaiergames.com. When can I expect to receive the book? The wording is a bit unclear. Scythe - règles et critique Durée: 2 heures Nombre de joueurs: 1 - 5 Scythe a été créé par Jamey Stegmaier et publié en France par Morning puis dans une seconde édition par Matagot.Il s'agit d'un "Engine Builder" où l'on va devoir développer notre nation en exploitant des ressources, en construisant des bâtiments, des Mechs, en explorant, en améliorant sa technologie et en se battant. It does! Does this apply to Europe in generał or is it specific to UK? I voted “spiralbound,” but what I really want to vote is, “Will buy spiralbound unless I know for sure hardcover is coming out soon.” :). But then something unexpected happened. As nice as the hardcover would look, I suspect I will just buy the spiral bound version. Download. So, I’d certainly buy something just to update and clean it up. Build structures, recruit troops that add different abilities and actions, secure their borders with mechanized vehicles, and expanding their territory to reap more resources. Ty: We ship all of our products to Canadian customers from a fulfillment center in Toronto. I already learned a little tid bit I wasn’t aware of in the first sample picture. 1.3. No one’s going to be scalping a rulebook. Humanity has conquered all those things, and has even conquered death. All that aside, though: very excited to see this kind of content come out. Avec les règles Automa (je parlerai pas de "variante" dans le cas de ce jeu car en tant que joueur, on joue avec les mêmes règles qu'à plusieurs), je me suis concentré sur mes propres règles, et ça a fait que j'ai fait des erreurs dans les règles de l'automate (mais après relecture, et … If a hard cover version (HC) is made available in the future, I will be getting that. Spiral is the better choice IMHO – I agree with Ryan. CONQUÉRANTS DU LOINTAIN. I’ll add my voice to the “I’d buy both” camp – especially if it is going to be a small print run and the existence of a hardcover isn’t assured, I want to be sure I have at least something, though I’d prefer the hardcover. Vous possédez Scythe, mais n’avez pas trouvé le courage de vous plonger dans les règles. Looking forward to the reprint AND the hardvcover!! The spiral is slightly heavier than a soft cover and the only difference is the covers have a cardboard base underneath the print. Thanks. That’s certainly true. Does anyone know when they will be printing more? That won’t help – there is official polish edition of Scythe already, however polish publisher is not interested in printing complete rulebook. Is there the plan for a German version/ translation? That would enable us to manually check and, if necessary, correct our copies of the book. Chips dit :Colis cherché et déballé hier, lecture des règles du mode solo et première partie ce midi : je suis plus qu'enthousiaste ! There is also an Automa app called ScytheKick. Conquérants du Lointain - Règles du jeu FR. Also, when I ordered, I was not certain if the “Rise of Fenris” campaign book was included. I’m not missing the actual question – multiple response webform somewhere? Came here from the June 2020 email update. The poll doesn’t give me enough options. Scythe est sorti en VF chez Morning en octobre 2016 pour Essen. yes there will be a french version … matagot is working on the project. :) But it is a tough I can deal with and respect. In the survey there isn’t an option to purchase both the spiral bound and hardcover versions. PLEASE NOTE: Your comment may not publish instantly after submitting. Is there any update as to when this will be released? …and just to be sure… there is no “vote here with check boxes or radio buttons”, it’s just responding in this comment section…right? Thanks! 1.4. Hardback are lovely, but you can never seem to open them fully without breaking the spine. I do not know if it has been said already, but the paper quality in the spiral bound rulebook is great! Spiral for the table, and hardcover for gloating. Great news :) Publisher of polish version apparently abandoned Scythe-relate products so I’ll buy english ones to complete my collection :D. Looks like you’re going to need a bigger boat!!! I have not been keeping up with any updates since whatever version all of my stuff is. The file is massive–the low-res black and white version serves that purpose much better. Go, go! Honestly I’m in for both anyways and will happily give you my money. We also offer a low-res, black-and-white PDF version for free (there is a robust index in the printed version, but searching a PDF is handy as well), followed later in 2020 by a hardcover version for $25. I tend to use digital rules for a lot of my games, and a low-res black-and-white version doesn’t sound that exciting to me. Art book = hard cover Hi, I preordered a copy of the hard cover rulebook a few months ago and have not received any update on its status. for the poll an option to buy both now the spiral version an the hardcover in the future would have been nice. Not only did Scythe fans Matt and Brittany reach out to me last year to say they were interested in taking the time to compile, organize, and index a complete Scythe rulebook…they actually did it! How will SM fix this Since the book has been printed and shipping out. Thank you for reading this! 3. There might be, but that’s entirely up to our German partner, Feuerland. Scythe 3D models ready to view, buy, and download for free. How to use scythe in a sentence. (malgré une cuisante défaite 68-20 face à Autometta, l'IA la plus faible). Scythe conquérants du lointain règles pdf. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for important updates and limited offers.
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